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Everything posted by gadfly

  1. There are quite a few resellers selling the course now, but I do not know if any of them have the complete course, e.g., fttuts has the incomplete version of it that was shared here. Infoproductlab (the original seller) is now selling it for $297.
  2. Watched some of his swing trading course that someone gave me, basic run of the mill info. Judging by what I saw, this review is probably accurate: https://www.tradingschools.org/reviews/warrior-trading/
  3. Raghee has been using the same core set of indicators for ages, although she added customized vwap indicators last year - I think she may have always used vwap but didn't promote it. John Carter is the one who is constantly selling indicators, very few of which he uses.
  4. This week's crypto trading webinars from Ian K. & Ian D. [spoiler=Crypto-Webs-8/18~8/20]https://www.mediafire.com/file/paap7w8sahyt2fp
  5. MojoRisin commented: "Why can't you see/read /respond to PMs?" Some of the problems with the messaging system that were mentioned are sporadic, but consistent ones are: (1) One cannot tell how many messages are in one's box, and therefore if one is approaching or has met one's message quota (if you have, you can no longer send or receive messages). (2) Received and sent messages are combined in the same thread, and these threads are stored in both one's Inbox and Sent folders. Someone could reply to a message you've sent and you won't know it because you weren't notified of their reply. Overall it's about the clumsiest message system I've ever seen, like a clunky version of Gmail.
  6. Next Wave Crypto Fortunes Weekly Webinar by Ian King - 8/11/21: [spoiler=Crypto-Fortunes-8/11]https://www.mediafire.com/file/51ilz6w39x9aufs
  7. Depends on one's screen size, no doubt, log in on a smart phone or tablet and see how you do. It's more of an issue on the forum home page.
  8. There are way too many ads on the site, they are blocking threads, and it's hard to avoid clicking on them while attempting to open a thread or post.
  9. Crypto Flash Trader Weekly Webinar -8/6/21 [spoiler=CFT-Web-8/6]https://www.mediafire.com/file/oyksp742scam9wh
  10. Next Wave Crypto Fortunes Weekly Webinar by Ian King - 8/4/21 All about NFT's (Non-Fungible Tokens) [spoiler=NFT-8/4]https://www.mediafire.com/file/f556wmhnt9jozq1
  11. See my post #3... a word to the wise re: the Ezoic ad bot should be sufficient: Unplug the Robot!
  12. "There is no video file. Is this correct?" The size of that video is rather big so I did not share it, but I posted the written transcript of it. I don't have the time to convert and upload multiple videos every week (and fill up my file sharing account), but I'll see if it can be easily compressed.
  13. Here are two Banyan Hill publications on trading cryptocurrencies, which each includes a weekly webinar. I will upload future webinars in the Hall of Fame*section of the forum, as it would be unwise to keep sharing them with everyone here in the main forum. Sales pages: [spoiler=Promo] 1a) https://banyanhill.com/next-wave-crypto-fortunes 1b) https://order.banyanhill.com/cyp2020_ext 2a) https://banyanhill.com/crypto-flash-trader 2b) https://order.banyanhill.com/mft2021crypto_2995_ext I. Trading Tutorials: [spoiler=Crypto-Reports]https://www.mediafire.com/file/ww43ivf2regr6v3 [spoiler=Crypto-Trading-101]https://www.mediafire.com/file/ycmc01dyz6oansi [spoiler=Decentralized-Finance-101]https://www.mediafire.com/file/0qtqevy35zo9yxm II. Weekly Webinars: [spoiler=NW-Crypto-Fortunes-7/28]https://www.mediafire.com/file/pk106ljy329f6nt [spoiler=C.Flash-Trader-7-30]https://www.mediafire.com/file/ut8jm38tnc3we64 {* The Hall of Fame is a private section of the forum that contributing members may access. I do not know what the qualifications are to enter there, don't think they've ever been formalized. If you want them to be, tell the site owner/moderators. It's pointless to have a private section that no one knows about. }
  14. Yeah, I just attempted to edit a thread/post I had started and when I saved it, it was flagged as "unapproved." 🙄 - however I was able to delete the thread and post it over again.
  15. Jeff Bierman - Indicators that Measure Trend Sustainability -7-2021 [spoiler=Stable-Trend]https://www.mediafire.com/file/p7a8a2sv26u6t7a The professor covers a John Ehlers indicator and a couple of other lesser known studies.
  16. You need to be approved by a moderator to access it, the link is hidden until you are. The qualifications for admission to that section have not been formalized, but basically you have to have participated in and contributed to the forum, to what degree is unclear. You could always ask a moderator about it.
  17. It looked to me like the Ezoic "AI" advertising platform ( ww.ezoic.com ) was interfering with forum page loading and functions, only their ads loaded properly. May the ezoic robot rest in virtual peace.
  18. You can't read the "Like" stats on this page because its formatting is all screwed up, does not load properly. In fact, this is true of all of the publicly visible pages (the pages one can read without logging in).
  19. Right clicking with your mouse on the digit (0+) next to the Like link will have no effect, left clicking on it will show the "Like" stats - works for me on various browsers.
  20. Yes, it has been shared in the Stuff/ Hall of Fame section of this forum.
  21. I don't believe that Linda's Wealth365 webinar was recorded but this one is very good: LBR Stock Charts Webinar -7/13/21: vvww.youtube.com/watch?v=69Irb4Or-Aw
  22. Perhaps a browser issue, when I left mouse click on your post I see: "People Who Liked: No likes yet."
  23. "When I click on the number next to the "Like" box, nothing happens....no popups, no names, etc." If I left click with my mouse I can see that John44 thanked you for not knowing how to use a mouse. It tells me I cannot like my own posts.... am I allowed to dislike my own posts?
  24. Oh, it's free, sorry I neglected to post the link: https://summit.wealth365.com/linda-raschke
  25. Upcoming Webinar: Join Damon and I on Monday, July 12th at 6:00 P.M. EST as we share our thoughts and views on the current markets and where the trade opportunities unfold. Together, we have 80 + years of combined experience in the trading industry. We will be using live charts to outline the next week’s opportunities and show when and where the best trades unfold each day. Damon and I will share our approach to not only identifying the best trades, but more importantly, trade management. Lastly, we will talk about maintaining a good mindset and keeping emotions in check through our four decades of both calmness and turbulence. Register for the webinar here: https://summit.wealth365.com
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