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I use Go Markets, and I have not hit any of the stop losses that some have had. Since my $42 loss on EURUSD, I had 4 trades, all wins, today during the asian session that made back $25.00 and no losses. This is with aggressive off on my live account. I have an FxPro demo account that I am forward testing aggressive mode on, and today it had 6 trades, all wins, totaling about $50 profit (but still $45 dollars in the negative on 2 open trades, eurchf and gbpchf, currently underway). It is important to note that on ALL my accounts I use 1 mini lot fixed lot size, demo and live.


When some people report losses, I begin to wonder how much those settings are deviating from the theozaki method. For me, it seems my success has been with these settings always in place:


(1.) N1 news filter true, medium and low impacts off, high impact set to 600/600.

(2.) 10 pairs trading, per the table posted previously.

(3.) 1 mini lot fixed.

(4.) Recovery off.

(5.) Aggressive off (live), aggressive on (demo).

(6.) s1 and s2 times are set the same (e.g., 20-23 for s1, 20-23 for s2)

(7.) I use the 1.01N1ee (not the bbr one)


I wonder -- 98 loss -- what was the lot size? Was that pips or dollars? I assume that was with aggressive on. I think the stop loss for aggressive trades is higher at around 100-150, rather than the regular 40. I could be wrong!!!


At any rate -- if your trading the way I am -- your EURJPY would be 1 mini lot fixed, aggressive or regular, N1 600/600 high filtering enabled, with logic 1 and trades only between GMT 19 and GMT 22. With those settings, there was no EURJPY trade... I certainly didn't have any...

Edited by noziggity81
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Hi Ziggy,


The loss I had was from my FxPro Live account (0.20 fixed size) and I did have all the same settings you mentioned, no worries.. a loss is a loss and but today has gone back to winning ways =) Here are the results from 4 different accounts with FxPrimus. Only 1 trade with Go Markets today and apparently, I'm still in the trade:


Go Markets:

TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / P PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit77975622010.07.06 23:40sell0.05gbpchf1.604751.617601.60055 1.606600.000.00-0.07-8.71 0.000.00-0.07-8.71



TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit13683732010.07.07 00:40sell0.14gbpchf-1.605601.617661.600602010.07.07 01:291.60460-1.400.000.0013.2113683852010.07.07 00:40sell0.20eurchf-1.338181.342481.333272010.07.07 01:451.33780-



TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit13683742010.07.07 00:40sell0.12gbpchf-1.605861.617661.600602010.07.07 01:221.60483- 00:40sell0.15eurchf-1.338181.342431.333282010.07.07 01:451.33780-1.500.000.005.38



13683772010.07.07 00:40sell0.24gbpchf-1.605821.617661.600602010.07.07 01:251.60481-2.400.000.0022.8713683912010.07.07 00:40sell0.28eurchf-1.337981.342431.333282010.07.07 01:451.33780-2.800.000.004.75



13683762010.07.07 00:40sell0.05gbpchf-1.605821.617661.600602010.07.07 01:251.60481-0.500.000.004.7713683892010.07.07 00:40sell0.05eurchf-1.337981.342501.333282010.07.07 01:451.33780-0.500.000.000.85





  noziggity81 said:
I use Go Markets, and I have not hit any of the stop losses that some have had. Since my $42 loss on EURUSD, I had 4 trades, all wins, today during the asian session that made back $25.00 and no losses. This is with aggressive off on my live account. I have an FxPro demo account that I am forward testing aggressive mode on, and today it had 6 trades, all wins, totaling about $50 profit (but still $45 dollars in the negative on 2 open trades, eurchf and gbpchf, currently underway). It is important to note that on ALL my accounts I use 1 mini lot fixed lot size, demo and live.


When some people report losses, I begin to wonder how much those settings are deviating from the theozaki method. For me, it seems my success has been with these settings always in place:


(1.) N1 news filter true, medium and low impacts off, high impact set to 600/600.

(2.) 10 pairs trading, per the table posted previously.

(3.) 1 mini lot fixed.

(4.) Recovery off.

(5.) Aggressive off (live), aggressive on (demo).

(6.) s1 and s2 times are set the same (e.g., 20-23 for s1, 20-23 for s2)

(7.) I use the 1.01N1ee (not the bbr one)


I wonder -- 98 loss -- what was the lot size? Was that pips or dollars? I assume that was with aggressive on. I think the stop loss for aggressive trades is higher at around 100-150, rather than the regular 40. I could be wrong!!!


At any rate -- if your trading the way I am -- your EURJPY would be 1 mini lot fixed, aggressive or regular, N1 600/600 high filtering enabled, with logic 1 and trades only between GMT 19 and GMT 22. With those settings, there was no EURJPY trade... I certainly didn't have any...

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dinj, noziggity, theozaki and other contributors here, thank you for one of the most complete bots ever! excellent work here. I was a MD user from the start but it just trades so infrequently I was over it. I have added an Alpari UK demo on my VPS using 1.01ee and noziggity's/theozaki's setup, it is linked to my myfxbook account (same user name as here).


Thanks again,



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Hi Vik,


Trading 10 pairs as usual using 1.01eeN1 and didn't get trades for the EURUSD pair, USDJPY seemed ok for me:


Account 1:

1379444 2010.07.08 00:39 buy 0.15 eurjpy- 110.745 109.298 111.250 2010.07.08 00:42 110.846 -1.50 0.00 0.00 17.27

1379475 2010.07.08 00:46 sell 0.20 usdjpy- 87.811 88.1188 7.311 2010.07.08 01:06 87.714 -2.00 0.00 0.00 22.12

1379774 2010.07.08 02:50 buy 0.16 eurchf- 1.32687 1.32256 1.33185 2010.07.08 03:31 1.32788 -1.60 0.00 0.00 15.39


Account 2:

1379445 2010.07.08 00:39 buy 0.29 eurjpy- 110.745 109.298 111.250 2010.07.08 00:42 110.843 -2.90 0.00 0.00 32.39

1379478 2010.07.08 00:46 sell 0.37 usdjpy- 87.806 88.118 87.311 2010.07.08 01:09 87.706 -3.70 0.00 0.00 42.19

1379776 2010.07.08 02:50 buy 0.30 eurchf- 1.32694 1.32256 1.33185 2010.07.08 03:31 1.32797 -3.00 0.00 0.00 29.44


Pretty green today =)

  vikram88 said:
My Trades for today

EUR/USD no trade

USD/JPY SL 70 pips

Anyone got different results on these 2 pairs please share

Happy Pips

Edited by rex68
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Hi Rulna, I think it should avoid trading if you have the 600/600 major news setting set to true. Good luck.


  ruslanas said:
Today is the big news!

EUR-Minimum Bid Rate previous 1.00% forecast 1.00%

GBP-Official Bank Rate previous 0.50% forecast 0.50%

Do you suggest trading MDpro today if the banks wont change rates.

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I've set that to false/disabled =) Yes, generally what you mentioned is right.


  daddypancakes said:
Good day everyone,

I am curious of the RiskSharingEnabled setting. I searched and could not find a clear answer as to what it does. I assume it interacts with other pairs to determine how much to buy / sell? Anyone know? Thank you!!!!

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  vikram88 said:
Thanks Rex I suppose this is because I had aggressive on


I hit USDJPY stop with aggressive FALSE.


07.07.2010 21:29 07.08.2010 02:05 USDJPY Sell 0.06 87.84600 87.03800 87.53800 87.84600 -30.8 -1848.00

07.07.2010 23:39 07.07.2010 23:44 EURJPY Buy 0.05 109.30500 111.24300 110.74300 110.86300 12.0 600.00

07.07.2010 22:19 07.07.2010 23:02 EURGBP Sell 0.05 0.83648 0.82744 0.83244 0.83194 5.0 333.00

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For yesterday:


FXPRO DEMO (aggressive on):

- - - - -

USDJPY non-aggressive trade -- hit SL

EURJPY non-aggressive trade -- hit SL

EURJPY aggressive trade -- hit SL

USDJPY aggressive trade -- hit SL

(All others were profit.)


GOMARKETS LIVE (aggressive off):

- - - - -

USDJPY non-aggressive trade -- hit SL

(All others were profit.)


@daddypancakes: risk sharing shares money management risk across pairs with same magic #. if you do a search back on this thread (try "risk sharing") or search for Rio's older post for the release notes for megadroid pro xe 1.2, he explains in a paragraph over there how risk sharing works. I'd double check just to make sure I'm correct.


@rex: yes, 19-22


P.S. With NFA/FIFO = true, losses for aggressive account (FxPro) might have been able to have been limited to 2 rather than 4. Any thoughts? (Did some of you already have that set, or use an NFA broker?)

Edited by noziggity81
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Vikram, I've always had the assumption that when I set it to false, it will use the trade hours I set, which is 19-22.


Noziggy, can you help clarify?


I'm using FxPrimus ECN, perhaps you can try using their demo (Server 3 for ECN) for a start.


Much thanks!


  vikram88 said:
rex What are your settings I am confused If u set overide trade hrs to false EA will trade default trade times which are 20-23

Which broker are you using what is the broker gmt offset I am using IBFX broker offset 0


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@vikram -- IBFX is an NFA broker, so you would automatically get NFA/FIFO trades regardless of what settings you use. So, typically, you should have fewer losses than someone who can hedge/non-fifo.


@rex -- override = true uses the hours you set manually. override = false uses buit-in logic's defaults. Set it to true.


Anyway: It is my suggestion to all following this method that you set your "aggressive on" pairs to NFA = true.


kudos if helpful ;)

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