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Posts posted by tryitagainmf

  1. Mates...this bloke David of O*T*A is continuing his crusade, now issuing a 10,000$ challenge and a "warning" to the American FBI.


    His statement at about 03:30 in this video: "...I broke the entire futures code...I'm the smartest trader to ever exist in world history..."


    And again at 05:33... "...I'm the best trader in world history..."


    At 10:50 he issues death threats...you may want to view these now, if you want, before he is netted, wrapped in a crazy suit and placed in a padded room.


    Now, I am torn between laughing myself to tears or watching a train-wreck of a mentally deranged megalomaniac.


    So, is he a genius or a deranged, self-aggrandizing, deluded clown? By the way he is obsessed with the Free Masons but those of us in the Bilderberg Society and Illuminati are off the hook!


    Here are the two recent youtube video posts...









  2. Borisytch...


    Этот пункт, возможно, не существует или больше не доступны

    Этот пункт можно было бы удалить, истек, или вы не могли бы иметь разрешение на просмотр. Связаться с владельцем этого пункта для получения дополнительной информации.

  3. Hi tryitagainmf,


    Not trying to hijack your thread bro, but I wanted to add the vpr pr0z0ne one in here as it has all the strats(not that there all that) and the guidance trail based on user chosen range, and line trdr. It as well was educated by John.maddog.doe and is now throwing "access denied". Have as well reached out but not heard back as of yet.

    Here are the 2 files one is the uneducated trial expired, and the other is the educated version but now not working, also expired.

    Any of the educators can have them to hopefully help out and fix.


    uneducated expired trial

    http://[email protected]/file/ff6cgr



    educated but also expired-"access denied"

    http://[email protected]/file/htg7l6




    Thanks for all that yall(fixers,educators) do for us here, much appreciated by all

    Thanks in advance


    Mate...absolutely no problem whatsoever with any thread hijacking...it's the same issue with just a different one of JMD's signatures!


    Hopefully bassmark can resolve yours as fast as he did with mine...







  4. Mate, I loaded the Stealth indie you posted, and it works just fine. My chart now displays more colors than a Christmas tree :D. I checked the code and I cannot see any reference to any expiration notice. Are you sure you uploaded the right indi?




    Well, now that's interesting. I thought I had. Plus we have others independently reporting the same phenomenon.


    Can other who are seeing the same "expired" pop-up message hook bassmark up with the file that is causing the issues?


    Thanks, bassmark for taking a look at the file. We'll get to the bottom of this...I hope.





  5. John,

    When I installed this package, I got license expiry message saying that I need to contact you for any extension. can you help me please.


    dmasau...here's a thread started specifically about this issue with the education from JMD.







  6. Mates...need one of our NT "educators" to look at this posting from 2012.


    Br3@k0ut$tealth_v7 had been educated. It now throws an error popup code in NT that says "Access to this file has expired - Please contact (name)@(address).com" (The email address is from someone who had previously provided some education on I-I.) In addition to the NT popup, the indicators no longer work.


    I have not heard back from the I-I Forum member who inserted this "expiration" and email contact into the education.


    Can some of our current educators look at the .zip to see what needs to be removed/modified to get it working again?




    (1 = i )


    Many thanks!





  7. Thanks for the kind words!

    Community in MT 4 trades, and my lights on Ninjatrader.

    Maybe there is a man - a translator, then I would have posted the rest of their indicators?


    Borisytch...welcome to Indo-Investasi!


    Here is a basic converter from Google to get things started. It is not ideal but it will help!








    Borisytch ... Добро пожаловать в индо-Investasi!


    Вот основной конвертер из Google, чтобы начать вещи. Это не идеально, но это поможет!


    Ваше здоровье!



  8. By the way - can someone tell me how I can gain permission to upload attachments?

    Will this come automatically once I have made enough posts?


    Will it be enabled if I start that new thread?


    Thank you in advance.










    ...are some of the other "easier to use" sites that members use, among others.





  9. Hi betrader - you're missing the point in its entirety; without any contributions this forum would simply not exist and become defunct. Your claim "Well my fulltime job is not sitting all day on this forum...." doesn't hold water and is inexcusable - you cannot spend a second clicking the "Thanks" button yet you can spend up to an hour downloading material contributed by members here. I too (as most traders/investors) cannot spend all day here and no one is expecting that of you. If people show gratitude to the contributor, then you only encourage that same person to upload more stuff.


    If you want to open a thread regarding "Market Profile or Volumen Profile" - then just do so, no one and nothing's holding you back. And if you get no feedback, in some form or other, then it would be safe to assume that nobody's interested (although I'd doubt that) and you'd probably stop updating the thread. And that's precisely how contributors feel when they are not appreciated - for it takes hours to upload videos and a second to hit the "Thanks" button.


    I'm not into market/volume profile, but, just go ahead and open the thread and take it from there. :)


    Take care.


    Here, here!


    And kudos to Florida Trader!





  10. Hello Eveyone,


    First post so please be kind. Wanted to thank everyone for their uploads. I guess i still cant thank since its my first post.


    If someone could reupload this it will be great. The sendspace seemed to tell me its a broken link Thanks again


    tradernate's link in Post #364 is working just fine, mate. Suggest you try Chrome as a browser.





  11. Avira antivirus detected troian TR/Dynamer.dtc.1227 in this




    is it safe to use??



    So, let's think about this...so far we've found


    PUP.Hactool.Patcher virus




    TR/Dynamer.dtc.1227 trojan


    ...within the download.


    Not trying to be a smart-aleck or cheeky here, mate, but WHY would you proceed to use it with this knowledge?





  12. Hi!


    Unable to download. Any help? Plzzz......


    horce...that link is working just fine...4shared is one of the more friendly sites to use so I'm not sure what difficulty you encountered...try again.






    UPDATE...be very aware...the PUP.Hacktool.Patcher was detected as part of this download...so you may want to pass on it!

  13. Thanks for the videos @FloridaTrader ... I've not watched them and will probably not download them, and certainly don't want you to take this the wrong way (as I have not seen the video content); this dude shows up on boards every so often, trying to realtime predict where CL will swing next, and very quickly gets very confrontational and in record time p!sses everyone off, and just as quickly gets banned and tossed.


    I recall others posting about his past, which has had other shady ventures; he also lives in a below average apartment, yet professes to have broken 'the code'. His name is known, and when you google, there are tons of folks who have been ripped off by his courses, promises, and trading room. Honestly, anyone who pretends to be that good in CL trading, wouldn't be living where he does and ongoingly peddling courses that few have found value in; in brief, mastering CL trading can IMHO lead to significant financial prosperity. :)



    Maybe worth some entertainment as the "Code Breaker" has a webinar tomorrow...



    This Wednesday, May 22, 2013 4:30PM EDT we feature "Oil Traders Are Making $20,000 Per Month" presented by David of Oil Trading Academy


    Trading Oil is the absolute best possible opportunity there is within the trading world, nothing else can compare to it, not the Emini, not Gold, not Stocks, not the Forex, nothing else can come close to the money you can make trading Oil.


    I have been trading professionally since the year 2000 and discovered the "code" for the Oil market in 2006. Since that time I've taught over 700 people to trade the Oil market, many of whom are now professional traders making well over $20,000 per month.


    People on trading message boards all over the entire Internet call me a scam, and the reason for this is because they don't want you to know this information. Take a look at all my videos and judge for yourself, they want to take the best opportunity that has ever come around before away from you, I wouldn't let them if I were you.


    If you want to learn how to make $20,000 a month for yourself trading the Oil market then I have the information you need in order to make that a reality. And if you feel that you need the extra help I also offer Oil Signals which are based upon Code 2.


    It's time to Join The Revolution!


    David ~ Owner & Founder


    of Oil Trading Academy


    You may have to go to this website to register...







  14. Not sure why you are posting on this thread. You may want to consider starting up a trading journal on this forum where you can post your trading system.




    OR...tell us what the various items are on your chart in the silent video of your SIM101 Account Trading, beyond the MTP VSA, since you have them all hidden. (Since "...nothing is for sale..." and you just want to "...share screen...", of course...)





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