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Posts posted by MrAdmin

  1. On 6/12/2024 at 12:15 PM, SignalTime said:

    Thank you D. It is loading faster, pages are formatted better. I like it

    Good works

    Happy you like it! Yeah, improving readability and user experience is one of my main concerns!

    Plan update

    My plan for the community is the following:

    1. Fix the technical issues with the forum software. [DONE]
    2. Restructure the categories here because some are no longer, while others are buried, and users find the information difficult. [DONE]
    3. Fix the issues with members logging in and recovering their accounts [DONE]
    4. Reengage the old members to be active again. [DONE]
    5. Bring new people [Not Started Yet]
    6. Monetize the community better. I already removed the ads network. I think you can notice the forum is faster now 🙂 [PENDING]

    RIGHT NOW, I'm preparing a big contest with prizes for II members, so stay tuned!

  2. It would help me tremendously if you could tell me what markets you trade now.

    So please vote in the attached poll and also add your feedback here.

    This way, we will determine what the community wants most and prioritize the markets with the most traders.

    The poll allows multiple choices, so please select all the markets you trade. Also, if you trade something that is not listed, feel free to add it in the comments, and if it's popular, I will add it to the pool.

    Thank you. Happy voting! 🙂

  3. Thank you guys for your votes. Your feedback is appreciated. So that's how the pool results look like:

    • Educational Resources - Books, Videos, etc --- 30 Votes
    • Educational Content - Webinars, Tutorials, Reviews --- 20 votes
    • Discussions - Strategies, Q&As, News --- 14 votes
    • Bonuses, Contests, Special Offers from Brokers --- 5
    • Other things - please specify in the thread -- 4

    It's easy to spot that most of you would like II to maintain its educational purpose and host educational content like resources like books, videos, webinars, etc, so we will focus on that.

    I'm a little surprised that not all of you want special offers from brokers, contests, and bonuses because we can request sponsorships and better offers as an active community. I would like to know why you don't want that 🙂 so please add your feedback in the comments.

  4. On 5/8/2024 at 1:20 AM, bugsley said:

    Nice to see the reboot of the forum.

    I think one key aspect today has to be AI. It is the future without doubt.

    Agree. AI will definitely impact trading. For years before, it did as corporate traders used to improve their trading. The good news is that it is now also available for individual traders.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Apollo said:

    I believe there are some issues in the search area, for example when I search for my post “John F. Ehlers’ latest book”, it will only show up if the keyword is “John”, but if my keyword is “Apollo” it won’t show up at all.

    Even if the keyword is “Apollo”, some/many of my old posts/threads are a no show, for example like “Daniel T. Ferrera’ 5&9II TradeStation Indicator”.

    Are there any chances or any other ways to recover them? Because many of them I don’t quite remember, it was many years ago…

    I have to look into this. Some posts are under the wall - you need to be logged in to see them. Have you searched when logged in or as a guest?

  6. On 5/3/2024 at 6:23 PM, mehdi20 said:

    i cannot login to my old account and I do recovery email that registered here with it

    my old user name is: al2008

    @al2008 fixed your account by mixed it with the new one but keeping the old username and the new email address. Feel free to login now

    Also I upgraded it to VIP as it matches the conditions

  7. When converting the forum categories from the old forum software to the new one, it seems that each has an automatic setting that makes all posts required to be manually approved.

    I've unchecked it for most categories, but if you see it in some categories, please post it here, and I will check it and remove it.

  8. 40 minutes ago, Apollo1713006368 said:

    Initially I was unable to login and had to reset my password to find out that my username has changed, by adding a series of numbers alongside with my previous username after the website had migrated to a new platform.

    But good to know that the current platform has also accepted email addresses as a login’ username, so that I don’t have to remember all the numbers that had already been added to my username, due to the forum upgrade.

    And again, thanks for the Lifetime VIP membership, before the system upgrade, I was already a Bronze member, and thanks again, thank you very much!!!

    I removed the numbers added to your account automatically during the conversion because there was an inactive member having the same username.So now your username is @Apollo

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