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Forex trade is risky or easy?


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I think that forex trading is a high risk business because if our prediction towards market is against our trade position, we can lose our investment in a relatively short time. Well, But I am of the opinion that forex trading is quite easy; suppose we predict the market trend is up and we open BUY position, then if our prediction is right, we win.


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Forex is risk and easy at the same time so it all depend on the trader, in forex there are protective measure that are put in place to manage risk and when a trader take his time to study and learn what it takes to succeed in forex then forex bcome easy and less risky. for mininimize the risk we can use a copy trading like Myfxbook Autotrade

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forex does have a very high risk. For that, we must have a lot of good trading skills. Therefore, we have much to learn and practice trading. So that the risk can be minimized.

Yup, you right, learning is needed by traders both beginners and professionals. I therefore take advantage of a wide range of references that can add to the knowledge I have. one way is through video tutorials.

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  • 2 weeks later...

all business is risky and not only forex trading, and so, but if we know for some knowledge and for how to trade with right then we can manage our trading forex with good and make it profitable and even more than other business, and so do not worry about the risk, they are the consequences which we have to take besides we want to get the reward from it,

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  • 4 months later...

Definitely Forex trading is Risky. No business can be easy to make profits. As Forex trading is business and world wide recognized most popular business platform. We are trading investing our own capital and trying to make a few profits.

Forex trading is easier for those who have technical skills and experiences. Traders can make this business easier for them if they are Ready to learn it. Learning is the best way to make trading profitable. Otherwise we may lose our all capital in this business. On the other hand we all want a safe broker to do our trading.

A Good broker can lead us to the success. OctaFX is one kind of that broker. Being an ECN broker, OctaFX guarantees offset of your positions. So I am trading with this broker to make Risky forex business Easy for me.

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Forex is a high risk and high reward business. We can not only put our money in our trading account and it grow it self, but we need to trade with that. And forex trading not only buy or sell, but need much more than that. We have to understand the forex market, we need a good well known the forex system, we also need a good handling our emotions in forex trading.

I am now developing the forex business in the Armada Markets. I think it is very appropriate to a scalper for trading in the Armada Markets which gives a very low spreads based http://www.myfxbook....-broker-spreads

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if you trade as a gamble. it is a risky. if you trade with high ability and knowledge . it is a easy

yes there are people who take forex as gambling and when they loose, says forex is risky and all, but yes it needs good amount of effort to make profits in forex market.

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if you trade as a gamble. it is a risky. if you trade with high ability and knowledge . it is a easy

yes there are people who take forex as gambling and when they loose, says forex is risky and all, but yes it needs good amount of effort to make profits in forex market.

yes, we need hard work to be successful in forex. with hard work we can be successful in forex. therefore we have a lot to learn and practice trading if you want to make profits from forex. use a demo account or a demo contest to learn and practice trading

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Of course Forex trading is so risky. Almost 90% traders can not make profits from live Forex trading when only 5% to 10% are making money only. Among all the failure traders, almost everyone get fails because they make deal with a Scam broker. I am always careful about choosing a right broker. This is why I trade with OctaFX that ensures trading safety first. OctaFX also offers lowest spread facility and 1:500 leverage for us.

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we must understand the risks forex properly. because then we can get maximum results. therefore we must use the RM when trading so that money will come to us

Yes, we must understand forex properly. if not, this is a bad for us because we face a loss in our trade. so i am using Forex Strategies from my broker to get more experience in my trade

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forex trading is a risky online trading business.Many people think that forex is a easy business.So they start trading without learning much trading knowledge and strategies and they fall in loss.So in the first time we must to learn forex then we can earn money from forex. to make me safer, now i am using insurance in my trade in FBS

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