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Posts posted by tke1

  1. ... Then upload the indicator and template. I don't know, whether you're using a source or binary version...


    Hi Admis,

    This is the version I am using and the MA template also...as said above after I update the instrument 1 and instrument 2 settings within the MA all I get is a number or the message "conflict" !




    The MA from the vids on youtube should look like this...its just the last column that I cant seem to get to work,,,the rest seem ok




    Maybe someone has a more recent MA template this one seems quite old ?

  2. Some help please ?


    I have been trying to get the Market Analyser template for Gnos to work and I cant seem to get it to display the last column correctly the "RISK ON RISK OFF" column using RQDMS indicator - it just shows a number not the correct words - I have changed the instrument to be latest ES and ZN - has anyone used it ? and can help to tell me what I am doing wrong or some setting that is key or maybe an updated MA template that works ?


    Appreciate any help....thanks

  3. Hmm...

    It's realy not a big deal to adjust template you like for CL.

    What tools in what trading style you want to use for CL?


    Your tools look good so we need to focus on seeing them in action - I think playing with the multitude of settings that we are not familiar with makes its simply harder to follow - also as everyone knows changing a setting or refreshing NT and you lose all the history, so its even more difficult to follow as tick data is not recorded...


    I simply request a template or better still a workspace for CL that will function on a 1 or 2 min chart with the tools/setting all set correctly/appropriately so we can concentrate on seeing it working as per your design ... thank you.

  4. Google is your friend - from AXA so if a P/W is required - its the AXA site name




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