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Guest Jayman007
i can confirm , Norman is the author of tulipfx and Abdulisback is too. Now you guys realized , scammer are everywhere ? Sorry for people who has lost their moneyon this bullshit ea, and get ripped by these guy.


How can you confirm that? tulipfx is not even something to be an author of. And I seriously doubt that Abdulisback is even involved with Tulip.

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r30008, how did you find me affiliated with Tulipfx? I am just a customer, and why would I play such a game you idi*t!


And stop calling them scamers, the only guy who has reported a refusal of refund is Jayman007, I have read on donna forum that they have refunded swiftly and even the charges which been paid out side of the plimus 60 days protection going as far as January 2011.

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I'm not sure if Stormin_Norman is one of the developers. In post #6 (page 1) he wanted someone to decompile/crack the EA, but he might have been involved at a later stage (just my 2 cents).


Jayman007, please stop pointing your finger at people defending this EA, I'm a normal customer as well and I'm quite happy with it, one loss in 5/6 month is still pretty rock solid performance.

With that being said, their refund policy stinks big time, you should get your money back no question what.

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Guest Jayman007

Not pointing my finger at any people. Just pointing out that the Tulip team is not being honest and has been posting on many forums as "normal customers". That's all. I think it's only fair that potential customers have that knowledge. Also that their refund policy does suck and at this point I have only received a refund from paypal one one of the monthly charges (after much fighting).


If you like this ea then by all means keep running it and pay the monthly fees. Ignore the results from Birts account if that makes you feel more secure in your decision. Hopefully you can make some more profits before the SL hits again.

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Well losses will occur somewhere down the path again, I'll run this EA as long as it loses once every 5 months or so, and Birt's account is a sort of a worst case scenario, anyway I don't understand why Tulip people have to hide under fake names, their product is good enough to defend itself. Tulip, please don't get caught into this marketing BS and concentrate your endeavours on the coding, that's the only way the EA can get stronger.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Potential buyers must be aware of Plimus. Plimus is the primary problem here. And Plimus will aways be the problem. I have had my share of nightmare with Plimus and so has other people. Trying to get a refund or get your subscription cancelled is a huge headache. It really is. And I have to always seriously question vendors choosing Plimus. Why do they choose Plimus over ClickBank or getting their own bank credit card processing? Easy. ClickBank processes refunds automatically for the most part, and ClickBank is run honestly and it always kicks out vendors whose refund rate and lack of customer service is through the roof. But these vendors' financial situation and credit sucks so badly that they are incapable of getting a credit card processing through a bank or other reputable CC processing companies. So they pick Plimus. Listen, be honest with others about Plimus and vendors choosing Plimus. That's a fact; not some opinion. Choose Plimus and Plimus using vendors at your own risk and never defend Plimus and vendors choosing Plimus. EA itself may be separate issue but the vendor is choosing Plimus. That alone, to me, makes the vendor highly suspicious and that was proven right hasn't it?


People who use Plimus are highly suspect and those who defend Plimus are highly suspect. Again, fact, not mere opinion. You won't know how bad Plimus is until you really need and want a refund or must cancel a subscription. They are crooks so they attract crooked and credit-less vendors. Again, fact; not opinion.


Their EA can get stronger only if they cut out the forum shenanigan and stop using Plimus. Seeing a Plimus payment page probably is turning off 99% of the potential buyers.


Support a vendor using Plimus? That must be a joke of a commentary right? It is!!!!!!!

Edited by jonnyrich007
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as far as I know , clickbank won't allow Tullip to charge $150 for a forex product and they won't let them charge a different price for the subscription , I am not sure about this but you will have to verify wth clickbank about this. But I know a marketer and he told me that clickbank does not allow vendors to launch a forex product for more than $99 price tag, and that is a fact.


So the way I see it, Tullipfx have a good reasn why not to deal with clickbank


As far as refunds with plimus, I heard about such problems but these refund problems never been reported consistantly enough to the point were we can say that plimus is bad on refunds, or diffenately not to the point were we get to call them crooks.


However, I do agree with you on clickbank, I personally rather dealing with clickbank than plimus because the refunds are actually automated

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The fact is, Plimus are very shady group of people. And people using them with ton of flimsy excuses are highly suspect as well. And that's a fact that all newbies should be made aware of. What is consistent reporting of non-refunds anyway? Most people just give up on them because they are very tenacious about not giving refunds or cancelling subscriptions. Only way is to prepare to report your card stolen. There are a ton of other reputable processors even for those vendors with zero or lousy credit but they time and time again choose Plimus? Why? Precisely because they will help crooked vendors along because Plimus themselves are crooked. And like I said, you don't know what Plimus does unless you have personally been screwed by them. So unless you have had personal experience with Plimus, you cannot comment on Plimus whatsoever.
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what i mean by consistent reporting of non-refunds issue is that to indicate whether the problem is coming from plimus or just mostly from shady people who have agenda against plimus.


Many forex products have been sold through plimus and I have been here on the forum long enough to witness most of these products sales and there has not been much refund complaints if any


And I believe Tullipfx has refunded all those who requested a refund and they have even refunded the payments for some that are outside the 60 days window and the only ones who are complaining about tullipfx and plimus refund here are members that have their user names ending with "007"


How odd is that?

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Oh well i should have known this robot was not all its cracked up to be, it just blew 25% :(


Do your calculations. It was -17.5%.


I noticed the Trade Alert posted on the forum as a warning and be cautious for Bernanke's speech.

Thanks for the kudos...much appreciated!
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This got to be a bad joke - they stopped alerting people via email to close manually when the EA fails, so you have to be at their forum 24/5 now ????


Uh....ever heard of "subscribing to a thread" instant email notification feature?

Thanks for the kudos...much appreciated!
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I looked up the forum and this whole thing about a trade alert is a complete myth and non-issue for the following reasons:


(1) There was no trade alert by Tulipfx regarding the recent SL, they decided to continue trading


(2) Yes you can subscribe to a thread (thanks San4x), and they say that emails will still be sent out anyways.


Rare events like a SL happen, we all knew about the risks, and there was no alert that anyone may have missed.

Edited by PipPip_Hurray
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Spoken like a true airhead. I knew some airhead would think that 007 users are all the same people. The point is, you have zero experience with Plimus. That totally makes all of your comments irrelevant!! So utterly irrelevant, one would think that you are some Plimus or TulipFX supporter. You have no experience with Plimus yet how do you know that everyone got refunds from Plimus? You just base your opinion on herasay spewed by Plimus and TulipFX? Only one person hasn't got a refund eh? Says who? Plimus? And Plimus gives refunds outside of 60 day window? Nope. Only after much constant threats and threat of lawsuits do they give out refunds after 60 days. All they do is regurgitate their policies in emails. What exactly did you witness? Yet you have no personal experience with Plimus. That fact again, invalidates your babble. Make no mistake and don't make Plimus look like some saints... they are crooked. Agenda against Plimus? Are you serious? What is truly odd is people with zero personal experience with Plimus talking nonsense. Any other simpletons on here utterly incapable of intelligent independent thinking? Wow... only people with 007 in their names complain about Plimus? Pathetic.
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I purchased the kangaroo through plimus !


Just stop making these rediculas comments and take it easy on your self


I know lots of people who have purchased the "forex championship robots" advertised by Megadroid and launched in December 2009 (before you were even born yet) and priced at $997


And they all got a refund when they have insisted on it


As I said I do rather dealing through clickbank because the refunds their are automated and you don't get the vendors to play games with except perhaps by switching the ticket from "refund" to "technical support"


And yes! the only person who has reported that Tullipfx did not refund is the same ***** who posts under two different IDs with "007" attched and never got smart enough to figure out that he will be cought


I have searched all over the forums and review forex websites , EVERYONE who has requested a refund from Tullipfx has got it, and some got refunded for their whole subscription payments going back to January!

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Guest Jayman007
I purchased the kangaroo through plimus !


Just stop making these rediculas comments and take it easy on your self


I know lots of people who have purchased the "forex championship robots" advertised by Megadroid and launched in December 2009 (before you were even born yet) and priced at $997


And they all got a refund when they have insisted on it


As I said I do rather dealing through clickbank because the refunds their are automated and you don't get the vendors to play games with except perhaps by switching the ticket from "refund" to "technical support"


And yes! the only person who has reported that Tullipfx did not refund is the same ***** who posts under two different IDs with "007" attched and never got smart enough to figure out that he will be cought


I have searched all over the forums and review forex websites , EVERYONE who has requested a refund from Tullipfx has got it, and some got refunded for their whole subscription payments going back to January!



No sure what you are trying to insinuate but I ONLY post under Jayman007 and eashitandmultiply for a short period when Norman banned Jayman007. I don't need to create multiple nicks to support my points. Maybe I am the only one to report not getting a refund but that doesn't make it any less true. Maybe I was the only unlucky one that plimus refused. I can't attest to that. I can say that I asked tulip for a refund and they refused. I asked plimus for a refund and they refused. I took it to paypal who finally agreed to give one of the monthly fees back. I am still out the initial purchase and a month or so in fees but I can say that they pulled my subscription (YES Tulip PULLED IT WHILE IT WAS STILL PAID FOR) before these past 2 full SL so I was lucky enough not to have the losses that others had. That would have been the refund plus more. So yes, it's a live and learn experience and I have no issues coming here and telling all my story.

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