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Tradeguider RT V4


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that happened to me. I fixed it by uninstalling completely and reinstalling.



you guys do know that even though your using a program like Revo Uninstalled to remove the program completely including registry etc, you still have to reboot after you uninstall and before you install.


For whatever reason your suggestion has worked for me as well. In my case a plain uninstall with the regular win7 uninstaller worked as well, even without a reboot. But I agree that a reboot after uninstall is the safer way to go.

Thanks for your help!

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Just letting everybody know that my TG still works using realtimedata.


I have some other programs that I want to use but which do not support realtimedata. They all support eSignal though. So Monday I am going to sign up with eSginal and see if I can get it to work with this TG. I have a feeling it will work. I havent had any of the problems that are listed here except for the all black charts which is easily fixed.



I will let you guys know Monday or Tuesday how it goes.

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I'm lost now as to what the software download version and process is to get this working. I originally had it going with an eSignal datafeed but it chose to stop working after a few weeks.


Can any of you kind people please link to the relevant download version and outline the steps you took to get it working? Pretty please.. :D

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Why dont you just read the thread? The download links are included.


As you will read. I have had TG running perfectly for months now using RealTimeData. I just recently signed up for eSignal so I could use it with some other programs and TG is now working perfect with eSignal as well. I did have to completely uninstall TG, then reboot, then re install.



But all is good.

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Do you guys actually have a paid for subscription to eSignal?



I got mine working again. I dont konw what happened but basically I just uninstalled it with Revo Uninstaller, then reinstalled it like I did the first time. All is good again. Working 100% again. And I have a real realtimedata feed. Costs me about $60 a month for US equities, and all of the e-Mini's real time.






Actually I have a question for you. can you run EOD charts on TGRT you have?

I appreciate ur reply

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Actually there are a few versions of TG EOD floating around the internet that work fine. The EOD version has always been easier to find and therefore I assume easier to educate.


The RT version is what were talking about here. And the RT version has been the one nobody could ever find until recently. And the version which has all these problems for people.


Im pretty sure that the EOD version does not have all these problems so you should look for it. But to answer your question, yes you can open Metastock format EOD charts.






This TG that was linked in this thread works for real. I would get it if the link is still good and SAVE it.


I looked forever and couldn't find any RT version that works.


This version here has worked fine for me with BOTH data feed providers. And I have uninstalled and installed and changed the provider a bunch of times. This one works for real.



I dunno why so many of you are having problems with it. I think that if someone read the ENTIRE thread, downloaded from the right link, followed all of the instructions in this thread for installing it etc, and have a PAID FOR data feed, then I think there would be no problems.



I'm pretty sure that everyone's problems here are from not reading the instructions in this thread, and/or not having a real data feed.


This program is almost 6K if you were to buy it. Here all you need is a data feed. Is it really that expensive when you think about what your getting? You can get a trial from eSignal for $1 for the first month.

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And the best way to get a data feed is to get a deal through your broker.


eSignal offers a few different deals for my futures broker. All you need is to have a funded real account with them. Each brokers deals will be different. The broker I am refering to now is a futures broker. So eSignal offers 2 good deals with them.


1 is ALL electronically traded futures for $129/mo

2 is just the emini ES and NQ for $65/mo


You need to call your broker and ask them if they offer any kind of deal with eSignal. Id bet they do.

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Sorry about my apparently lazy request earlier - I was getting this thread confused with an earlier one regarding TG RT v4..


Anyway, for those interested, I got it working too. I installed it through Revo so Revo has the installation logged and will thus be able to easily uninstall it if it barfs in the future. It was necessary to unplug the network connection on startup but it quickly jumped to the regular TG window and now works perfectly with my eSignal feed.

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Sorry about my apparently lazy request earlier - I was getting this thread confused with an earlier one regarding TG RT v4..


Anyway, for those interested, I got it working too. I installed it through Revo so Revo has the installation logged and will thus be able to easily uninstall it if it barfs in the future. It was necessary to unplug the network connection on startup but it quickly jumped to the regular TG window and now works perfectly with my eSignal feed.




See! Exactly as I said to do it too. So like I said. If your like me and have been wanting this program, you should download this one and save it. This program is SOOO hard to get without paying 6K for it.


At first I though that there was a problem with eSignal shutting TG down after a while. But Im pretty sure now that everyone problems are from not following directions and/or not having a real paid for data feed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two of us here (now 3 I guess) have confirmed that this version of TG RT in this thread works 100%. The whole thing works fine with eSignal and RealTimeData.



Like I said before. I have installed this on 4 computers, and have installed/uninstalled it many many times, and changed data providers.


As long as you have a real paid for data feed this program will work.

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I had it work for more than a month now.


1. use software called x net to block any calls to the server

2. if you dont have realtime data, install metastock for esignal and Meta server dde version (look around this forum for it), copy the winros from the metaserver install directory to the DBC directory (this is available after you install metastock)

3. Start tradeguider and wait for about 5 minutes and see it works

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Hello I am not sure if you some are still having problems with Tradeguider Installed Tradeguider RT and was getting the same problem 1 bar. Then I installed traderguider RTT and used the same crack and it works fine all options work fine.


Hi swoff1 and LAC_STS


I have TGRT v4 and I got an account with realtime data for spot forex, but when I open the EUR/USD,1 chart it just started to feed the data from that moment, no backwards data at all. I contact realtime over the Skype trying to fix this & they got a remote access of my pc through the Teamviewer, they changed the port,shut down the firewall and they check my password(it was valid on their system & loading data correctly).

So eventually they told me that my account is fine & I have to contact the Tradeguider to fix this. I cancelled my account with realtime.

does it make a difference for the account for realtime or eSignal.


can anyone help with this problem ???


your prompt reply will be very much appreciated guys

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just wanted to say that mine is working perfectly, with e-signal OnDemand delayed data which is only 30$ a month ( thats like for free, if you are somewhere near being serious about trading ). Like lac-sts said - traiding is a business which NEEDS expenses to be succesful and it will have its dark days. You all know that but it seems that some of you forget it time to time
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That's interesting, I thought that eSignal onDemand does NOT allow you to feed 3rd party softwares, are you sure you have just eSignal on Demand?


I just wanted to say that mine is working perfectly, with e-signal OnDemand delayed data which is only 30$ a month ( thats like for free, if you are somewhere near being serious about trading ). Like lac-sts said - traiding is a business which NEEDS expenses to be succesful and it will have its dark days. You all know that but it seems that some of you forget it time to time
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That's interesting, I thought that eSignal onDemand does NOT allow you to feed 3rd party softwares, are you sure you have just eSignal on Demand?


Well, since its working perfecty Im not going into what it does and what it doesnt. And its not really end of the day data - its delayed for ~ 15-20 min and its not that bad if you consider that its ~170$ cheaper that real time ( which i will order eventually )

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  • 3 weeks later...
Here's Working version of Tradeguider EOD + RT + Manual.

I have tested it myself and there's no single bar problem

Only negative is sometimes it takes 4-5 minutes to start up.

Other than that it seems to be working fine.




Manideep Rana.

Thanks a lot for your great help for us.

I need a help,if someone can help me :

With me in program; not appear the rectangles as indicators that represents strong weakness (red) or strength (green) respectively.only appear the red and green triangles.

I just read the manual

A question ? on your show the rectangles????

What I´m doing mistake.??

If someone that uses the program can help me in that case.


Good trades

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I get to know the program, which was worked, I switched to eSignal and there did not work anymore .. the first one asks proxydll.dll that was lost, uninstall with revo and remains the same problem .. already installed on another PC that does not appear previous problems but does not exit the screen "wait while loading it."

It's a shame I think it was beginner's luck .. but not open in another pc made ​​me curious.

As he opened the first time in my?

Sorry if my english is not soo good

Thanks for help.

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