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Posts posted by RichardGere

  1. i tryed all method, not work


    finally, i changed the time from BIOS, and it worked fine


    but the bad news that the program when trying to validate and open the workspace, it disappear and not working at all


    sooooooo, all our efforts gone by the wind :( :( :(


    by this way the program works only as a slave of the cracker's server, if he turns it off or on


    i'm soo sad my friend :( 😢😢😢😢😢😢


    i will go to sleep, with my sadness


    Its disappointing indeed.:{ MW looks for a different id in the validate.do file after a number of days.

    Yep, for a full functioning MW, will depend or crocker's server, for now,

  2. i'm trying to find a working way to change my windows 10 time!!!


    it won't change, i search now how to keep changing the new time, and i will let you know


    Right click the clock at the bottom right of your screen. A menu appears. Click 'Adjust date/time'.


    The Date & Time settings pops up.

    At the Set Time Automatically option, click the left/right switch button to the left to turn off this option.


    Under the 'Set the date and time manually', click the change button and set the date accordingly.


    However, this is very cumbersome.


    Should you intent to do this often, use a batch file instead. I use 2 batch files. 1 to turn back the clock. And another to reset the clock to current date.

  3. @spqwaw

    I hade figured what happens


    the <signature>..........code...............</signature>


    must be the same in all files:




    and the <id> ....... code ...... </id>

    in the file validate.do must be the same in file activate.do



    so, you need to log in




    and get fresh codes and put it in the 3 files (must do this)



    i tested and it's working like charm now


    and no error and logging fast



    i hope you test it and tell me



    Thank you. That is a significant and useful finding. I shall try it out after the weekend.


    Right now I just run with the validate.do file.


    However, I do believe that the signature code in validate.do last about 6 days only and will require a new one after 6 days. Apparently it is time sensitive by MW.


    I don't know if you may see the same problem as I have not sync the validate.do, query.do and activate.do as you mentioned above.


    The present signature would last until 12-9-2021 as I tested it out. Please can you confirm if you set the system clock to 12-10-21 and will the MW still run?


    Right now, I just use the previous validate.do file. Turn back the clock to 12-03-21. Run the program. Then reset the clock to present. (with help of 2 batch files) Then I just leave the program running as I usually put the computer to sleep rather than turn it off. This is just to test if MW continues to run.


    Someone asked me if all this workaround to not use the crocker's server is worth the effort, I can say yes. Because I have this experience twice with another software when the external server was cut off and another occasion when the external server went down for several days. It is therefore good to have a backup process just in case this happens.


    Cheers and Have a Good Weekend

  4. Bad news. My MW is now going crashing out.


    Only works when connected to the external server.


    Appears the signature in the validate.do from the external server has changed.

    Copied into the Babyweb folder and program is running locally again.

    I am not sure if query.do have anything to do with it.

    Until this is figured out, it is perhaps advisable not to add the query.do file for now.


    Did you delete "mywork" workspace?


    I just did it (delete mywork workspace). Still the same.

    BTW, something that puzzles me for a while is that if you look at the BabyWeb trace, the file activate.do was not access at all. In fact I tried removing it and the program was still able to run albeit with thesame offline request.


    The fact that the first error splash screen says can't connect to MW server is probably looking for this file activate.do. That is my suspicion. But unfortnately, I don't know how to trace where the program is looking for activate.do. Maybe John1992 from post #5 can help.


    Here you are the file that I managed to download


    Please confirm that it works also for you whe put into license folder (now I don't see any "work offline" message when launching MotiveWave and select InteractiveBrokers workspace)


    It is one of the (missing) files appearing in the trace of BabyWebServer when launching MotiveWave


    Unfortunately, it did not work for me. The work offline message still appears. I connect to Oanda, FXCM and Yahoo.


    How do you configure Baby Web Server (http://www.pablosoftwaresolutions.co...eb_server.html ) for this case?

    Let me ask you (and also MOF NET, that I obviously thank for what has posted here and his explanations) why MW should read "activate.do" and "register.do" files from that particular folder since there is no "redirecting" anywhere



    Cant answer that question too about activate.do. Was checking the web server trace and trying to figure out when/where was the file activate.do accessed. Gave up.

    But was able to indirectly activate per MOF NET's process using a local server.


    Here are instructions for BabyWeb (http://www.pablosoftwaresolutions.co...eb_server.html)

    Please note that this is just a roundabout way of not having to call Musavi's server and instead use a local server (in your computer).

    It is not perfect and I am not a hxxker so forgive me if things seem clumsy.


    The following assumes that the crock.exe file has been run and the AA.jar file has already been copied to the lib folder.


    Edit Hosts file.

    Press windows key. Type notepad and run notepad as administrator. (If can't see run as administrator, click the down arrow and it should appear)

    Open file c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.

    You must run notepad as administrator or else you would not be able to save changes that you will make to the hosts file.


    add these motivewave.com www.motivewave.com


    remove these if you see them. Make sure you scroll down the hosts file as it could be found at the bottom if you had ran the batch file provided. motivewave.com www.motivewave.com


    Save the hosts file.



    Manually create a folder and a sub-folder named "license".

    example - c:\MyFolder\license. Any folder name is ok but it must have a sub folder named "license" inside it.

    Copy the files validate.do and activate.do from MOF NET into the "license" sub-folder.


    Download BabyWeb from pablosoftwaresolutions.com/html/baby_web_server.html. Just unzip the downloaded file into any folder and run it from there.

    Run BabyWeb and go to Settings-General-Web Pages and browse and direct to the top folder you created, ie c:\MyFolder

    (not c:\MyFolder\license)

    The click Okay


    Click Start to run BabyWeb and check that it says "Web Server started on Port 80"


    Run MW. Select workspace. Choose "mywork" or another workspace that you have created previously and Continue.


    You should get error message - "Connection Error xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Click OK to continue in offline mode"


    Click OK but at the next screen you will be presented with a choice to Connect or Offline (dependent on the broker or data provider you are connecting to)

    Either way, you are in the program.

  8. first i really don't know if my method is true or there is a hidden connection to the cracker server


    in this video i do what i do, and blocked his server ip and the program worked fine


    we need a programmer or a cracker to confirm this method please.....




    Thank you @MOF NET;


    using your validate.do and activate.do files, I was able to do the same as what you have done using another server program called babyweb.


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