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Optuma 1.6 (Market Analyst by old name)


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On 2/15/2023 at 10:34 PM, cotton1234 said:



Following are the steps to install the same successfully.


1) Disable the internet on the machine

2) change the host file as documented in the read me.

3) Install the setup which is included in the zip file. Dont Download the new one.

4) Follow the readme file instruction in step 2. Use can use %appdata% on the command promt to go the folder mentioned.

5) Follow the readme file instruction in step 3.

6) Now check if any port 80 is in use. (netstat -nao | find ":80")

7) if nothing comes in the previous output, then you are good otherwise you need to kill the pid (taskkill /PID <Output in the last column of the previous command> /F)

😎 Once nothing comes in step 6 we are good to go next

9) Run VFA Tools and click start

10) Check (netstat -nao | find ":80") . YOu will have 1 process now.

11) Enable the internet.

12) Start the optuma and use the login as mentioned in readme file instruction.






I had installed and ran the optuma 1.6 before i stumbled upon above post. I then manually, cleaned up folders/Reg etc and uninstalled. Then reinstalled following above steps. However, I still get violation issue.

Interesting thing is, optuma still remembers username and password how?

Any other suggestions? Thanks!


Edited by kris00l
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copy file host to folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
copy 2 file cart.dat, res.dat 
to folder C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\Optuma  (xxxxxx is user on your computer)
copy MACM.dll to folder  C:\Program Files\Optuma
run VFA tools and click start
login or work offline with



I followed this instruction to do version 1.6
but it gives an error


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Puzzle post does not appear to refer to installation but after installation and how data can be shared between 1.6 and 2.2.

OPCM.dll file is to be copied into the program folder for version 2.2 only

Anyway, suggest you solve the problem of installing and running 1.6 first. Hopefully, your computer does not belong to the rare group where it just wouldn't run Optuma properly.

I can give suggestions here are there.

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After installing and deleting version 1.6 several times, I was able to
install version 1.6 and the program opened
Now for version 2.2
Should I install version 2.2 in a separate folder?
And copy that opcm file to the installation location
How do I share these two folders together?
I downloaded the same versions that were in this thread


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That is good.

Go ahead to install 2.2 into another program folder and copy OPCM.dll file to the program folder of 2.2. (There is no need copy any res.dat and cert.dat files to document folder since they were already installed with 1.6. Installing 2.2 will not remove them) Now you can login OFFLINE mode in 2.2 using the same ID and Password of 1.6.

To share files, use 1.6 to download chart and save into a workbook. Then close 1.6 and open 2.2. Open workbook that you have saved previously.

BUT you can actually run 1.6 and 2.2 simultaneously although most people says it can't be done.

To run the two programs simultaneously (run 1.6 and 2.2 without having to close any of them)

Here is the cut and paste from my post at TSRh

(Run the emulator for 1.6 first)
Click either the 1.6 or 2.2 icon repeatedly and quickly for about 6 to 8 clicks. Let's say start with 1.6 icon first.
You should see one or two splash screens declaring the message "Optuma is already running. Would you like to close the other process and continue?"
Click Yes to all splash screens.

After this, you should see at least two login screens for version 1.6. Close all but leave one open.
(If you don't see at least 2 login screens, then close everything and redo the clicking again)
Now you can click the version 2.2 icon and the version 2.2 login screen will appear.
You can now proceed to login either online or offline with the respective versions.

To share static data (not realtime data) from version 1.6 to version 2.2
Save your workspace in version 1.6 after opening a chart.
In version 2.2 open the same workspace. You will have what version 1.6 has saved.
(reminder : In version 2.2, do not save workspace, just load only)

I don't use the program but just tested it. Hope this work around will be helpful for others.

Edited by RichardGere
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2 hours ago, RichardGere said:

Go ahead to install 2.2 into another program folder and copy OPCM.dll file to the program folder of 2.2. (There is no need copy any res.dat and cert.dat files to document folder since they were already installed with 1.6. Installing 2.2 will not remove them) Now you can login OFFLINE mode in 2.2 using the same ID and Password of 1.6.

To share files, use 1.6 to download chart and save into a workbook. Then close 1.6 and open 2.2. Open workbook that you have saved previously.

BUT you can actually run 1.6 and 2.2 simultaneously although most people says it can't be done.

To run the two programs simultaneously (run 1.6 and 2.2 without having to close any of them)

Here is the cut and paste from my post at TSRh

(Run the emulator for 1.6 first)
Click either the 1.6 or 2.2 icon repeatedly and quickly for about 6 to 8 clicks. Let's say start with 1.6 icon first.
You should see one or two splash screens declaring the message "Optuma is already running. Would you like to close the other process and continue?"
Click Yes to all splash screens.

After this, you should see at least two login screens for version 1.6. Close all but leave one open.
(If you don't see at least 2 login screens, then close everything and redo the clicking again)
Now you can click the version 2.2 icon and the version 2.2 login screen will appear.
You can now proceed to login either online or offline with the respective versions.

To share static data (not realtime data) from version 1.6 to version 2.2
Save your workspace in version 1.6 after opening a chart.
In version 2.2 open the same workspace. You will have what version 1.6 has saved.
(reminder : In version 2.2, do not save workspace, just load only)

I don't use the program but just tested it. Hope this work around will be helpful for others.

Hello, good morning
I really thank you, dear friend, for your efforts and kindness.
You helped me, my problem was solved.
Thank you very much, my love.
I hope you are always healthy.😍

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello friends, good time
I had a question
I know it's not related to this topic
But I would appreciate your help
I am looking for the PLACIDUS 7.0 Astrology Computer Program
Do you have a place to find it (a site or a topic where I can download the cracked version
Also the ZET9 Geo 2.63 software

Edited by dima4000
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