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Grand Earners Review ...

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Grand Earners Review

Reviewed by: iskofer

Grand Earners Review (www.grandearners.com)

Today’s review is all about a very fresh autosurf program called Grand Earners . It was launched a few days ago, October 8, 2008 actually. I hope they do not take it on the chin but after having seen their homepage, it reminded me of a recent scam (Magical Ads) with a similar motif of black and white, probably because I was victimized there. Nothing much is special about the design (I have seen that image of the 1st girl from the front so many times) but if you will look further on what they are showcasing you will be presented with a totally different earning scheme for an autosurf program. It is not common to see such rates which made me interested.

Grand Earners is currently offering to its members a relative high 130% after 10 Days. The rate is not far from being similar to other autosurfs programs but there is the distinctiveness on the manner of giving rebates for its members. What’s firing the enthusiasm is, Grand Earners will, on a daily basis, pay only 3% of your upgrades for 10 days, and then you can withdraw your principal only after you had completed 10 days of surfing. That is a scheme that would definitely give the admin enough time to make decent earnings for it. You will notice that such kind of programs with similar terms do last longer, not all but most of them do.

Talking further about how to earn in Grand Earners, members can take part with a minimum of $5 and maximum is set to $2,500. Members will have to surf 10 sites with 20 second timer for every site in rotation and will be obliged to do it for 10 consecutive days. If you have an out of town schedule better ask a favor from a friend to do the surfing for you, otherwise, you wont be credited for a missed surfing day and there is no provision for extension of the term. On the lighter side, if you by any chance had missed a surfing day, your total earning at expiry wont be less than the amount of principal you deposited. (I had an unknowing downline who joined an autosurf program sometime last month. After upgrading, he did not even bother surfing during the first days. I had noticed it and informed him that he has to surf…lol, but unfortunately his total earnings was less than his seed when it expired.) That’s the plus factor in Grand Earners , you just lose 3% earning if you missed surfing for a day and principal is not affected.

For referral earnings they had it at 1% for free members and 5% for upgraded members. Daily payments are processed manually within 72 hours timeframe according to the homepage text but I’ve read in forums some cases being paid within hours. Moreover, there is no minimum amount for withdrawal requests which is good news for smaller amount upgrades.

Grand Earners is using only Liberty Reserve for the meantime, which limits their coverage. I would like to see them add verified Alertpay and STP account in the future since many out there prefer using them and that includes me.

Musing over at whois, Grand Earners was found to be hosted on a dedicated server with a Neversay Script on its engine. Since there is no sign of them in the forums I frequently visit, it appears that they are still on a busy heating up stage as of the moment and dropping by in forums is not yet on their itinerary. Anyway, I find them to be worth supporting for due to the fact that their plans are not of the same 12×12 genre that takes no prisoners and sprouting like mushrooms nowadays. If you’re not into short lived 12×12 instantly paying types of programs, Grand Earners might be the better alternative for you.


Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up

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