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risk management and money management are the keys to have a good lasting career at forex, and a good broker like hotforex. lots of traders belittle these basic simple skills and end up losing badly. there are many sample and free management courses online to follow just find what suits you.

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Forex is a sort of business where money management matters more than education, so our main objective needs to be getting simple things right, it is what I get with TradeWiseFx, it is a brilliant broker with giving me massive increase in chances due to 50% bonus on deposit, it gives me great freedom to execute my strategies without fear or stress.

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I strongly believe that money management is something that will save us every time, but if our money management is weak then we will face plenty of issues, so that’s why our main focus needs to be with doing money management right. This might not guarantee success but this guarantee that we will win more often than lose, it is highly necessary in having long career. It makes me feel very pleased to be with OctaFX broker, as without their support or guide, I would have never made it far and the best part is their 50% bonus on deposit, it is use able which means I can enjoy strong money management and still making decent money out of here in all situations.

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No one becomes successful from this market pace at all, if he does not know how to manage money. In my trading career, as a part of money management, for avoiding loss I always like to trade in a small leverage in spite of having up to leverage 1:400 that always make sure my trading broker MXTrade. but, in my demo trading I took high leverage to see the performance how it works.

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To become a successful trader is the knowledge and strong analytical indispensable. Analysis of trading is not 100% accurate, but with the experience and frequent analysis, traders will automatically create a solid trading system. To be able to analyze and understand how to use it, TICKMILL provides webinar and video tutorials are freely viewed by traders

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Money management is very important part of the deal because without having good money management, it will be seriously tough to manage things. I am working with OctaFX broker and with them I get great helping hand as far money management is concern and that’s with their 50% bonus on deposit, it is really superb given we are able to use it completely without any trouble or difficulty at all, so that’s why it is so good and helps fair bit with trading especially for people who prefer to do scalping since with this technique we usually go with low amount, but added bonus makes it big, so this is basically 2 benefits in 1 shot and allow us to be relaxed with things.

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Good money management is absolutely crucial and is the biggest difference marker; if we want to be successful then we got to be good at it. I have minimum concerns over this due to TradeWiseFX, it’s very special company with amazing rebate program where we can get up to 6 USD per lot size, so through this even with tight money management I can still make plenty of money!

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First off all, I think, we the traders have to know what actually money management in Forex trading. And, without proper money management, no one becomes successful at all from this market place in spite of having good trading knowledge. So, for leading a profitable trading life, besides acquire good trading knowledge we have to how to manage money in Forex trading.

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Forex risk management can make the difference between your survival or sudden death with forex trading. You can have the best trading system in the world and still fail without proper risk management. Risk management is a combination of multiple ideas to control your trading risk. It can be limiting your trade lot size, hedging, trading only during certain hours or days, or knowing when to take losses. For this, a trader can use a demo account contests like Forex demo contest weekly are held by TICKMILL

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  • 3 weeks later...

That’s correct Gaban, I also believe that money management is not just for growth, but it’s for survival as well. The best thing for a beginner is to trade with proper money management, so this might not get unbelievable results, but it will save us from unnecessary losses and will keep us in fairly safe company, I don’t think this is anything that’s easy, but definitely do able if we’re putting enough effort. I am grateful that I am working with OctaFX and with them, I find things relatively easier to do through the bonus they offer us which is 50% and is completely use able, so that gives me power to do correct money management without facing any difficulty at all.

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Money management is very important and every trader should have proper money management to avoid their precious money from loss. Money management leads us towards successful trading. We can achieve our goals of success in if we have proper money management system. I am now trying to apply the concept of money management with My ECN account in TICKMILL

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Money managements plays double role, it helps us be comfortable and similarly, it’s the way we can grow into making higher profits, so I always keep highest tab on having it at best level and thanks to FreshForex, I am able to manage it nicely which is through their 101% bonus on deposit scheme.

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