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[N0nrepainting "UP xxx45" indicat0r]


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I guess you guys don't really trade if you con't to write here ,useless information here.


lol wasted few mins of my time reading this shitty thread !


Sometimes behind " useless information here " and " shitty thread " we discover a major interest in this kind of thread: demonstrate that this "miraculous" indicator is a pure scam and therefore stop this impostor, at least useful for the most novice members!


If you see that as irrelevant, it is your right. (You, you have experience! You have lost your illusions, but remember when you started)

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Daley and or John Davier, yes.. that was Aigera FX hmm now I recall that website was the same template as this upxxx54 website, also using free site hosting etc. On Worldwide Invest forum Aigera FX and up xxx54 is promoted by Dremur !!!!

Dremur was busted on Forex TSD a couple of years ago for this thing called Mura alert !!! Ie holygrail etc etc... now he's decided to use western name's as his new alias of attack.


Dremur we now feel your Tremors when your next scamming plot is around the corner....

Dremur was his/her original Alias name, you can search on TSD and WWI and see how far back his/her scamming goes.


Did anyone find out if this is really John Davier? Davier hacked into a friends e-mail after buying his Aigera indicator and tried to get into his Forex account not to mention getting into his paid for sites. Plain and simple Davier is a thief and belongs in jail. The UP xxx45 site looks very much like the Aigera site did, same charts, same style. Plus he switched to Liberty after he hacked into my friends e-mail, Primus was given all the phishing sites Davier sent to get into his e-mail account so it was all proven he did it. Luckily Yahoo believed my friend and gave him back his account and he saw all the e-mails Davier sent through it. Davier is a piece of S**T

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