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Tiger MAX

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  hitescape said:
Hey everyone:


Over 250 people contacted me and received the links, a few people offered missing material and for them I give my thanks and definitely call this round a success. If we get a few more people to mirror the postings then this can snowball beyond their ability to put a stop to it.


In the MAX 10 videos they edited out certain information that was distributed in the class notes.


If anyone is willing to send me that material I will put in the effort to do this whole thing again. After all, we had nearly 10 days of uninterrupted downloads which must be a record for this material.


Here is what we are missing:


MAX 7 Session 6

MAX 10 - we need the class notes.

MAX Lite - anything that you can offer.

MAX Standard - anything that you can offer.

MAX Advanced - anything that you can offer.

Here is what we have to offer on the next go around:

MAX 7: 1,2,3,4,5,_,7

MAX 8: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

MAX 9: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 including all class notes, indicators and templates!

MAX 10: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7


Special: All of the freeware versions of the MAX indicators - Yes, they claim that they are proprietary but guess what? They stole them, renamed them and now claim that they belong to them. I guess that there is no honor amongst thieves!


So who has the missing pdf file? Send it along anonymously and lets get this train going again!


Remember that posting anything in the open, including your email, may not be the wisest decision. Contact me by PM (or have a friend contact me if you don't have PM privileges).




Just found this thread.. Good stuff! Any more information on those missing files please?


Edited by fx4_ever
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  hitescape said:
The distribution by PM has ended. Staw has created a torrent of the MAX files for all to use but still can use additional help. This is a big job trying to maintain this distribution so any help you can offer is appreciated.


Per staw:

OK. Here are the links to the torrent of MAX systems-there are MAX 7(incomplete) and MAX 8,9,10,11(with indis). So here you go ! I hope that after downloading you will seed, since I don't have a possibility to do it whole time (the links below are the same, but only the different sources)....




Many thanks to staw for his work!


links are not working

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this thread is marked with voted stars, so I would like to check out what it is. 18 pages, no single picture shows what the system looks like.


if anyone upload a system strategy, or indicator, please please please first post, give out the picture of how the system or inidicator looks like. otherwise, you are wasting other peoples time.

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Considering that I started this thread...


Well, I'm glad you asked, but you asked the wrong question!


The MAX system is truly an indicator orgy. Think about it, 30+ indicators all based on price cluttering up an otherwise informative chart. ALL trading examples are really examples of AFTER THE FACT chart reading - pretty easy to do when you already know the results. Why don't they try calling a trade in advance? The reason is that ALL INDICATORS LAG so if one indicator didn't anticipate the price move you can search through the other indicators until you find one that did. It is a perfect world in their eyes.


Now, the question that you should have asked: Who is trading the MAX and why won't someone post a live account that can be verified? Get the answer to that question and you either have the holy grail or another worthless trading system.


Out of everything talked about on all of the sessions, the only possible useful tool I found was scaling in but then when you start naked trading, you are generally scaling out. :|


I'll stick to naked trading and let the indy junkies have a feast with the MAX.


Just my 2 cents worth. Umm, I paid for the course so it was my $300 worth.

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Funny enough this Eusabio guy has recently hired the MQLshop to create a script for him for trading the max system. I have purchased the renko script for the site owner/programmer so he sent me out a mailing letting me know the script was not made private by the max guys so it is for sale.
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In video 3 of the MAX 10 there is a part which is not recorded. I think he explains how to confirm the MOE with the vinini indicator. Does anyone have that information, how they are doing it exactly ?





Edited by xpie
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