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Posts posted by gadfly

  1. Online Trading Academy was recently busted by the SEC for fraud, but the insanely high prices listed there should be enough to tell you to stay away.


    "$9,350 for the first three months; and $700/month each month thereafter; or

    $13,750 for the first three months and the ability to retake this class for life" (they should add "or as long as we're still in business, which won't be much longer").

  2. jeffiburt, Thank you for your kind words. There is no one book or course that can help you become a successful trader, it's a journey of 1000 miles with stops along the way.


    After you're learned the basics: basic technical analysis and market structure, types of trading instruments and the relationship between them, etc., it will save you a lot of time and misery if you find a genuine trader, someone who can or has made a living from trading (e.g., they may be retired and no longer reliant on the income).


    You can recognize these people because they will talk about actual trades they've made - not theoretical or simulated ones - and why the trades succeeded or failed (beware of the instructor who'll never show you losses), and give you practical solutions to your trading questions and problems rather than just speak in generalities about order flow, supply and demand, pivot points, etc.

  3. Why were the threads for free webinars by Linda Raschke deleted?! :hammer:



    Linda Raschke - Live@TAG Workshop: Taking Schabacker's Trading Principles into the 21st Century (1997)


    Linda Raschke - CMT Webinar; Traditional and Unique Ways to Use Relative Strength -11/10/11


    Linda Raschke - CMT Webinar; Sklarew and Momentum Tricks -6/5/19

  4. "this may be a ****** question but are group buys considered sharing?"


    The forum admin must think so because he has removed group buy threads for items on that list.


    The list really just means: "These companies have gone to the trouble of contacting us to tell us not to sell or distribute their materials on this site."

  5. logicgate said: "No such thing as block trades of retail traders"


    Of course there is: any number of retail orders at the same bid/ask price executed within about 10 seconds of each other may be reported at the same time by the broker. You can look it up on the FINRA website.


    So you're a scalper? Then I can see how that approach would work for you, but I'm not, so I need a longer time frame view, which I can get from Cumulative Advancing/Declining Volume, etc.

  6. logicgate said: "because everyone has the deep pockets to open a 683 lot position"


    If you knew how to read time and sales (it's obvious you don't) you'd recognize that as a "block order" of retail orders submitted by the brokerage firm. You've assumed that all trades with a similar timestamp (same second) are from the same source, which is a wrong assumption, especially since a few of them are odd lots, and big firms do not trade in odd lot sizes - 146, 147, 65, etc.


    Furthermore, as I said, they can execute millions of trades a second and they have up to 10 seconds to report a trade. In other words, you are just fooling yourself if you think you're reading order flow, you're not.

  7. Logicgate: "If the orders you say happens in nanoseconds, miliseconds, they will stil be inside one second where I will be consolidating them in one big order."


    They have up to 10 seconds to report an order, perhaps longer in some markets, not sure. I don't know what point you were trying to make with your chart example, there are no streams of large orders there, just common retail trader lots, and your consolidation of the orders seems arbitrary. What would you do with this information?

  8. I understand what you are trying to accomplish, logicgate, but there are easier and more efficient ways to do it, e.g., with "monkey bars," I think I have a Jeff Bierman session about this, I'll look. Thank you.


    "Usually the people who ditch and "burn" methods are the people who can´t use them, like this Don guy. Their mentality is "If I can´t use it, nobody else can, it is a lie."


    Not in this case, Don has "insider" experience from developing the ThinkorSwim platform and watching millions of dollars of orders come through the brokerage.

  9. New Link


    Don Kaufman - About Time and Sales -2/22/16:





    Logicgate, With all due respect, your knowledge of time and sales appears to be about 20 years behind the times. Some important points to keep in mind: (1) Orders can now be executed in nanoseconds (billionths of a second), i.e., millions of orders can be executed in a second, and (2) firms can and do both buy and sell the same product in nanoseconds, to cover their tracks, (3) there can be as long as a 30 second delay in reporting orders, (4) dark pool exchanges can and do buy and sell between the bid/ask (in nanoseconds), and these orders will not not displayed in the traditional exchanges order book. I could go on but I'll let Don explain it....

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