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Posts posted by laser1000it

  1. yes read this

    Note : The crack is not fully compatible with updated software that is why it will crash after every 20-22min of working. There is a memory leak & CPU spike but I was not able to solve the issue. If anyone know how to resolve the issue then please let me know.


    You are right. Anyway I think that crack for this (and other) soft is in the web undergrowth. Space not for everyone at all, indeed more specifically for member are here only for download and not for share for the community. Therefore here it's just a waste of time.

  2. Have just gotten back from my evening detail and found out that scorpionidain has beaten the CopyProtectSoftware algos and educated Turning Points twice!

    Thank you scorpionidain. Outstanding job!



    System work, re-thanks to Scorpionidain. Anyway it seems from TelerikJustDecompiler that CopyProtectSoftware is not educated.

  3. is this version educated?

    and is it true that i cannot install office products on win 10 lite?

    i use onenote for my trade journal...



    also is this 64bit version?




    and is it true that i cannot install office products on win 10 lite? this is a false issue you can install all Windows software



  4. Hi there, is it possible to check if theres a time limit by any chance please ?, they stopped working and ask for license since 2 days ago.


    Huge thanks for all you help and contribution, regardless of the request. :)


    Take care


    PLS provide uneducated dll or setup. Anyway I do not recommend NT platform use. Many bugs inside, spoof backtest and so on.


    I'm moving to study the solution for bad backtest but at now I did not understand anything yet

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