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Posts posted by tradernate

  1. @Longboat...Show me real live trades or I don't believe anyone's results anymore. I am with you all the way on that statement. I 've just seen too many lies.


    A trader I knew bought the L2ST course and even visited the office in London. He got disgusted when he said Kam was trading a whole different way then what was taught in his course. Kam always came in the chat room and claimed some crazy amount of money he made early in the trading day on the DAX but never showed his trades live in the chatroom. He thought it was a scam and quit. It is not my experience, but I do trust my buddy. So FYI..just saying. Show me real live trades or I don't believe anyone's results anymore.
  2. @Kram...."Note that they openly admit that 95% of people trying to become traders will fail." it looks like they smile and take your money and help you become the 95% with there worthless help. I too went in with a trading friend about 3 years ago, and saw the same thing.

    I was in a trading room called eminiprofessor, on a friday-about 2 years ago..which is generally a 1/2 lot day, when he $$ cost averaged on the NQ/YM for 20 cars, and took over a 625 lost...sim or real...either way he did not know how to trade. He started out with 4 cars. He had 4 or 5 others in his room. After that week I never went back....he broke even thru the week, without that last trade of the week. So Kram...I feel your pain...with ATW.


    I subscribed to ATW SSS for a month a couple of months ago to try it out. The Scalper is not realy used anymore as it no longer gives consistently profitable signals. They have some other systems using a multitimeframe indicator called the pulse extreme but they don't really work either. In the live room, they showed trades that might have happened but never placed a live trade. Andy still says that cr@p about "I was in there 5 ticks ago, did you get it?". Their educational training on psychology and risk management is good but not the indicators. Don't beleive their emails; they hooked me in and then when I actually saw it's performance, I was disappointed and felt as though I was tricked. Note that they openly admit that 95% of people trying to become traders will fail.
  3. Hi Longboat, the files has 2 systems in the zip, and they all import once they are unzipped. Just to let you know, some indicators are not fully working...but they should download, unzip adn load into NT just fine...at least on my side they did...Good Luck-Nate


    Hmm I couldn't import it. It says it may be corrupt. For 8K it must be good and the developer admits in the testimonials that he doesn't trade it himself!? Anyone else have luck importing it?
  4. G...there is no problem supporting other forums, but when you say I will educate and post it some place else just to make people go over to the other site....is that right?...would you like that done to you. Really it makes no sense-may be it just shows who you really are and how are people going to trust you.


    If you get it here post it here...what is the problem with that. I have no problem in you saying it is also posted in another forum but put it here also.

    If you are here only to boost numbers for the other forum that you seem to be promoting then really go...and go now!





    Expliname whats the prblme to support other forums
  5. Here are some books: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ezfo6e

    Set 2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/438kvy

    More Rules defined and mark up chart:


    Price > 34 or 89 EMA

    3R BLUE Color Bar

    BColor Blue Line=VP + DM (Blue Bar) Same Slope UP

    VP Slope UP (Best>0 and/or DM

    Want VP leading DM

    DvrMap>0, Blue Bar-at least dotted line

    CCI(20)>0 Green Bkgd

    Entry +1 tick above BColor Signal Bar



    Price < 34 or 89 EMA

    3R RED Color Bar

    BColor Light RED =VP + DM Same Slope DOWN

    VP Slope DOWN RED (Best<0 and/or DM

    Want VP leading DM

    DivrMap<0, at least dotted line

    CCI(20)<0 RED Bkgd

    Entry =1 tick below BColor Signal Bar


    Mark up chart: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5hmppo

    Chart Note Indicator: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cedl8h


    This type of trading is not for everyone...it takes alot of practice. The key is passing the trading test of 5K with 15 to 20 per trade. Start with 5K go to 10K in 4-6 weeks. Must be at 70%....since this is a negivative risk/reward system...but that is scalping. Can use 34 or 89 EMA, which ever helps you see price better.

  6. This should be one that works: http://www.sendspace.com/file/avioik


    Hi guys I am new here,


    I wanted to know if anybody has the Tradeguider RT V4 and/or End of Day version. With or without crack.


    I have been looking at the posted links, but all of them are too old, unavailable.


    I am looking for a dirver without virus (tested).


    Many thanks

  7. Gavetso...ur sad. I see why you have no THANKS on your profile. So you will take from here , but will post elsewhere...again UR SAD. People get banned here because they cannot follow simple rules....nothing more or less.


    alredy get educated but iu wil posit in other place because i see people banned friends really helpme without reason
  8. Here is the thread...the Hawk Eye was just posted...have fun-Nate




    See post #122 for the link....

    HERE IS THE LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ql2rro

    sorry about that got busy......and had to run.....Nate




    There are many Hawkeye threads here. Kindly repost the link for the indicator in question. Thanks.

  9. If you tie in into an NT7 indicator then you can keep it here otherwise it generally goes over in the the general trading section. If you could keep it here that would be great...keeping it here meaning in the NT side of the forum.

    Thank you-Nate


    Tradeernate-sure will do tomorrow or saturday- will take me some time,

    Should I stay on this post or should i start a new post called " HOW TO TRADE AND WIN CONSISTENTLY ,THE TRADERBEAUTY WAY "




  10. Hi TraderBeauty,

    This is your thread you share any way or how you want to...the floor is all yours....thank you for sharing-Nate


    I am not sure if I am allowed to do so here and in this forum.

    I prefer to do that in the ninja forum because we all have the same indicators.

    So please let me know and I will be more than happy to share and explain.

    I attached a screenshot of part of today's activity.


    take care


  11. Bumper do I get this correctly....you are hijacking our fixed software and then telling people that if the want a live link they have to go to another site....is that correct. If that is correct then I have a HUGE issue with that. Please explain yourself...Is that fair to us who have worked keeping the links alive for the last 2-3 years-Nate


    SEE FUTURE UPDATES in ninjatraderz.com
  12. More Rules defined and mark up chart:


    Price > 34 or 89 EMA

    3R BLUE Color Bar

    BColor Blue Line=VP + DM (Blue Bar) Same Slope UP

    VP Slope UP (Best>0 and/or DM

    Want VP leading DM

    DvrMap>0, Blue Bar-at least dotted line

    CCI(20)>0 Green Bkgd

    Entry +1 tick above BColor Signal Bar



    Price < 34 or 89 EMA

    3R RED Color Bar

    BColor Light RED =VP + DM Same Slope DOWN

    VP Slope DOWN RED (Best<0 and/or DM

    Want VP leading DM

    DivrMap<0, at least dotted line

    CCI(20)<0 RED Bkgd

    Entry =1 tick below BColor Signal Bar


    Mark up chart: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5hmppo

    Chart Note Indicator: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cedl8h


    This type of trading is not for everyone...it takes alot of practice. The key is passing the trading test of 5K with 15 to 20 per trade. Start with 5K go to 10K in 4-6 weeks. Must be at 70%....since this is a negivative risk/reward system...but that is scalping. Can use 34 or 89 EMA, which ever helps you see price better.



    contact me Skype: ninjatraderz

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