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Posts posted by laser1000it

  1. Of course, check the two, but in # 17 there is only one DLL, it asks me key in NT7 32 bits, could you help me?



    File in post #17 is working well and you don't need other. I have edu the dll but my result is similar to file posted by jorgin01.

  2. hey, just bought from the same source as you. Do you know the way to connect to data feed? I tried several things but I couldn't connect to demo data feed, do you know how to make that work? thanks


    This is not the seller's support forum

  3. Please send your Hardware ID and User and Key provided by Andrew.


    With the key combination it is easy to crack it.




    Are you able to crack in this way ? Are you sure ? If so only 1 purchase would be enough. I do not think a seller is s*u*id (tp)

  4. So can someone explain how to make it work in Windows 10 64 bit, ? step by step


    You need activate HYper-V in your Windows 10 64 bit.....you will install XP SO or better (if you can find it) Windows 98.


    Anyway once you have done everything I don't know what this software will give you. The software could show you some things and a followers of Gann see others.

  5. The program is written in DOS. It is not very easy to use, it is very old. It runs until windows xp. In other versions it is necessary to use a suitable software to virtualize in DOs environment. However, it produces excellent graphs in scales on condition of having an old printer (out of production) and having a "Lpt" type pc port. Without this port the program can not print unless you virtualize the ports: I have tried several print programs for old DOS programs and I have not succeeded.

    If someone succeeds in obtaining a print from Ganntrader 3, even in pdf format, let it come alive ..:((:((


    example of printing:




    Te serve questo https://www.printfil.com

  6. above link working for ami 6.21 but file is corrupted so no use until upload fresh file by up-loader..


    Happy trading


    tried this still not working. is that file upload link working? still not able to download file


    Link is working well (e pensare che sono disoccupato :-? )

  7. Thank you all for these wonderful educations and all the sharing.


    I quickly watched their video presentation in the above post---


    In my humble opinion and experience- any indicator tat is based on the history is a waste of time.There is no "MAGIC" indicator that will tell us when to go in and when to get out .

    These indicators can work great on a long , strong and endless move that we get here and there but as you all know- most of the moves are not like that and when you get a sideways - chop, or consolidation move by the time the indicators set realizes it you already lost much more than you gained.True- you can try to judge chop by few indicators but again- they are all based on the history - meaning 10-15 previous bars and the software assumes that the history will continue into the future which many times does not happen.

    All those colored indicators will drag you down and will cause a lot of losses on the long run.

    An indicator that is not right at least 60% and above ALL THE TIMES is worthless and slow to react.


    The market moves in waves or legs, there are the micro ones which are the smallest possible and the waves getting bigger and bigger as the time frame get larger. These waves are playing ALL TOGETHER .

    In order to consistently succeed you HAVE to train you eye to identify these waves- legs- through the different time frames - then you know where the market has reacted which will tell you where its going next and then you can take the trades accordingly with the market direction.

    No sense ( unless you are really good and you have a huge size account ) to trade using daily or higher directions.

    I use renko-spectrum 30-4 as my highest time frame but this is really nothing to count upon- its just for reference.

    My important one which keeps me out of trouble and prevents chop is my renko spectrum 8-2 , then the next one is 4-1 and my main- where i take trades is plain renko 1 tick.

    I hardly use any indicators.

    Learn fibs and some price action.

    In my humble opinion- clusters, vp, all these magical supports and resistances are wonderful but----,,,,,almost always (unless there are news) if the end result of all the buyers - sellers etc is a move up- you will see a move up pattern.

    Almost always these small patterns are LEADING and much more sensitive that all these indicators.True- its much harder to watch a pattern live that just bunch of colors- but its worth it.

    Take care and believe what i say- i have been doing it for almost 20 years.




    p.s- as per fibs i highly recommend dynamic traders course ( skip the first part ) its very good and just search for it in the forum.


    Hi Jane, thank you for what you have highlighted. I have 2 question:


    1) What kind of instrument do you trade?


    2) Renko and Renko Spectrum are the same thing ?


    Thanks in advance for any replay. BR.

  8. s. removed some msges in inbox..

    i dont have crack bcas i dont need motivewave i am using ami/ms with mt5

    but have good relationship with andrew..so will get 100$


    it will help to motivewave likers..thats all!!


    happy trading..



  9. Here are the links for the 2 files I've downloaded from Emule. Probably the guy who shared them is not always online

    I've uploaded them on Mega for you






    First of all , many and many thanks for your work. I don't know if the course is complete but the video says nothing. Mega waste time.

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