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Posts posted by gadfly

  1. Enter your forum ID and password and make sure you check the box to the right of the "Log in" button, and you should stay logged in. If you do not check the box, it will log you out when you start browsing the forum.


    If it still logs you out after you've checked the box, it means the problem is with your browser, it is rejecting cookies.

  2. "I want to download embedded videos from a website."


    The easiest way is simply to right click on the page on which the video is embedded, copy the page and save it as a text file, open it and find the video links in it.


    Or simply put "view-source:" before the url, for example:




    Or if you have a download manager like IDM integrated into your browser, copy the source page and it will automatically load the video links for you. There are more advanced methods of finding links but the procedure will vary depending on your browser.

  3. I tell you all this because I am your Friend, and as your Friend I want to take away your needless pain and suffering... So send me all your money and I will suffer for you. A truer Friend than me you will never find.


    Notice that he conveniently left out this saying:


    It can buy you Companionship... but not Friendship

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