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Posts posted by shawnh

  1. I am not a registered Wave59 member... I am unable to access the forum.


    As far as I can tell, "Output_Chart" will only output the price bar data rlygangesh:










    i think better place for it is wave 59 forum.


    as far as i think output indicator to ascii may not work as planet harmonic index is not an indicator.

    every astro tab tool are not listed in indicator.

    if you use Output Chart in ASCII, than it may work, but you have to separate Planet Harmonic Index data from it

  2. Hi guys, I'm trying to output the bar-by-bar values of the "Planet Rise Harmonics" indicator in Wave 59 after I apply it to a chart. I know there is already a built-in function to do this - "Output Indicator to Ascii", but this requires that the indicator must also have a corresponding "function" in Wave 59 - which the "Planet Rise Harmonics" indicator does not. Would anyone know of any kind of "trick" in Wave 59 to do this?




  3. Thanks rlygangesh. So you feel there are no worthwhile trading ideas contained in the rules of that mechanical system? Even if it contains only one good tidbit of information, that is still helpful.




    you can but as i say earlier owning MTS book doesn't mean any benefit
  4. Rlygangesh, thank you for your input. I'm still very interested however, in seeing what the contents of this "Mechanical Trading System" eBook. Could you share it with me please?






    if you are asking for MTS than it is only a system with some good accuracy & good RR, but i an not using it because i haven't access Artificial Intelligence.

    if you are asking about wave 59 than there some good tool only it is totrally depend upon you how can you use it

  5. Hi Pathfinder... heheh well I haven't gained any new extraordinary skills from Wave59, but there are a few different and interesting tools that have some merit I think. The Natal Forecast and the Planetary Rise Harmonic Index are interesting when combined with other non-correlated indicators.



    hi sir, if you are using wave59 then what you can say about their approach of trading in market, have you gained some extraordinary skills? kindly share your experience, i tried to use them in past, just to explore any approach which can dragged me out of un wanted losses. but failed to discover anyone.

    your reply would be greatly appreciated



  6. Thanks for the insight rlygangesh. So what you are saying basically then is - even if I have a running copy of Wave59 (which I do), that I still cannot run the system as I also require the "neural network" and "artificial intelligence" portions - which is further locked by Earik?




  7. Hi guys, I managed to locate the downloadable eBook file using the "Wayback Machine" internet archives

    (https://archive.org/web), and it found it! Here it is:





    (The downloadable "Interactive Demo" shown there is a useful thing also, you might want to download that too).



    Now as for the downloadable "Mechanical trading system" - it is in a "eBook" format (not PDF). You will see that it needs to be installed and then after installation when you run it, it will display this screen:




    Here is where I stopped and I am a little hesitant to proceed. I'm concerned that if I complete this little "form", that my IP address will be revealed to Wave59 (and I don't want this). So maybe someone has a VPS or some other proxy IP where they could run this on in safety and share to us here the info for this mechanical system?





  8. Guys, I am playing around with varying the "Planetary" and "Exchange" Harmonics values (see link to screenshot below) to see what effect they will have on Wave59's Natal Forecast indicator for the S&P. I was wondering - should the numbers entered in those fields follow the "laws of good harmonics" and be only numbers that divide evenly into 360? For instance, 72,60,45,40,36,30,24 and so forth? Or can any number be used here with good effect?








  9. I am trying a demo of FXCM as the data feed... but it's pretty limited. I trade stocks mostly and the only useful symbol I can get from FXCM is the SP500 index. And at that, the charts do not update automatically in AbleTrend - a "Force Refresh" is required everytime. Wndering if that is normal, or should they update automatically,,,?







    perhaps try another route if the IB option doesn't work out



  10. Yeah, it would be a nightmare... that's why I will try to set all this up and test it on a separate computer altogether. I don't know where to find that specific version of TWS however (956.2p). The IB site no longer keeps a repository of old versions... at least not that I can find. Also the link in the AbleTrend PDF file for the download:




    that is only for the API... not the old TWS. :-(




    If that's the case then maybe check with wintick and see if they have it, if you can. Sounds like a nightmare though to be running/depending an older version of TWS and trying to avoid the automatic update by IB.
  11. by gosh Joey, you might be onto something there... that could be it, thanks. It never occurred to me that installing the older version of IB TWS (and API) could enable the IB option within AbleTrend - I was thinking I was missing a separate AbleTrend module. Currently I have the very latest TWS (v 965.1) but I'm not sure where I can find the older 956.2p.






    "The current Trader Workstation that works with AbleTrend provided are version 956.2p and the corresponding API 971.06. "


    Are you using a TWS and TWS API version that is compatible? Make sure you have both TWS and the API installed.

  12. Hello all, it seems there is a version of AbleTrend 7.0 that can use Interactive Brokers as data feed:





    However the version I have (v7.08.046) does not support that. Please see screenshot here:




    Would anyone have the AbleTrend 7.0 version that supports Interactive Brokers please?




  13. Yep I can apply the indicators no problem. Not working for you?


    Just annoying that the FXCM datafeed doesn't update in real time. However, I discovered just a little while ago that there is a v7.0 that allows Interactive Brokers as datafeed... that would be very nice to have if anyone happens to have that particular version!










    shawnh, do you have its indicators show up on the chart?
  14. Thank you for the download site homey - the installation works smoothly and I thought all was well until I noticed real-time data feed from free FXCM demo account was not updating the AbleTrend charts automatically. It requires a "Force Refresh" of AbleTrend chart every time in order to update the chart (SPX500 5 min chart) with new data. Has anyone else experienced this problem and found a workaround?






    Here is what I found: https://www.sendspace.com/file/qj0wtc


    Please let me know if it is working. I could not get EOD data to work.

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