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Money management is the key to do things, if we are good at doing money management then we will be able to ride up things so much better and will be able to achieve positive results as well, so our primary object or target must be to go for putting right money management in place, if we are able to do that then rest of the stuff is automatically working out better and that’s exactly why I go for OctaFX broker where I get great help through their giant 50% bonus on deposit which is trade able and can be taken with as low as 5 dollars investment, so that’s sort of stuff which is picture perfect for beginners, I believe this is how one wishes to start up his career.

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On 7/9/2016 at 5:42 PM, Mark Burmester said:

Money management is the key to do things, if we are good at doing money management then we will be able to ride up things so much better and will be able to achieve positive results as well, so our primary object or target must be to go for putting right money management in place, if we are able to do that then rest of the stuff is automatically working out better and that’s exactly why I go for OctaFX broker where I get great help through their giant 50% bonus on deposit which is trade able and can be taken with as low as 5 dollars investment, so that’s sort of stuff which is picture perfect for beginners, I believe this is how one wishes to start up his career.


yes, all the big traders certainly have the ability to manage their finances well, it is already supposed to be like that, because it is very important to manage the money we pay attention to remember that forex is quite risky then to avoid the risk of it by managing risk well

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On 30/08/2016 at 6:24 PM, binaryowner said:

Best way to study money management - study math in the university or college. You can use that information to build your own genuine stake management system with minimal trading skills. 

I guess these money management matters are not offered in any university and these money making subjects can only be learnt at ones own capabilities, i think some of us are lucky enough to take guidance from our seniors.

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It’s not just about money management, but it’s more about been sensible and planning well, if we plan well then only money management is going to matter at all but without using of common sense we will not be moving too far ahead in our journey. I find it relatively easy thanks to broker like OctaFX which is amongst the finest there is with small spreads from 0.1 pips to high leverage up to 1.500 while there is also 50% bonus on deposit which is use able, so that too helps me big time and allows me to work really nicely with absolute ease and comfort even with lower investment, it’s awesome and is one of the biggest reason I work with confidence.

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  • 3 weeks later...

but good management is very needed. do not deny many traders are paying less attention MM and RM at the time of trading, and consequently the profit and risk in may not match expectations. therefore recommended to traders particularly novice traders, to be able to pay attention to MM and RM in trading, in order to get the maximum profit with the risks can be minimized

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On 11/9/2016 at 9:10 AM, uncle gober said:


but good management is very needed. do not deny many traders are paying less attention MM and RM at the time of trading, and consequently the profit and risk in may not match expectations. therefore recommended to traders particularly novice traders, to be able to pay attention to MM and RM in trading, in order to get the maximum profit with the risks can be minimized


certainly in MM and RM will be the last factor is not her in the running of this forex trading, we should always be to continue to pierce the knowledge and ability to be maximized so that maximum profit can also get

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  • 1 month later...

Money management is vital part of forex trading. It is like most trader pay lip service but they don’t practice in their real life. Money management is like massive, unbearable action. Forex trader forcibly need to concentrate their positions and continuously monitor and taking their losses. Most of traders don’t like to do that. To practice money management there are two ways one of them are harvest your profit by taking small stops frequently. Though since I’m working with Trade24, I’m get relieve from many matters in this business like money management.

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Money management in Forex trading is one of the most important problems of new and even advanced forex traders. Almost everybody can find a good trading system that can be profitable but something that causes traders to lose and be negative at the end of the month, is lack of a proper money management strategy and discipline.

Forex money management have several different aspects and stages and should be started from the very first stages of your live forex trading business which is opening your live trading account. Maximizing your profit is an important part of money management. If you succeed to maximize your profit in your trades, you will have a better risk-reward ratio. If you need more & logical direction of money management you should choose the broker ECNCAPITAL.COM.

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Money management is very important for a trader and I must say every trader who wants to succeed in trading must go through good money management rules. Discipline is what we need to trade for a long term success. There are many option trader who's stake per trade is so high that if they lose more than 3 trades they lose their total account capital. I trade options with lxmarkets.com and with their guideline of proper money management has taught me many lessons. I am always following their guidelines for trading style.

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You have to set your goal before trading in forex. If you don’t do so, it will be like you are middle of ocean and swimming without knowing where to go. After setting your goal, you must make proper money management according to your investment. Many traders don’t take money management seriously. As a result sometimes it causes them their whole investment. To make money management leverage is a big issue. That’s why I chose AAFX. It provides me 1:500 leverage.

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Our main goal is always making money in this business. We all do hard work for this only. But often we forget we can not always win in this market. Because, forex market is totally unpredictable. This market often tests our patience and mentality by making us loser consistently. And that’s the time where real traders survive. For the survival we need money management. Making money management is very imperative. If we can know how to make money management our loss can be reduced. This is very tactical issue. That’s we have to learn this from good source. I can suggest you AAFX for that.

For controlling our loss there is no comparison of money management.  It is key of success in forex.


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All experienced traders need special types of speculative and predictive tools to negotiate the ups and downs and the ins and outs of trades in the CFD market. FXB Trading is the right kind of website to equip traders with tools such as the economic calendar and the daily economic outlook and these contributions allow traders to become successful in the CFD market.

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If you have ever heard of any indicators or systems about Holy Grail then look no further, The only holy grail exists in Forex trading or any other trading business is Money Management. If you can manage your money and take proper risk per trade you can easily get good profits at the end of the month. I am currently trading with Forex4you who provided me educational materials from where I came to know about the importance of money management and understanding the trading properly.

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On 8/14/2017 at 11:45 AM, Willem Hesselink said:

If you have ever heard of any indicators or systems about Holy Grail then look no further, The only holy grail exists in Forex trading or any other trading business is Money Management. If you can manage your money and take proper risk per trade you can easily get good profits at the end of the month. I am currently trading with Forex4you who provided me educational materials from where I came to know about the importance of money management and understanding the trading properly.

FXB Trading is considered as a top rank brokerage platform in the CFD market. It has helped encourage many traders and guaranteed their success. Among the many popular features on its website are the security of the traders’ accounts and the segregation of their money. Traders can also enlighten themselves about the regulations followed by the CFD market.

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  • 4 weeks later...

money management is something that most traders pay lip service to, but few practice in real life. The reason is simple: just like eating healthy and staying fit, money management can seem like a burdensome, unpleasant activity. I am trading with Forex4you and with my broker support I am doing good money management to control my losses and for profitable trading. As a forex trader I know how much Important is money management for traders.

It forces traders to constantly monitor their positions and to take necessary losses, and few people like to do that. The reality is that very few traders have the discipline to practice this method consistently. Most traders can only absorb the lessons of risk discipline through the harsh experience of monetary loss.

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Most forex traders invest 99% of their energy in an examination and the buying and selling of currency pairs. Huge numbers of these traders eventually join the armies of ex-forex traders since they overlooked the most imperative part of hypothesis â€" cash management. I trade with TenkoFX, and I never overlook this since I know the amount it is essential for a trader to increase great benefit from their trades. My broker helps me a lot to do cash management.

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I likewise exchange with TenkoFX. Before entering the market, I decide a stop/loss as a benefit objective. Numerous traders regularly enter the market with a value objective, however without an unmistakably characterized defensive stop. At the point when the market moves against them they are regularly constrained out of the extent of their edge call. They lose control, and the outcomes are frequently deplorable. What ought to have been a generally little loss turns into a to a great degree substantial loss. We ought to remind it.

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