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Posts posted by tradernate

  1. @Tomtom...generally if an indicator when unzipped (opened with any .zip software ) and look at the files when it has x86 files those are for 32bit, and when you see x64 those indicators can be used in 64bit NT7. Generally, when and indicator has no x??, (just a.dll) then assume the file is only 32bit files. I do not use a cracked NT7 main program, and all the fixed files on our forum work just fine on the nin cracked system.


    Thanks Nate. I followed your instructions to the letter. Made sure there were no compile errors, restarted NT and copied and pasted the 2 dlls into bin/custom folder. Restarted NT and tried to load a 3min 6e chart using the black toolkit template and all i get is the bar chart with no indicators. I am using a cracked NT with emu 5.03. 64bit. any ideas anyone?
  2. @tomtom69....you must be a NT newbie....make sure your system will compile (no errors first)....To do this....Tools | Edit NinjaScript | Indicator | Choose any Indicator...I choose...ADL..its small....Click on the page....Press F5-to compile, or right click....choose compile. If is compiles with no errors (if errors, fix the errors by generally removing the indicator(s)), shut down NT and copy and paste the 2 .dll's to the following: Documents | NT7 | bin | custom---paste the 2 .dll's in this folder. Now start NT7 as you would as normal....Open chart page.....right click-Indicators, then look for Hawkeye...choose the needed indicator(s). All indicators are in thoose 2 .dlls-Nate


    hello fellow comrades. when i download the updated rar file. i cant find hawkeye.cs. i only have the 2 dll files. what am i doing wrong?
  3. Osijek1289-I have the same data setup has you and see the same results. I like CQG, and execute on a transact DOM....they both are step for step with each other.


    If you check the NT forums, they have confirmed that the CQG feed provided as part of the AMP package is quasi-CQG: the live data does indeed come from the CQG folks. But, when you need historical data (ie., when NT boots, or when you ask for a historical data chart refresh) the historical data gets sent from a server farm that NT runs themselves, by storing the live data on most popular instruments. A 100% real CQG datafeed will run you hundreds of $$$ per month.


    NT used to have issues with hours of the historical data getting lost, and thus if that happened during the London session and you start your NT pre-NY, you did not have historical data until NT restored it on the upcoming weekend, at which point it is almost useless to you. But, they have seemingly resolved this with an API update a few weeks ago.


    And, on the realtime data, I have not seen issues on the realtime CL feed nor most other majors for weeks now, as pushed to me via Amp infrastructure.


    Overall the Amp/CQG/NT partnership is quite reasonable for most traders. I believe they offer Zenfire for free as well, but could hit you with a $25/month charge if you don't take actual trades, but still have a funded account. I use the CQG/Amp combination, and it has been rock solid for weeks, certainly on CL, and my machine runs straight through for 5 days.


    The good thing about pro feeds like CQG, Zenfire is that they are not filtered, meaning they do not approximate volume or ticks, and you get all trade information. This is crucial if you use something like volume footprint charts. If you have a provider like Interactive Brokers, they do not send you all the ticks, and thus you cannot see where nor how many buyers & sellers were at which level. Also, even pro datafeeds have outage & infrastructure problems - nobody can offer a 100% uptime guarantee.


    Update: lol, just seeing this is almost a year old thread ... CL could well have been problematic 11 months ago, but certainly has been great in recent weeks and everything else above stands as current information.

  4. MP-why is the 4shared file in .exe.....these files do not come in that form....only .zip Pls. explain? I will not download an unknown .exe from a new poster-FWIW, and no else should until he lets us know why.


    All Indicator :- http://[email protected]/zip/0vYcs7pc/EminiSniper_Patched.html


    My Temp:- http://[email protected]/document/WRyYPW7x/EminiSniper.html? (Documents/Ninja trader 7/templates/Chart)


    Enjoy :)

  5. Hey florida, NT7 is solid...NT65 was junk, and I gave up alot of software because of NT65...before coming here it was so bad. -Nate


    I signed up for the class. I traded NinjaTrader when I purchased Nexgent3 four (4) years ago and I ended up being discouraged by the system errors. I wouldn't mind trying NinjaTrader on the side to check out version 7 which I was told is now better than the beta version when it first came out.
  6. Hey T...I did the same they do not work. do not know why but maybe someone could look inside and see what it really is...I hate using something trading and not knowing what is does, or how it does it...makes it hard to trust that it has a consistent probability to win with. That's why testing is important, but the results are always some what skewed and hard to fulluy trust.


    What does Osc and OscDot do? I have them on the chart but they don't show anything. I used the template and everything worked without them.



  7. FWIW...the TG trend dots are a 12/20 double WMA The 2 trend stops are from a supertrend, based on an ATR of 2 different settings-nothing more.-Nate


    Here is the file you requested: hxxp://[email protected]/file/avioik


    Give a little thanks...it goes a long ways-nate


    Welcome cuchuflito, we try not to email indis that are on the forum. Ask for some to re upload the indis in question....someone will, when you ask. Others maybe looking for it also...so lets all share...and test together-Nate

  8. Here is the file you requested: hxxp://[email protected]/file/avioik


    Give a little thanks...it goes a long ways-nate


    Welcome cuchuflito, we try not to email indis that are on the forum. Ask for some to re upload the indis in question....someone will, when you ask. Others maybe looking for it also...so lets all share...and test together-Nate


    Hi can anybody mail me those zips, with the plugin..

    The original link doesn´t work no more..


    Thanks in advance..


    [email protected]

  9. Update...they do not work....but hey everything else works. this system, needs a higher time frame, but trading from a 200 line on a small R chart, helps with price action.

    This really is another half based system, that he tries to use as a complete system...too bad...he coulda been somebody.

    I got it all working using your Dots...Thank You-and also Mauro33 for the pics and template

    Here ya Go Try this


    hxxp://[email protected]/file/a2ziug

  10. Mauro33, thank you for the share and the extra work put into it.....Nate


    Here is the complete patched EminiSniper, just Import (I compiled all last patche EminiSniper Indi and I add a custom Indicator HeikinAshi)




    Here manuals and template (I tried to find the config who looks more exactly as original, and here is my template)




    My template:




    Template from developer:






  11. 445NDO....links from sendspace on an lite account are only good for 2-3 weeks, and then they remove them....my mediafire was suspended due to a vendor giving them an DMCA violation notice. Concening the JAMRenko bars, they were never in my package for the T3 copies. I guess is what I was saying 445 is that my links were good....and most peoples are good, they just get deleted over time....if you were referring to me.


    Here is mediafire message to my account: Account Suspension

    Account Suspensions are the result of violations of MediaFire’s Terms of Service. Any violation can result in account suspension, the most common types of violations are listed here.


    If you feel your account was suspended in error, contact our support department to request a review of your account


    If a thread is uploaded, we hope that others who use the link are also able to keep uploading....the idea of everyone helps takes alot of work from the original thread starter.


    this link of the originals are still good....no jamrenko in it...I will look to see if I have it: http://www.sendspace.com/file/p2101n

    I found the JamRenko bars.......here they are: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ozjfkx


    A Note to everyone !! Please test links before posting .. Posting Dead Links is a waste of everyone's time which leads to more requests for posting live links.. Just a request to everyone and all.:) Thanks -- Cheers !
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