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Posts posted by tradernate

  1. Yam...when using spectrum renko bars...it is best to use the xray indicator which shows you where inthe channel price actually is at the time....if you do not have them I have them and can PM to you. I use HybridRenko and like them and see little differece live and replay. I still do not trust as a strat. backtest, but if a test gives me 3+ profit factor then I look at it a little harder-Nate


    I've just discovered a problem with Spectrum bars backtest. Orders are not closing at the proper session times.


    Also for those of you who backtest with these bars, the slippage formula is to add slippage of the Bar Body Renko plus one tick minus New Bar Renko. For example a setting of 6-2 would be 6+1-2=5.

  2. Yam, see how it did in feburary of this year...it was a low volume month and had some short daily ranges onteh NQ...then see how it does. On wide ranging days using that bar type generally does good. You will generally get 3 reversals a day, and trend in between...those days it should do well. But, watch out for those NR7 range days. Good Luck, Just a known fact if you give a lot of people the same system the system will do well since you will have a lot of push from those traders. That is why VWPOC trading does well right now, and pivots...a lot of people are watching those zones and trading from those areas that is why they are working in the market right now, so if you have a system that can provide signals, then it helps you get pushed if you trend trade. Just a thought-Nate


    Beloved fellow traders,


    The market kicks our butts and yet we work hard to find ways to extract money from it. As traders, this is what we do. It's our "thing."


    I've been forward testing in demo mode an ATS that looks promising and unlike vendor BS claims, this one may actually make real money. Then again, it could $hit its pants when the almighty dollar is at risk.


    I want to share a few images of what it has done in demo mode. It does require more testing before I'd risk cash. I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but my momma didn't raise total fool either.


    If it has a bonafide edge, I will not sell it. I could make much more money trading for myself. I'll worry about how to distribute here to you when the time is, if ever, appropriate, meaning when I'm convinced it makes money consistently. I'll look forward to your feedback when and if that time arrives. Maybe I'll rent a condo next to Big Mike in Ecuador. (Did you know he is moving there to retire with all the money he made hoodwinking developers to give him their indies for free while he sells "Elite" memberships to access those indies?) What a $hitc0ck he is--but that's another discussion.


    Take a look at these images. If I didn't see the trades occur in realtime with my eyes I wouldn't believe them. Perhaps you won't either. Commissions are omitted, but there are 4 ticks of slippage included.





  3. Trader34...that was totally uncalled for. TB is helping she dosn't have to prove a damn thing...she is just showing her method if you want proof that it works then you put time into it and see if it works for you....demanding someone to show markers....at least you could have been civil about it. I would think you would know better...you have been around long enough. This isn't BMT.


    Wtf? :))


    Put the trade markers on the chart or you are NOT trading this live you are cherry picking after the fact.

    Its that simple.

  4. Great Job Jane-I think you have some support!


    "i will only continue if i see some responses and support. Hope you enjoyed and thank you all again.

    Jane "


    Reply Reply With Quote .


    The Following 27 Users Say Thank You to Traderbeauty For This Useful Post:


    AndyS, Banner, FloridaTrader, Gladiator858, gonzo, iksak, k33, Lemon451, longboat, mauro33, minch, newbie0101, noody, osijek1289, RandomTask, soma, stocktrader78, sukhsan, Swordfi$h, tommy1618, traderbob, tradernate, tradershare, tryitagainmf, Wanderer, windo, zbear

  5. Hi Flordia...If I remember right the so-called Holy grail was a BB MACD indi when the system was purchased. As TB stated....they all teii (the indi that are expensive) and really offer the same thing. Best is find Support resistance and trade off those areas. I use indi for divergence and trend verification.-Nate


    Tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't PBF the site that claims that they have the ultimate Holy Grail system that you can only obtain if you purchase the trading system? I wonder if anyone has got their hands on it since I haven't seen any negative postings stating it wasn't a Holy Grail system.
  6. Looks like the Goodwin's Law will be pulled by BMT trolls....it will not be from us. Yams has every right to be critical of BMT...he sure cannot do it on BMT site since he has been banned. I hope your next posts will be better...I see the bar is now set very low, so that should be easier. BTW-you do have a point about BMT on others helping...but again if you have been banned from BMT what good is to that person now. Yam has every right to speck his mind about BMT here....not sure you do with your one post.-Nate


    Yamantak, you criticize Mike for stealing indicators and then commit to stealing them yourself? I would be worried if I behaved like that.


    As an "elite" member of BMT, I can say that I have learned more from the $50 I paid than any of the 1-point stop losses on the emini that I lost before I found BMT. I also learned that 4 ticks is too tight of a stop for the types of trades I was trying to do, and why. I also found the community there to be supportive and encouraging. I think I have downloaded 2 indicators and installed 1. You are stealing the wrong part of BMT. You should steal the collaboration and civility. You should steal the webinars. You should steal the members' resolve to self improve, which is infectious.


    I won't write off Indo Investasi because of the rantings of one member. But posts like this make me wonder if I will have to sift through more like it before I find the actual value it has to offer.


    I am surprised this thread has not satisfied Godwin's Law yet. Only a matter of time...

  7. Our Russian trading friends could you please copy and paste in english also....if you would I would greatly appreciate.-Nate


    Да, я разговаривал с Eds'ом и Gom'ом ... нет, все не так просто - эти парни имеют свое мнение и не очень адекватны в подходе. Проблема в том что парни не доходят до основного и сворачивают, за личную переписку меня сам БигМайк забанил - козел он тупой! :) ... я настырен и не останавливаюсь, а большая часть людей останавливается на препятствиях!

    Программисты разные, цена колеблется довольно серьезно в зависимости от способностей ... сложность не в определении ценообразования, а в адекватности исполнителя ... то есть мне все равно сколько платить - 1000 ... 20000 ... человека нет! ... одни недоумки мнящие себя благодетелями!

  8. @BMTaka....do us and me a favor....do not get near a keyboard when you have been drinking. When you have any real facts then we can actually have an intelligent discussion.

    Concerning your statement "Could you just STOP these BACKSLIDING/BACKBITING and concentrate on your own website money making ventures". Yams...comments are not for you...just to sign up and give what so-called advise you think you have....please since you are new here know your place on this forum and go away. We can talk about anyone we want too....just like BMT does.....what we cannot have a different opinion them you...who are you the BMT troll police....sorry this is an open forum...and its free...see we let you in...we will see how long you stay also....go fight another battle this one is not for you.


    Thanks for stopping by and not staying long. ....Now on your lil way-Nate




    Are you making money on those ADVERTS that flash on your website ? If YES, then you lack the moral (business, and non-business) rights to write those stuff about Mike ... mind you, I'm NOT Mike. The more people you entice to register on your website, the more money you make on those ADVERTS. Those indicators from BMT that you want to publish on your website are irrelevant to traders ... indicators don't make successful traders. Mike is so open to even mention his divorce on BMT ... so, what is the relevance of all these. Could you just STOP these BACKSLIDING/BACKBITING and concentrate on your own website money making ventures.


    I don't expect that you'll BAN me from your website because of this post ... OK !!!



  9. The oil guy is on crack....he talks about ****** stuff and really doesn't make a lot of sense...please do not pay him any attention.

    AS my take on BMT...I feel its a good place to hide out if you are a new trader. Just like any other site you cannot take everything 100%. You do get people to help you when you are active on the site. Just like anything else, if you want to spend a cheap $100 for life... its still cheap...but I like I-I a whole lot better.

    Concerning people or vendors who rip off others who write code....its ******...where do they get ideas, books and other people. tell me how many indicators written at BMT come from one persons sole idea...no way. Trading ideas and indicators come from a collections of peoples books and just seeing what others have done. It hasn't changed in over 100 years...not it information learned is not one on one anymore but through the internet. If you write code on BMT...I would expect to see it else where....it is crazy not to think otherwise...or rip others for stealing your idea....we all learn from each other...everything included...when it comes to trading. I am glad I have a few good friends that have helped me through the last 3-4 years, and I trade with my dad...who calls our trades. I have been in a lot of rooms and I have not found one that I could trade from....At the end of the day it is up to me to use S/R, volume, tick, and MAs, higher time frames-daily, 60, 15Min..to see where price is being supported....it just take patience and time...no substitution for monitor time.

    BTW..Yam...I have no problem with your attitude of BMT...getting booted is not fun, but those are his rules and they are no fun at times .-Nate


  10. Here is a downloadable manual p@rt two M T Pred http://www.4shared.com/document/CSfb7jXw/MTPredictorTradingTrainingCour.html


    Here is M T P@art One



    Hi guys, I have here this version and it works realtime without errors, the main thing to properly register for the manual ..... .....:-?








    [spoiler=Mtpredictor Trading Course Part2]http://www.docin.com/p-577309519.html

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