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candyman last won the day on February 2

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About candyman

  • Birthday 08/27/1985

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  1. You could try to change the settings in the .cs file from "private int _currentHour = 0;" to "private int _currentHour = 13;" and see if that works. The Asian session starts at GMT "0" while the US market starts at GMT "13". you can edit it using something like notepad++ or a similar text editing program. Good luck I hope it work for you.
  2. Please try this. no patching should be necessary but i just took a quick look at it. On Ramp9 ( the full one i didn't test the lite version) login with the name joedirt and leave the serial number blank and try to log in. should give you gold. please let me know
  3. I won't officially know until the trial runs out in 9 days. :)
  4. is this working on x86 (even in trial mode)? I have been working on the X64 version. The DLL is packed in winlicense a very strong protection. it is possible to bypass the trial nag without unpacking. either by in-lining or using a proxy DLL. but it is not easy. @haohaonguyen seems to know very well what he is doing, much respect to him Peace
  5. Did you read the instructions that came with the indicator on it's installation and usage? Maybe your answer is in there. I don't know how to use this software at all. good luck
  6. I managed but it still says in the plugins window. weird. maybe @haohaonguyen can confirm. trying to figure out what to do with it. Peace
  7. @haohaonguyenI don't see a download link. Nice job anyway. I am working on 6.7 over the weekend
  8. Suresh please look here https://indo-investasi.com/topic/91411-elliottwaveforamibrokercom-indicator-require-decompile/?do=findComment&comment=719470&_rid=62680
  9. look in the spoiler tab where it says reveal hidden content
  10. It is a Boolean pointer for "IsRegistered" I just set it to true Your welcome and enjoy :)
  11. There are no guarantees but it should. Truthfully I only changed 1 byte in the code.
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