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Timingsolution & Nifty Updates - 2


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First of all, TSA is not for trading directly, rather a forecasting software, pls understand that ! 2nd, forecast comes with quite a lot of risks and the methods used in the software are reliable to the extent that the user understands astrology, cycles and their nuances & other such methods.


My forecasts with any of the techniques were very poor as my understanding of astrology or cycle was poor and couldn't cope with the projections or the poor forecast models.


If you want to learn it, refer https://indo-investasi.com/forum/index-futures-forum/nifty-50/809148-timingsolution-nifty-updates-2?p=813701#post813701 and their website. A whole lot of techniques are explained. Whenever there is a video, I post the link too.


Good luck!

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First of all, TSA is not for trading directly, rather a forecasting software, pls understand that ! 2nd, forecast comes with quite a lot of risks and the methods used in the software are reliable to the extent that the user understands astrology, cycles and their nuances & other such methods.


My forecasts with any of the techniques were very poor as my understanding of astrology or cycle was poor and couldn't cope with the projections or the poor forecast models.


If you want to learn it, refer https://indo-investasi.com/forum/index-futures-forum/nifty-50/809148-timingsolution-nifty-updates-2?p=813701#post813701 and their website. A whole lot of techniques are explained. Whenever there is a video, I post the link too.


Good luck!



This is my prediction for Sp500.Look only at thin blue line. It predicts low in early October

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Ignore the previous update (11 Nov 23) as it seems to have some bugs and instead download the latest one.


1. A new feature called Smart Step charting tool is introduced in Spectrum analysis. Explanation here : https://timingsolution.com/Temp1/nov_17.mp4


2. New WFA method used in Astro Expert module.




18 Nov 2023 Terra

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Here is book

Financial Astrology How -To Forecast Business, and The Stock Market by LCdr. David Williams


Topics covered are Business cycles, planetary cycles in stock market , rhythmic stock market cycles etc. thought this might help while analysing cycles with TS.



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I have a question I followed the tutorial in the first post I can't install timing solution, I tried several variants I think I made a mistake but I don't understand where:


This is how I do it;

1 step: TSA 09-Jan-2023 Version

2nd step update, I install: Terra 26 Nov 23 update

3rd: I copy/paste the patched version: Patched TSA 09-Jan-20

4 I rename TSA_ to TS

5th I move load into the TS file and launch it,


but nothing happens, or sometimes it's the jan9 version that starts without TSA, I hope I'm not the only one in this situation.


Thank you very much, have a nice day

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