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Posts posted by gadfly

  1. "However, in my opinion, no successful educator+trader has the time to visit trading forums."


    Well, their employees generally do that for them. I can think of a few well known educators who will send you a threatening message if you try to sell their materials on eBay, it's happened to me. And this forum is as visible than eBay, it comes up on Google searches. The best place to discuss group buys is in the section of the forum devoted to it.

  2. "Would you please share the indicator. I am not able to access the page and as well unable to direct message to you."


    That would obviously defeat the purpose of my sharing it in that more restricted "Hall of Fame" section of the forum, and if forum members repost in the main forum what I've shared in the HOF section, I will stop sharing files there - probably a dumb idea anyway, since it's not hard to qualify to get HOF access.

  3. "I think I can manage about 10-15 participants for this course. If afterward on our forum, we can get about 15-20 more interested participants then I think we might avail the course."


    Good luck with that. When you cast a wide net like that in public venues, you're likely to catch at least one online dealer who will resell the group buy course and before long it will be all over the net. And any precautions you take against this contingency won't be all that effective since you don't know the group buy participants.

  4. joshi_s_p said: "Who can give some information about how many posts or other criteria we need to see that section."


    I agree, it would help if a moderator would state the qualifications for Hall of Fame access in the Announcements section, but they may be kind of subjective - not clearly defined. Maybe time to define them.


    Inquiring minds want to know: "How many holes does it take to fill the Albert Hall... of Fame." :D

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