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  1. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from yamantaka in Best Pro Trade BPT   
    I have never seen anyone getting the correct results with a custom offset bar bar study. That comes froms coders I know as well. Watching a replay and seeing your fills are the only way to get a close approx. and again that is not absolute as well.
    From the years my Dad and I have tested, we have not seen a retail auto work in everyday markets. At best you have to test to find an Autos weakness/strenghs and trade that way based on the current market conditions that seem to fiT the systems execution code. The key has always been protecting your risk/reward in line with your account size. Nate

  2. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from mastertrader7 in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    Could someone pls. Upload the most recent educated OFA. Would greatly appreciate it-thanks Nate
  3. Like
    tradernate reacted to newbie0101 in trading magnets indicator   
    Just on a weekend note I wanted to say---HEY ADMIS--THANKS bro---for all of Ur patience-where with all-To deal with ALL of Us!! Exemplary on Ur part and more than words can describe on mine--THANK U!
    1 in a million comes to mind--
    Thanks-Have a Fantastic Weekend for U and Urs and U know what-- forget about this place for a while---Give Urself a Break--What U do here is AMAZING--
    In all hopes I believe U know this--but if not let me be one who tells U that it is---simply SPECTACULAR---Thanks bro
    Thanks EVERYONE!! Yall ROCK
  4. Like
    tradernate reacted to newbie0101 in BlueWave Trading Precision Indicators [for ninjatrader]   
    Howdy all--well guess some new tricks for NT& BWT--have not really used/looked at much--but did have installed NT7V27 Win7--did not try to load indi but got pop-up that all have expired with "prompt" to install new version--figured what the heck and did and of course they don't work--*mind U not that I care* just posting to update the thread with my recent run-in having the inds installed on my NT--I have deleted
    them--Very annoying pop-up if leave them there--
    Anyways here are the files the new install put into the "custom" folder--all Dll's
    I do not have the .exe install as it was generated internally in NT(hmmm) not enough knowledge to comment on that one??sorry!--
    seeing as I like to take up space(LOL) here are some screenshots of what it prompted me to do
    As well I realize this helps no one that wants them---so again Sorry!! Don't have the knowledge or talent--We are blessed here at II in that there are fellow humans out there that ask for nothing in return and help us out immensely in this department!!! THANKS TO U!! As well THANKS to all posters here at II--Too many to list---If U take the time to look around this really is an awesome place--Where boundaries are broken and we as people come together to Help One Another--Pretty Special in my book!!
    Thanks to ALL!!!
    I realize some will say "That's weird" maybe so but I was raised to accept all people as they are-- not to judge--For each of us is unique in our own way(why we are different)--
    I have a saying which I have lived by for many years--"If U R Happy--I am Happy for U" matters not if I agree with Ur beliefs and theories--What matters is that U R Happy--Thus my saying!! anyhoo could not resist sharing something so simple that brings a smile when thought about!(at least for me)
  5. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from Darktrader in REQ: Trading123.net   
    Looks like Market Cycle is just Pivot Finder...marking the HH and HL.
  6. Like
    tradernate reacted to homey in REQ: TR@DE Manager by Indic@tor W@rehouse   
    here you go: https://www.sendspace.com/file/rw3khy
  7. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from ⭐ ESVepara in [REQ] tr@[email protected]   
    I did...signed up for background noise for 2 months. He remined me a lot of Puretick calls. You have to understand the setups he would say, some times set up possible entries, most the time not. He would make a lot of excuses......I just got tired of it and went back to Eminiaddict....he at least helps with the trend and fibs areas (EMA). To finish with Shark....his trade setups are valid....he's about 70-75%, and he does trail which is key. I just hate the ES, for some reason. I was profitable using his method, but I have been trading a similar method using BBT, just never added the fibs. I used fibs when Jane on our site had her thread and she did a great job...she should have her own room. So if you have a Q I didn't answer ask away..-nate Overall...His numbers are negative risk/reward...not sure he actually does what is posted in the room. Like I said reminded me of puretick after 2 weeks....same stuff just nicer...

  8. Like
    tradernate reacted to Wanderer in REQ system not educated   
    Admis can handle himself. But I for one don't think it is a good idea to badger Educators. As if they owe anyone here anything. They don't. Particularly Admis. Does he not do enough here? Does anyone imagine that he has a living to make and a family to provide for. This behavior of prodding educators should not be encouraged.
    Being patient and understanding is one of the few small ways we show our appreciation for the selflessness of the educators. Things taken for granted are soon lost.
    Good trading, W.
  9. Like
    tradernate reacted to admis in ChartTraderPro v2 Free for SIM   
    Simplifying, you're just asking for not educating your software.
    From my side it's ok. I appreciate your courage, but not all of your arguments. The above quote is just not true and don't force me to prove it...
    Anyway, I'm not interested in your product (for now) and I'm not going to educate it.
  10. Like
    tradernate reacted to ⭐ Meow in cole trading on bonds with OFA   
    Sounds too easy and good to be true. 16 ticks target on ZB? Haha, you will need to wait whole day. I will watch it again and see if it makes more sense, but I have traded bonds for years, and usually you just grab 3-4 ticks and run, before the market get into the range of 2 ticks for few hours..;)

  11. Like
    tradernate reacted to admis in REQ system not educated   
    Hey a whiner, don't cry anymore, it's boring...
    PTS all in one package (educated binaries): https://www.sendspace.com/file/h549aq
    ... and here's a small homework from "someone", as an excercise for your brain to improve thinking a little bit:
    NTES_ScalpingMachine_V3 strategy in the source form, but for you - not educated... Enjoy your time!
  12. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from Wanderer in Advanced pattern   
    OK...fughe, since we cannot trial the system, and there is only 1 video, that really is a marketing rag,
    I have few questions.
    1. How do you make money with the system.
    1a. How are trades opened and closed, what is the specific criteria-line by line.
    1b. Please include detailed charts of entries, exits, longs, and shorts.
    2. What is the expected return
    3. What is proper risk reward for the system
    4. How big of an account is needed for all the above.
    5. How can the system and your figures be validated if you have no trials?
    Can your words be validated by a seperate third party that has been audited?
    Is the trader whom is selling this system provide actual brokerage statements, with redacted account numbers but not the name.
    Do you have a $$ back guarantee.
    How many Hours/days/weeks/months are training offered inthe purchase price.
    Do you have 5 people that are making money with it. IF so, provide names, and have you verified that they are actually making $$ with it. IF so, how so. The only way to verify is a seperate third party with actual statements. That is my criteria to even waste my time, to learn and trade a new system.
    Every question would have to be answered, if not then you are a industry fake, with a fake system and should not be taken serious about trading or even selling a system. Remember you said it only works at 95%? That is the standard you will be judged upon, slick
    That is your home work...it is pass or fail. Remember you designed the system...with over 7K hours of work, so this should be easy.
    Remember you are a fraud here until you can prove otherwise, that is our standard here-BTW- Welcome TO OUR WORLD, words account for nothing, only 100% visual proof.
  13. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from casper44 in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    The Hanley ***** is just like the rest. He backed the liar Pro Trader Ed, who is now totally trading a market profile system which for years did a scalp ATR system-since 2007. Looks like the guys in BMT caught Pro Trader Ed, and Handely didnt...yea right, he didn't because his hands are dirty also. I know someone that told him about the fraudster Ed, and he was sent proof and did nothing, only wanted to talk to the guy. This was first of the year (2014). So don't trust him. Trust in Jane and Admis. Later-Nate

  14. Like
    tradernate reacted to CashManic in Anyone know abour P@laris Trading Group   
    Hello Nate, that name Dave Dube sounds very familiar, but I can't put my finger on it yet.:-?
    Anyway here's a Trading Pub webinar with PTG and David talks and shows his various indicators and setups

    (about 75 mins) and here's a a 7-day Free-Trial to Polaris Trading Group’s Trading Room where the members show how they trade using the indicators.
    http://polaristradinggroup.com/free-trial/ so you might wanna ask your friend to take a peek.
  15. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from newbie0101 in Anyone know abour P@laris Trading Group   
    Had a friend ask me if I knew anything about this company? I have never heard of them and they have a few setups and was just wanted to see if anyone knew the setting to a few of these.
    Here is the link:
  16. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from CashManic in Anyone know abour P@laris Trading Group   
    Had a friend ask me if I knew anything about this company? I have never heard of them and they have a few setups and was just wanted to see if anyone knew the setting to a few of these.
    Here is the link:
  17. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from enzofox in Anyone know abour P@laris Trading Group   
    Had a friend ask me if I knew anything about this company? I have never heard of them and they have a few setups and was just wanted to see if anyone knew the setting to a few of these.
    Here is the link:
  18. Like
    tradernate reacted to lululee in I have eminisniper.com but don't know where to upload   
    Hi Exp...all files are latest....I also included the PDF with it now. I forgot that last time.
    https://www.s@[email protected]/file/14agbo
  19. Like
    tradernate reacted to sauron in newbie-trader tools   
    use this indicator as ntma cloud ....you can put ema 20 and 7...this is double ma
    https://[email protected]/file/97qd57
  20. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from newbie0101 in REQ: Trading123.net   
    Here are some manuals for T123: https://www.sendspace.com/file/h6oz5p

  21. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from Darktrader in T3 Copies-Look alikes to Nexgen for Ninjatrader NT7 -Nexgen manuals 09 included   
    Here it is...a lot to sort through:

  22. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from peter pinto in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    The Hanley ***** is just like the rest. He backed the liar Pro Trader Ed, who is now totally trading a market profile system which for years did a scalp ATR system-since 2007. Looks like the guys in BMT caught Pro Trader Ed, and Handely didnt...yea right, he didn't because his hands are dirty also. I know someone that told him about the fraudster Ed, and he was sent proof and did nothing, only wanted to talk to the guy. This was first of the year (2014). So don't trust him. Trust in Jane and Admis. Later-Nate

  23. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from Traderbeauty in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    The Hanley ***** is just like the rest. He backed the liar Pro Trader Ed, who is now totally trading a market profile system which for years did a scalp ATR system-since 2007. Looks like the guys in BMT caught Pro Trader Ed, and Handely didnt...yea right, he didn't because his hands are dirty also. I know someone that told him about the fraudster Ed, and he was sent proof and did nothing, only wanted to talk to the guy. This was first of the year (2014). So don't trust him. Trust in Jane and Admis. Later-Nate

  24. Like
    tradernate reacted to admis in Indicators Sharing & Chart Templates   
    I know at least 3 implementations for different bar types:
    RangeBarTargets by ccl-trading-systems.com and later mod. by ThatManFromTexas (BMT),
    CurrentBarRange by RJay,
    LogikBarRange.cs (== ApexPlatinumBarRange) by Mr. Logik
  25. Like
    tradernate reacted to ⭐ AndyS in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    Also Hanley's reviews are not for free. It is a paid service to the vendor, and cheap it's not. So just like many, if you cannot make money trading, do the second best, sell trading services!!
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