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Posts posted by shawnh

  1. Thank you very much Ticks for wanting to help me out, I really appreciate that. But unfortunately, that Missionforex package did not help in activating the "WECS" indicator of RET :-(


    In my original installation of v1.13.2, it listed these add-on "Powerpack" files in the RET installation folder:


    LT.000, LT.001, LT.002, LT.003, LT.004, LT.005, LT.007, LT.008


    ... and in the "About" window it showed these things "activated" (it says "Technical Indicators enabled" even though the WECS indicator is not really enabled):




    ... but the WECS indicator was never functional. So I had believed that I was missing some key Powerpack files - like the ones that were in the Missionforex archive. I was quite excited when you posted this download, but after adding these files (LT.006, and LT009 through LT.020) to the RET installation folder, it did not make any difference :-( Maybe there is something I am overlooking? It's possible - I have been know to make a mistake in my life before!



    Has anyone else experienced this same thing? I would very much like to activate this special WECS indicator in RET...




  2. Hi all... I am looking for a version of RET please that has an activated "WECS" indicator (Wave End Confirmation Signals). I installed the version available in this thread (v1.13.2) but unfortunately it does not have this activated.


    I found a site with a company - "Missionforex" - that says they will sell v1.12.5 for $19 that supposedly has the working WECS indicator. Has anyone dealt with them before, or know if they are trustworthy?






  3. Hi c0py, I had posted on here a few months back inquiring as to how exactly to calculate the levels from the CME documents - I was getting somewhat confused as to exactly what values to use from which columns. Would you be able to offer a bit of assistance please? I am chiefly stuck on which of those numbers to use in the calculation.





  4. Hello, I am a little bit late to the party, but just now discovering this great (but old) thread. If there is someone still around please, I am a liitle stuck right off the hop on where to get the proper info from to manually calculate the options levels... and which portion of the CME report must be used (all the image files and screenshots showing this from early in the thread are no longer available).

    Basically, I've seen that the options data for the EURUSD pair is available in one of two places:


    (1) http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/fx/g10/euro-fx_quotes_settlements_options.html#optionProductId=8116&tradeDate=10/13/2017


    (2) http://www.cmegroup.com/daily_bulletin/current/Section39_Euro_FX_And_Cme$Index_Options.pdf



    With site (1) I'm not quite sure what to select in the "Type" and "Trade Date" dropdown boxes. While with site (2) I really don't know where to look at, at all. I had found another Russian site that showed which numbers to use, but the layout of the bulletin they use in their example doesn't quite seem to "jive" with the most recent bulletin.





    So I'm in a bit of a pickle! Any guidance would be so appreciated... thanks!



  5. Hi guys... have any of you ever created any strategies or studies using the MotiveWave Java Software Development Kit (SDK)? I can program in Delphi but have never dipped my foot into Java before - but I reckon I could slog my way through it. There are a couple of programming samples at:


    [email protected]/support/sdk.htm


    ... but nothing for a strategy that uses a stop loss and profit target - which is what I'd like to implement. Would anyone have any example code that I could use as a kick-start and build from please?




  6. heheh, thanks Shenong. Ohh I did search Google the mighty beast quite a bit and came up with nothing! So eventually I just asked IB support about it and they gave me the answer! The syntax for a forex symbol was a little tricky and not obvious. For EURUSD, it would be this:




    For USDJPY, this:





    It now reads in ticks from IB fine, but only problem -History59 doesn't seem to be able to retrieve "1-day history" or "multiple day history" for these forex symbols.








    Hi bro :)


    Maybe some basic GOOG keywords would do the job.....So powerful beast.... :)

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