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Posts posted by laser1000it

  1. maybe someone can help here

    I've imported the file no problem, than copied all the dll's to the proper folder and when I try to apply an indicator I get license error as if it's not educated

    any idea why?




    License error related what kind of dll ?

  2. https://www.forexupload.com/47k

    I hope some clever mind can aducate this .

    Thanks in advance


    Lately you have requested several NT8 dll clean….at now only few Russian figure being able to deobfuscate new NT8 protection. Unfortunately you have to pay for these stuff.

    Here you can only find some things that kindly some Indo members are shared for free.


    So at the end here you will never find any new crack for NT8...in spite of you will find many stuff taken from this Indo website shared to other area. Unfortunately without giving a real adde value here. In Italian slang the right sentence is: "pidocchi che prendono senza dare"

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