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Posts posted by RichardGere

  1. 56 minutes ago, option trader said:

    hi sir, pls eloberate the working procedure with files 

    In the emulator program,  there is a Telegram icon at the lower left corner.  Click it and you will be directed to the Telegram channel.

      Download the BM History Downloader 4.1. Run it,  register and validate via email,  then login.  In the program,  you will be provided license keys for Motivewave and Bookmap. 

    There is also a motivewave installation video that shows the steps. 

    Hope that helps. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Apollo said:

    Here you go, let’s try this one first… http://www.mediafire.com/file/sd4dp5ivqwo1bie/Trade%2524IXIBU2.zip/file

    But if your Windows 10 build version is beyond 1809 (still have to try a few times to completely/fully install), Windows won’t let you install at all because of shxxxt security reasons, let me know if it works on Windows 8.

    Thank you. Unfortunately during install, it says couldn't register server and then aborted the installation.

    :Probably have to try again later.


    Link not working




    Cut and Paste link. Then remove any blank space between the letters n and g (last 3 letters) if it exist. The space is the cause of the error.

    This forum will often automatically add a space between the second last and third last letters of mega links.


    note:Somehow, my edited link above is without the blank space.




    Send me the file. I'll get them patched. I mean already patched file packed with the HWID


    Hi Suresh;

    Here are the files, the setup, the crack etc (password for rar file is in the comments section)

    Attached also the licenseOptuma.dat file which is provided by the reseller to the user when the HWID ID is provided to the reseller.



    (this program crack is protected with HWID by the reseller . Will not work with other computers)


    Do you have version 2.2 cracked with HWID, please share us,

    I know a guy who cracked Bookmap, Atas, Quantowner (for forex market), I will ask him to try if I have it


    Here is the download link. Thanks to original poster binary24




    password : MH18MH7812




    dat file; possibly contain the license but most likely protected.

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