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The old "NAVA Patterns"...


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Does anyone remember that old software from back in the 90's "NAVA Patterns"? It was a very old DOS-based thing, but would paint out predictive forecasts on a chart based on past stats. I'm looking around for something that will do a similar thing - I found www.intelicharts.com that seems to be sort of like it - it tacks on a probable forecast based on stats to the end of a price chart.


Would anyone have this program... or have suggestions about something similar to it?




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You are really going back with Nava Patterns ... I use to own it ... and used correctly it made some great forecasts. It also gave a wealth of statistics which were also very helpful. There was a program out there called XL_Trader that could make predictions from patterns that was also very good but it had a small customer base and the owner didn't keep up with it. It's to bad to because it was a great program and could do a lot of different things. I believe the website is still up. Other then that the only thing I can think of is Wave 59. It's been a long time since I used it but I believe it had some capacity to look for patterns either using a simple tool which would give okay results and by writing your own code.
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Thanks for the reply Strat57 (you must be a guitar player)... yes I know I'm really taking a walk down memory lane here, lol. NAVA was a neat little program - one of a kind at its time. I wish I still had my old original floppy diskettes for it.

XL Trader sounds good too - I just tried a quick search on it but can't really find anything. Is this something that you have and could share?


Thanks for the feedback.



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