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Posts posted by tryitagainmf



    When Thomas Edison was asked about his 100 failed attempts to invent a working light bulb, he said, at least I know now 100 ways not to do it. And out of that came the 1 correct way. Perhaps that works in trading too. It is the experience of all the failures that leads us to the success. There is no shortcut. Which is what most people here are looking for.


    Thanks again, W.


    Just to amplify the focus and lessons from someone like Thomas Edison...








    Thomas Edison's teachers said he was "too st00pid (had to modify it to print-Mick) to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive." As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

  2. wow amazing speed MidnightPresident, thanks from all of us.


    I'm sure if MP were online and monitoring the posts on this thread "he" would clarify the same way...


    These educated versions were provided by one of our dedicated and selfless educators who prefers to remain anonymous. We respect that request and say our thanks accordingly!


    Now, as to TB's question regarding usefulness of B@l@'s stuff...that remains an unanswered question. Some may find that his stuff (mostly re-packaged indicators with a different feel/look) may provide some correlation/confirmation to a trade decision.


    As a stand-alone system...not so far. I'd be happy to be proven incorrect here, but so far, his stuff only works if you trade like he was showing in his room last year...WITH A 40+ TICK STOP-LOSS. He would then counter that you did not let it go more than a few ticks, if at all, and that was all done by his subjective observation (after the fact) since the system was not telling you to end the trade.


    Like many other marketers noted here in the I-I community he is a great, after-the-fact SIM user who is busy selling indicators and signals.





  3. Sometimes mod dlls are reported as positive..I think... coders may explain it better.


    Correct, mate. We had an educator briefly explain that to us a few months ago on a different compilation that was reporting positive but the educator ran without issue. For those of us who are not coders, it was explained that the education "process" can result in these types of false-positives with some AV scanners but that the results are clean.





  4. Chuck LeBeaus Chandelier stop loss method is based on the ATR indicator also.


    Take a look: http://www.remisiers.org/cms_images/guppyspeaks/ATR_CHANDELIER_VOLATILITY_EXIT_MANAGEMENT.pdf


    Someone needs to code it from scratch. Logically setting up SL based on Current realized volatility, Histrocial & Implied volatility is the the best thing to do to stay insured against sudden whipsaws with a higher degree of certainty. A detailed discussion about Lebeaus methods could be found on ET forum.


    Or...see if this is what you want...







  5. Well Mick me old pal I finally went for the old dreaded ticker surgery.Doc said I had to replace my old valve which was heavily calcified or I would die.Was admitted in late Feb with various tests until finally they set up a surgery date late March.Surgery itself went smoothly however my recovery was hampered with the constant usage of the blood thinner medication Wafarin that gave me some difficulties.However after some extended hospital stay and some trial use of other less debilitating blood thinners I am now well on the road to recovery.Missed you much my matey.:)


    Very good news, mate!


    Happy to hear this has a good result! Recover well and we'll hold down the fort for ya!





  6. is he still alive ?

    is it even worth the time ?

    from what i read earlier its just junk so why waste energy ? ( unless you thinks its good stuff for a change ? )



    Jane...don't know, but I will use the theory that 1) the sightless chipmunk can find an acorn on occasion and (as a bonus) 2) even a stopped analog clock is correct twice...


    So, it may be interesting. Otherwise I have not checked-in with him in some time now so it could be "world-changing", as he once touted...(LOL)!





  7. i added the txt folder but still getting the message.

    any suggestions ? Thanks you in advance.

    p.s- is this any good ? is it worth to invest time in it ?




    Jane...If I understand you correctly, you created a folder?


    You need to simply create a 111111111111.txt file and place directly in the C:\ path as a stand-alone file. That will address the issue.


    Thanks always to our educators!





  8. MarketDestroyer I have to admit but I know it sounds strange but when I clicked the PM it led me to you

    but I know it wasn't you it just didn't add up how I could get something like that from someone who just thanked me so many time

    so I was really confused as I had no explanation as to whom it's coming from.



    Mate...what happened was most likely that you clicked on the Reputation link and it brought you to the last person who had commented on this link (which was @MarketDestroyer), where the comment originated and not the person making the comment, since the Reputation comments are allowed to be kept confidential except that the Moderators know who submits them...so that is why I asked for them to WAKE UP!


    Anyway, enough with this little wanker-loser. Let's work the markets this week!





  9. Cash...mate your inbox is full again...gee, what a popular guy!


    Anyway, I have been having Limelinx difficulties the past few days as it throws the NOTICE of...


    Heads up!

    Limelinx upload is no longer officially supported.


    ...when I want to upload something. So it may be down or toast now.


    Cheers! Hope you are well mate!



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