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Posts posted by laser1000it

  1. What the? Hey listen up man, nobody is making fun anywhere! If you are unable to understand simple ENGLISH go and learn it. If you don't understand German, bis später means see you later Don't blame others for your own inadequacies or pathetic ignorance!In fact it is YOU who needs to be Quiet (that's the way it's spelled)


    Stop or I will moving in real mode.

  2. Hello Osman.Good to see you too.The site is doing good.Why haven't you joined us yet? I am sure SINGtrader has sent you an invite already.Cash had to pull the site during FB's problem days with US gov.He is thinking of making the forum private and not linked with Facebook.I have sent you a PM with the latest news.Steve and SINGtrader really miss you.


    Stop private comment. PLS use PM.

  3. Dear Laser and Everyone who contributed to edu. this indicator thanks for your work. but wants to know if it is working as well.

    At my end it only shows TPO in Horizontal lines. can someone plz post the settings as well if it is working at there end.


    thanks in advance


    PLS ask to owner of the request. I have only delete the license key. I can help you only if my education not working.

  4. not only above reason , educating dll will help us another way too


    i have studied many market profile & orderflow stuff & i feel all software developer have some/only certain qualities , i want to use those certain things only so will like to design single software (based upon my requirement )

    this time i have to open various chart for single instrument



  5. When a trial stops working on a computer to continue we need other computer. If we find the way to disguise the pc every time the trial ends we have solved our problems.


    Or learn ourselves to crack. I am willing to pay for my reversal engineering learning.


    The group buy is a waste of time. Today we pay for a crack, Tomorrow we pay for other crack. It's better we learn how to crack.

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