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Posts posted by gadfly

  1. "So if he is not doing well enough realizing his own strategy then how can we, learning the same thing from him is expected to do well?"


    Unfortunately, in the trading instruction field it's common to find people who teach trading because they cannot make a living doing it, that's probably well over 95% of the instructors out there.


    But as I said, the market profile principles are sound if you know how to trade them - he doesn't. There are other instructors who do, and who will show you their actual trades.


    "He only called 4 trades in a week?"


    No but his calls are usually very vague, e.g., "it could go either way here" - well Duh!


    And I stopped watching the videos because he continually contradicted himself, making statements like "indicators are useless." Then why do you have them on your chart? :-??


    "Have you seen any stats on his trading?"


    No, it's not really a trading room, just another market analysis room that calls itself a "trading room."

  2. The market profile principles are sound and Alexander's class on it is good, it's just that he makes it sound like the be all and end all of trading, and the fact that he is not successful with it proves it is not.


    But I've changed my mind about his membership subscription, the guy is like Midas in reverse. If I follow his trades and take the opposite side on all of them, I will do very well. Last week he called 4 trades and got them all wrong so if I'd done the reverse of what he suggested, I could've been up (rather than down) a couple of thousand dollars. :)

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