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Posts posted by gadfly

  1. "Sierra chart has an option to reconstruct the tape in advanced chart settings tab 3, then in time and sales just configure it to combine orders of same type and time (same second), you can spot the big trades"


    All the top platforms have that, doesn't mean much though, as I said earlier: "algorithmic trading programs will also buy and sell lots sequentially to cloak their activity."

  2. "What is the point, what are you "deep practicing" if you are not even a master of the method yet?"


    I guess it's like practicing social distancing, those store signs make me laugh, "please practice social distancing." How much practice do you need to get it right?


    "Hey, keep back, you're only about 4 feet away from me!"


    "That's because I'm practicing social distancing, as the sign says, it will probably be a few more weeks before I master it." :))

  3. More CMT videos


    Here are the classes I mentioned earlier.


    [spoiler=Links] Ralph Acampora - Introduction to Technical Analysis:



    Bruce Kamich - Momentum Indicators:



    Phil Roth - Intermarket Analysis:



    Ken Tower - History and Construction of Charts:



  4. "I was looking for simplertrading.cOm/product/product-category/indicators/

    ?fwp_products_platforms=ninjatrader indi "


    I have the NT7/NT8 set-up files for many of them but they will have to be fixed - I think that is simple for someone with the necessary know-how -- "Note: In order to activate your indicator you need to email us (ST) with your Ninjatrader Machine ID."

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