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Posts posted by shawnh

  1. Hi guys, I'm looking for a way to scan my specific basket of stocks (about 95) for end-of-day double top patterns. Either a web-based or software based solution... it doesn't matter. I looked at Finviz.com, but it seems they only detect the double-top "after the fact". By that time, it is kind of too late. I found that Amibroker has a scanner that can detect double-tops... has anyone tried it?




  2. Thank you Sixer. I found this while digging around in the stuff from Andrey:





    Here it mentions that he has the videos (I think) that I am looking for:


    "Advanced Get Seminar (Video 1.74 GB) (tradingech.com)"


    That website doesn't come up, but maybe this is the video series I am looking for...




  3. Yanda, okay I guess your setup/installation is alright then. I uploaded a file with some stuff for you to help you out - some screenshots of various settings and a little MT4 thing I doctored up for myself for outputting data for RET use.




    For importing data files into RET, I think they have to have a PRN file extension. Add the "Outputdata" indicator to your MT4 and then slap it on any chart you want (intraday, daily, etc). It will export data files with a PRN file extension. It always writes them to the MQL4/Files folder of your MetaTrader installation - this can't be changed I don't think. Take a look at screenshots metatrader1.png and metatrader2.png for the settings for this indicator.


    For setting up your RET to import these files, use the settings on screenshot RET1.png. Then click the "Define ASCII" button there and use the settings shown on RET2.png.


    If you want end of day stock data to play around with (instead of forex), just download the very good and free YLOADER from www.yloader.com. Use the config settings in it as shown in yloader.png.


    Finally, I like to have the RET elliott wave analysis look like I have in screenshot RET3.png. To get that, just make sure the two buttons I have encircled in green are depressed.





  4. Hi yandaPaur, would you be able to open the ABOUT window (HELP | ABOUT) and post a screenshot of that? Something doesn't seem right with your installation. Your first screenshot shows you selected and used the "General Stocks" powerpack from the dropdown list at the upper right. I have all the powerpacks installed, and I don't have that one. The one I use (in order to get the WECS indicator to appear) is "USA Stocks 2007 (Large Cap)".


    Also, I never experienced that error window you get on startup.


    And also, you said "Btw, I changed my Windows 7 Pro 64-bit system to English + United States just to run RET, otherwise the program tells you to do that when you start the program". I installed mine on XP, it never gave me any warning about what OS to install on.




  5. I've just been looking at it briefly on US stocks daily charts, and I find that it might act quite nicely as a confirming indicator. I wouldn't trade it all by itself, of course. I need to look at it more closely, but currently I'm busy on something else.




  6. Ravi, I can't view that screenshot of the error - it just goes to main photoshop site. Anyway, I think you should do a full UNinstall of whatever version of RET you have there. It's ONLY Candyman's version from post #67 of this thread that will show the WECS indicator.

    After that new installation I think you will still be missing powerpack file LT.001, so download it here and copy it over to the RET installation folder:






  7. Ravi, I had the same problem when I first tried it - "Where is the WECS indicator?", I wondered. In the right-most dropdown window up

    top, you MUST specify a powerpack that has "2007" in it... else the WECS indi won't display.

    In your installation folder ("C:Program Files\Refined Elliott Trader"), there should be files named LT.000 through LT.020. These are the

    powerpack files.



  8. Just load a chart up Ravi, then choose in the dropdown window at the far right, an appropriate powerpack with a 2007 date (WECS indicator only works with 2007 powerpacks). Then click INDICATORS from top menu, then MANAGE, then ADD NEW, then select WAVE END CONFIRMATION SIGNALS and OK, Then OK again on next window, then finally OK again on the "Manage indicators" window. WECS indicator should appear at bottom of chart.




  9. Hi nurfirdaus, Candyman said he will make a new full install with the working WECS indi and you can then just delete any other version of RET you had. So just patience for now!







    Hi Shawn, are you using which version that can update to the new version? because i can not update it, mine v 1.13.2..can you share the lastest version?. thanks.
  10. OK thanks Candyman. I just mentioned that cause in the pdf Users Manual for the WECS indicator, it had said this:



    "Trouble Shooting Guide for Displaying the WECS Indicator



    If you are unable to display the WECS indicator within the Refined Elliott Trader

    software, check the following:


    Do you have the latest version of RET installed?

    To display the WECS indicator, you will need to be running RET version 1.5.x or


    To upgrade, fire up RET, and select: Tools | Check for Software Upgrades. Then

    follow the instructions.


    Do you have a 2007 PowerPack installed?

    WECS uses the additional information found within the 2007 series of market specific

    PowerPacks for RET. It does not work with the default database that comes standard

    with RET. This is because the new PowerPacks contains the additional information

    that WECS needs to display the indicators.

    You can check to see what PowerPacks you have installed/licensed by viewing the

    Help | About window within RET.

    Notice the PowerPack licenses in the section on the right."





  11. Ravi - that v1.11.2 download is only the installation setup file. No medicine, sorry.


    And for the files in the Missionforex archive file - I tried just copying them to the RET installation folder along with the other LT.xxx files (ie. the Powerpack files). I assumed that RET would "detect" them automatically upon restart, but that didn't work. I don't know what purpose those Missionforex archive files serve, really.



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