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PremiumAdsClub Review Blog Team: 11/21/2008 Sometimes when you do daily reviews of programs it gets to be tedious at times looking at the same things over and over again. Truthfully our standards here at the CIFBlog are quite high and we give programs fairly rigorous check while doing a review. For our program today called PremiumAdsClub I can truly say that so far I have only wonderful things to report about them. PremiumAdsClub is an autosurf that is ran by a team of 2 wonderful ladies, most commonly known as ExecutiveLady and KazzyAdmin. They are always very active in the forums and have been around for some time. EL has been in MMG since March of ‘06 and Kazzy since October ’06. Kazzy is currently the admin of another surf called Scotia Ads which has been performing beautifully for a number of months and is showing no signs of slowing. I would consider these two personal friends and I only tell you that to reiterate the reasons behind the faith that I currently have in PremiumAdsClub . Now that we know a little about the admins let’s discuss the site itself. PremiumAdsClub is offering a generous but obtainable 9% for 15 days or 135%total returned ROI including a 5% referral commissions and 2 cashouts per processor per 15 day cycle. The admin states that in the latter part of January we will see this changed to payout upon expiry. Ad packs are a bit high at 10.00 per unit with a minimum purchase of 3 units. Members must first also buy a membership ranging from 5.00 up to 50.00 for 30 days of activity, all of this depends upon the level of participation that you wish to have with this program. To invest or deposit here you must first deposit funds in to your account balance. Once you have deposited into your wallet you can then choose what membership level you wish to buy, there are 5 levels to choose from. 5 levels of Memberships with Monthly Fees as follows: Stand By - Max Ad Pack Level $200 - $5 surf 20 sites Economy - Max Ad Pack Level $1500 - $15 surf 15 sites Business Class - Max Ad Pack Level $ 3000 - $25 surf 10 sites First Class - Max Ad Pack Level $ 5000 - $35 Executive - Max Ad Pack Level $ 7500 - $ 50 Cash outs have a 3.00 minimum and a 3% fee. Be sure that when choosing the plan that you would like to purchase that you also take into account the level of upgrades that you plan on adding so that they can correspond with each other. PremiumAdsClub accepts AlertPay, Solid TrustPay, StrictPay and Liberty Reserve Withdrawals are paid to the processor used to upgrade with. It seems that these ladies have put a lot of thought and effort into the formulation of PremiumAdsClub so now let’s discuss the technical aspect of the program. PremiumAdsClub is hosted on a private DDOS protected server and is hosted offshore for security reasons. The script that is used is the exact same script as AggeroInvestmentand TrafficAlmighty . PremiumAdsClub is available in 6 different languages English, Italian,French,Spanish, Dutch and Russian. This in itself will play a key role in the growth of PremiumAdsClub and their ability to reach members who only speak other languages These girls have also spared no expense when it comes to advertising as you can see some very large banners already displayed on the top of some large forums such as MMG and CIF . PremiumAdsClub will also be the sponsor of Videocast #9 on C.I.F. so stay tuned for that. I have nothing but the highest hopes for this program. I’m really looking forward to the earning experience here and I feel very confident in recommending this program to anyone that is looking for a safe earning vehicle. I’m also happy to report that we were paid today by FastProfitSurf , SurfPal , Youmilex , Frogress , TrafficAlmighty , MegaSurfWorld , 12DailyClub and of course our newest addition PremiumAdsClub . ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Bolg gets up
12DailyClub Review Blog Team: 11/19/2008 The holiday season is here and like Santa brings us presents or cole, the surf industry brings us a gift or a scam. So many sites are starting to show and some are more obvious then others, any site that is referenced to the holiday or depicts images of gifts or "Santa clause" are dead ringers for the definite scam. This is why I find it more important to tell you about sites like 12DailyClub . 12DailyClub is a traditional surf offering 12% for 12 days total 144% and for upgraded members willing to put in more then $700 they will get 12.5% for 12 days giving a great 150%. Members are allowed to upgrade from $7 to $7,000. Both plans give an appealing 7% on the first upgraded made by your referral and 3% on all subsequent upgrades. Even Free members are said to get the same referral commissions. 12DailyClub uses just 3 processors, AlertPay (verified), StricPay (verified or can’t send funds) and of course liberty reserve. I am not sure why SolidTrustPay has been left out, however I do not feel this is a bad thing because StrictPay does allow funding to be done via STP. While members will pay the exchange fee, this saves the program itself from doing such and in turn allowing longer life. 12DailyClub does charge small fees on deposit based off the processor fees. No fee was displayed of Liberty Reserve while 1 % was charged of StrictPay and 2.5% for AlertPay All of these seem pretty fair to me though as some processors like Alertpay are taking a pretty hefty fee nowadays. Now plans are great and easy for everyone to see so let me tell you more about the site and the workings. 12DailyClub is using the same script as fastprofitsurf.com and is fromhttp://www.lrscripts.com/. Hosting is provided by CIF-hosting which has shown to be pretty well maintained. The design is clean crisp and very user friendly. The admin of 12DailyClub goes by Ronald and since he has his own forum I do not expect him to be available much in public forums if at all. This too seems to be a trend coming forward of some of the more promising programs. Over all the program has just started and I believe it is worth a second look and should not be passed over. After speaking to the admin I have every confidence that he will run his program with honesty and the best intentions. And as always never invest your Christmas money or money for medical bills. Think with a good head and never put in more then you can afford to lose. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Interview with the admin of Surfpal Blog Team: 11/17/2008 Hi there guys! Today we bring you the interview with Enrique the admin of SurfPal . My experience so far has been very good with this program and after speaking to the admin I feel like we have a winner on our hands here……Enjoy! SurfPal 1.Thank you for allowing the Collective Investments Blog Team to interview you. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? How long have you been in the industry? Have you run any other online programs before? Let’s start with the basics, my name is Enrique Madrigal, I have been an online investor for about 2 years give or take. This is my first on line program as an administrator of any kind. 2. What makes you qualified to run a HYIP/AutoSurf program? Running a surf program is not much different form running an offline business, you have your accounts payable accounts receivable, sales receipts and expenses, customers and employees. Just put things into context and a site is not much different. 3. What makes SurfPal stand out from the crowd? First thing that will make SurfPal stand out is the way things are done. SurfPal has a unique script and program layout, second is the focus a dedication to make SurfPal the friendliest place for everyone new and old. 4. Is your program backed by investments or supplemented by outside income sources? Can you tell us more about that? Or is SurfPal purely a game? SurfPal has a balanced program of options to provide returns as long as members show dedication and support, income will be there. 5. What Made you choose a design like that of Pay Pal? Those who use paypal will notice the ease of use and the well structured interface. This was what we wanted, Nice, Easy, Clan, and most of all user friendly. 6. How are you promoting your program to the online public? SurfPal is promoted in several of the top forums, Blogs, Monitors, other surf sites. And most of all by word of mouth. When people are happy they will tell their friends, that will cause us to become a big group of surf pals. 7. Please tell us where your program is hosted? SurfPal is hosted on a private server. With state of the art DDOS protected fire Walls. 8. What type of script do you use to run SurfPal ? Does it provide the necessary security against hackers? Do you have SSL or any other security features you’d like to tell us about? SurfPal is using a customized script which members will find has many features that are not available in other surfsites. You will find that in the surf history there is a FULL list of sites as they enter the surfbar. This will allow you to easily report abuse or the annoying frame breakers with out worry. This also gives members the chance to go back and look for a site that may have passed to fast in surfing. 9. Do you have plans for any program changes to be made in The near future, such as enhancements, revisions of current Plans, additional plan options, added ecurrencies, etc.? Right now there are no changes planned. However this does not mean that we are not open for improvement. Currently we accept the 4 main e-curriencies StrictPay, AlertPay, Solid Trust Pay all of which require members o be verified, as well as Liberty Reserve. We may at times offer a promotional plan for limited times. 10. How long do you honestly feel SurfPal could Last? With the current state of surfing I can see SurfPal lasting well into next year or longer. However the time that a surf will last is 100% determined by the members. 11. Is there anything you’d like to add or comment on before We conclude the interview? I would just like to say that communication is very important. And I will do my best to communicate with everyone via e-mail. While forums are a great way to stay informed there are many more members who do not attend forums. Therefore our important communications will come directly from me, and should not be expected to be posted in forums. I also would like to thank the entire CIF Blog team for the review and interview, your work is outstanding and shows dedication that is truly needed to bring stability back to the industry we all know and love Thank you so much for your time and best of luck with SurfPal ! That’s it for today guys. Stay tuned tomorrow for a very special interview that we conducted with the admin of Centasia Development . After our review of them a few weeks ago they were not too happy with us…lol I think you will enjoy it. If anything major happens today I’ll be sure to pop in here and update you guys about it. Tags: ACH, Alertpay, autosurf, Blog, Collective Investments, Collective Investments Blog, DDOS, hyip, Interviews, News, News, online, PayPal, Solid Trust Pay (STP), SSL, StrictPay (SP), surfs ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
TrafficAlimighty review Blog Team: 11/15/2008 TrafficAlmighty Today’s review was a hard one to choose. As of late there have been so many great sites with good admin that the choices almost seemed endless. Do I choose a new site, an older site, a new admin an older admin? So I decided to get the best of both worlds and review a new program with an experienced admin. TrafficAlmighty launched on November 11th. So it is a new site that is run by Tysin, a long time MMG member and prior site administrator. Although his prior sites all ended as is the case with every site, Tysn’s sites seem to have been run with good intentions and ran fairly or as fair as any program can be ran. I am expecting the same here. The tale of the tape says the admin has been previously behind many programs and one of them was Profit Share Pro. It puzzles me after I had read his ‘last words’ on a forum thread saying he’s leaving the arena for good but now we see him again with another program: “I am leaving this arena for good. If you run honest programs or scam money you get the same after affect and still are called a scammer. I hope the bashers are happy. They shouldn’t be because due to their negativity more people lost in this program. But hey, as always that is the admin’s fault. I ran all my programs as honest as possible. Unfortunately being a scammer seems better as they just come back again with a new ID and profit more then I can. On the other hand I get a lot of negativity and bashing for doing something honest.†On the hindsight, he had been paying his members for quite some time according to records but the refunds allegedly made are quite questionable basing on some futile complaints and whining on the thread. Time might have healed the pain on the losing investors hearts so I’m thinking that this will be another case of forgive and forget because I see some people are still supporting the admin and showing enthusiasm on his new program. TrafficAlmighty is a refresher among the varieties of autosurfs out there and is not by its class patterned on the classic 12×12 this time. They started hitting the ground running on a script customized by Gotenks last November 12. While not much is known of this script it is the same as aggeroinvestment.com powered byhttp://www.uauosoft.com/ however their site may still be under development as no links work. This script has some many nice features and they used the AJAX technology here, asynchronous Java and XML. TrafficAlmighty literally used the concept of road traffic in his site by branding free members as ‘Sunday Driver’ and upgraded members as ‘Street Racer’. Plan - TrafficAlmighty offers a slightly different plan 13% for 11 days 143% in total. (Only 1% less then the more popular 12 x 12 yet takes 1 day less to expire) Payout is at expiry. Referral Commissions - Free members are able to earn 1% of ad packs bought by their Down line while upgraded members can earn 4%. The thing I like here is that the referral commissions are paid when members upgrade and not deposit money, since compounding is allowed this will give more referral commissions then if only awarded on deposits. The maximum “ad cluster†one can buy is $5,000. Members won’t lose a days earnings if surfing was missed. Instead, the “ad cluster†will expire only after the ROI reaches 143%. Please take note that your earnings for the day will not show until exactly 24 hours after the ad pack was purchased. For example if you purchase 100$ ad pack on Nov. 22nd at 6:00 p.m. then at 6:00 p.m. on Nov. 23rd you will see the 13% credited to your account. It is solely based upon when you bought your plan and not on when the server time is. The minimum withdraw is set to $3 which is on the average. It is important for you to take note that there is an ‘internal process’ within Traffic Almighty. After you deposited an amount to your account, you have to purchase “ad clusters†internally, otherwise your deposits will be dormant inside. Withdrawals may take up to 48 hours but is usually faster than that. Hosting and security - TrafficAlmighty is hosted at the planet in Dallas Texas but appears they get the hosting from PREFERRED-HOSTING.COM. Something to know is that The Planet has what may be the best ddos protection on their entire network. No SSL is used. To sum things up, what we need to know here is that this site is run by an admin with a past. We learn form mistakes, and more often then not get better the more we do things. Repetition is the key to success. With so many great sites coming up or sites with great possibilities we have to look at an over all picture not just the looks or the script or the admin. Take all things into consideration and go with your gut. With so many sites that come and go and now with the holidays nearing, there will be some sites that pop up with no intentions other then quick holiday cash. Be aware of everything and as always never invest or spend what you can not afford to lose. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
HighRiseProfit review Reviewed by Iskofer: 11/12/2008 The CIF Blog Team has another freshly baked review in store for you today folks! This will be all about a brand new one called HighRiseProfit . It’s been quite entertaining how these 12 x12 programs are popping up in such short term intervals nowadays, looks like a blooming season for the industry as Christmas comes near. The program is patterned from another famous site ( MegaLido ) judging from the design, contests and the script used but we feel the admin has taken into consideration of the success it has made which is a wise thing to do, i.e., duplicating the efficient procedures…it saves time and efforts from experimenting otherwise. We’ve noticed some errors while browsing the site when writing this review, though but it’s not a serious one, “Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/highrise/public_html/showbanner.php on line 0 “ , the admin might have been revising some images so lets play down on that. HighRiseProfit Let us proceed on the business side of HighRiseProfit . HighRiseProfit as we’ve told earlier is a common 12% daily for 12 days kind of program. We’re sure most of you are familiar with it. An investor would get 12% rebates for his upgrade on a daily basis and will get a sumptuous 144% ROI after 12 surfing days. The minimum required spend is $5 and the maximum is $1,000. Daniel Burkhart might be afraid of hit and runners blowing some smoke so he has set a rather low maximum upgrade amount which is favorable for the longevity of the program. Upgraded members need to surf 18 sites to earn the daily rebates and will be allowed to add 5 sites in rotation while free members may only surf a maximum of 25 sites. HighRiseProfit ‘s referral commissions are common too with 6% for upgraded members and 3% for free members. There is an additional income in High Rise Profit through the PTP (Paid to Promote) feature wherein members can earn $3 for every 2,000 unique views of their respective referral links. HighRiseProfit availed itself a DDOS protection on Zydus networks on a dedicated server and added SSL certificate on Comodo according to them. They are accepting deposits through Liberty Reserve, Solid Trust Pay and AlertPay which is a good decision since 2 of them somehow provide charge backs in case the program scams. It looks like the site has plans for activity and promotions contests currently visible on the site which is at stake for the Top 5 Most Active members who will be chosen every Friday, no prize details yet though so we have to wait for some announcements from Daniel Burkhart . Contests are prevalent nowadays among these kinds of programs so we will be expecting more from him. In totality, we are optimistic with HighRiseProfit in terms of a share of the investors’ attention in the autosurf industry. As we all know, the industry has been picking up good recently. It’s a good thing to see so many sites to choose from at this pre-Christmas season. We hope that HighRiseProfit will be among the ones that will make our day and some little dreams to be fulfilled. Once again, keep playing it safe and may be the profits be with you always. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Interview with the admin of DailyProfitPond Blog Team: 11/10/2008 Well hey there folks! Today I have the pleasure of bringing you the interview that we conducted with the admin of the newest and one of the hottest surfs DailyProfitPond . Enjoy! DailyProfitPond 1.Thank you for allowing the Collective Investments Blog Team to interview you. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? How long have you been in the industry? Have you run any other online programs before? *First of all good day to you and your readers, I’ve been an investor for about 3-4 years running, but I never run my own HYIP before DailyProfitPond . 2. What makes you qualified to run a HYIP/AutoSurf program? *I have been an investor in various forms of programs online and offline, I think my experience will help me in along the way. 3. What makes DailyProfitPond stand out from the crowd? * Well the first thing that our customers notice is the innovative and slick design of our webpage, its classy design help our customer find things in our site easily, 2nd is the fast profit investment of $12 and a 144% profit in just 12 days, plus a decent referral plan that pays 12% through level 3. No other program of this nature has such fantastic ref. Plan. 4. Is your program backed by investments or supplemented by outside income sources? Can you tell us more about that? Or is DailyProfitPond purely a game? *I have other investments Offline, which can cover some of the losses incase DPP does not go well. Also, income generated from other of our online ventures will be used to sustain our member’s payout. 5. We have noticed that you have grown to over 1700 members in a very short period 5 days. What do you attribute your success to so far? *Very good team work from ALL of our staff plus effective advertising. This tells us our advertising works better. 6. How are you promoting your program to the online public? *Website advertisements, forums, which our marketing staffs handle. 7. Please tell us where DailyProfitPond is hosted. *For security reasons I can not divulge that information. But we can assure you that we have a good host, we are hosted on a dedicated server and do steady daily backups. 8. What type of script do you use to run DailyProfitPond ? Does it provide the necessary security against hackers? Do you have SSL or any other security features you’d like to tell us about? * DailyProfitPond is running under a customized script by our programmers and designers, and it is well secured, and if we feel that the security is compromise we will upgrade to protect our clients. 9. Do you have plans for any program changes to be made in the near future, such as enhancements, revisions of current plans, additional plan options, added ecurrencies, etc.? * DailyProfitPond is again a new comer in this market, There will be program changes, enhancements and other alteration to the programs, all of which will benefit our members. 10. How long do you honestly feel DailyProfitPond could last? *From the very positive response, I can see that DPP will be running for a very long time. The team is dedicated to the huge success of DailyProfitPond and that is very important in a program of this nature. DailyProfitPond 11. Is there anything you’d like to add or comment on before we conclude the interview? *We at DailyProfitPond will try our very best to help all our customers, for without them DailyProfitPond is nothing but a webpage, lets earn and grow together. Thank you so much for your time and best of luck with DailyProfitPond . Thank you too CIFblog for the opportunity you given us, more power to you. Thanks alot and looking forward to making your readers proud of this fine new program: DailyProfitPond ! ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
SurfAtom Review Blog Team: 11/09/2008 Today we will be having a quick review of Surf Atom which recently pervaded its way on the autosurf industry amidst the crowd of numerous surfs which, by all accounts, seem to be doing really great. SurfAtom The admin is someone named Richard Caleb who was obliged to explain on his very first post in forums the appalling issues that surrounded his site on its launching moment. Some individuals found other sites inside the sub folders of Surf Atom website that gathered raised eyebrows but the admin had clarified that those were just his designer’s templates and had nothing to do with Surf Atom. In the first place, why is the site launched if it’s not completely set up yet? But to the admin’s benefit we will look at the site only for now. At this point in its history, let us rather focus on the feasibility of the site. Surf Atom offers 9.2 % to10% daily rebates for your upgrades for a term of 15 days. Although the rates are not described in full details on the its homepage, it would be out of harm’s way to say that the ROI will fall between 138% to 150% after 15 surfing days. I later found out the plan details after registering a test account to be sure …lol, and it was like these: 1.) Starter Atom Plan – your deposits of $10 - $69 earns 9.20% daily rebates, ROI= 138% 2.) Progressive Atom Plan – your deposits of $70 - $149 earns 9.50% daily rebates, ROI= 142.5% 3.) Mega Atom Plan – your deposits of $150 - $6,000 earns 10.00% daily rebates, ROI= 150% Payment processors available on Surf Atom are Liberty Reserve , AlertPay (verified) and PerfectMoney . Free members can enjoy 3% on referring others and can add only 1 site in rotation. Upgraded members will enjoy 6% -10% commissions on referrals deposits and can add up to 5 sites in rotation. I have a deposit of $40 (Starter Atom Plan) and my RC rate is 6%, so it must be 8% for Progressive Atom Plan and 10% those in Mega Atom Plan. SurfAtom runs a classic NeverSay script with an average design. SurfAtom is hosted on a dedicated server which, like DailyProfitPond , will be a major factor in the futre success of SurfAtom . Surf Atom noticeably made some efforts to promote the site with considerable banner placement exposures on some forums and monitors. It seems that now SurfAtom is getting a bit more of exposure and according to the below letter sent out by the admin today, they are closing in quickly on 1000 members. Well wishes for all, we are going to reach the landmark of 1000 members very soon and this is all due to your collective efforts, support and the trust you have in us, we are here to give change to the industry and doing so will need your constant support. Enjoy surfing and investing. Thank you ! Admin SurfAtom . We might have to wait for the first bunch of expired adpacks for us to have a glimpse of happy surfers posting their usual “got paid†wares that will hopefully get some prospective investors attention. All in all it is quite apparent that this admin is very serious about making SurfAtom the biggest kid on the block. I’m sure once the payouts start rolling then we will see a lot of quicker action on the forums for this one. Enjoy yourself on SurfAtom and please let us know how you do via the comments section Tags: ACH, Alertpay, autosurf, dedicated server, neversay, Neversay script, News, News, Payment Processor, Payment Processors, PerfectMoney, Reviews, roi, surfs ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Interview with the admin of Perfect Money Blog Team: 11/06/2008 Hi there Everyone! Today it is our pleasure to bring you the interview that we conducted with Andrew the admin of PerfectMoney payment system. PerfectMoney 1) Hello admin, would you please introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little bit more about you? What is your background in the financial sector? Before the creation of PerfectMoney I was a member of the board of directors in one of Zurich investment bank. During the years of my work I realized that the bank system is too slow and arrived at a concept of creating an ideal payment tool for making immediate payments in business and in everyday life. Having partnered with Erich Hans, our technical director, we built a concept of the system. As for my private life, I’m married and have two grown-up children. They study in the universities. My friends know me as an active and cheerful person. When I was younger I was crazy about ski slalom and was a real master. I always liked mountains, and cycling at Alpine meadows. 2) What was your motivation behind the creation of the PerfectMoney payment system? I’ve been working with the e-finances long enough and basing on my experience and my banking knowledge I can say that all the transactions on the Internet can be carried out quickly, easily and securely. So, having analyzed all the online payment systems I concluded that the Internet lacks such processor as PerfectMoney We brought to life all our dreams and developments, and got a convenient secure system which is convenient both for the personal and business purposes. While designing the system we have also considered the instability factor of the most payment processors during the possible slumps, thus at the moment we are stable despite the world financial crisis. Unlike banks we don’t give credits against some shady securities and can guarantee a 100% liquidity of our currency, and hence the security of the funds kept in PerfectMoney 3) Can you please tell us a bit about the corporate structure of PerfectMoney? Where are you located, registered, incorporated etc? The most productive power as well as the management team locates in Zurich, Switzerland. However our company is registered in Panama as owing to its jurisdiction the running of business there is more secure and profitable from the economic point of view. Very soon we are going to make an official presentation of our office in Panama. In the future we are going to open representations of the PerfectMoney in every megapolis to provide our service and support more effectively. 4) I’ve noticed that the ways to deposit into PerfectMoney are limited to exchangers, Bank Wire , Pecunix and Web Money. In my opinion this is going to add limitations to the amount of popularity that PerfectMoney will gain as it leaves something to be desired for the everyday user. Do you have any plans to accept other processors such as Liberty Reserve or StrictPay in the future? Yes, I agree with you. To keep the online payment system liquid on the Internet it is necessary to provide the maximum range of deposit and withdrawal options to the user. We have already introduced Liberty Reserve system however fortunately or unfortunately there are no worthy payment gateways that could be used for depositing. 5) What types of promotions are you running for new users? Can you please elaborate on your referral system and how that works? We have a special marketing structure working with the customers of each language community. In the course of the researches we figured out that our customers appreciate PerfectMoney ’s operational quality, service, security, privacy and convenient interface. We also expect rapid increase in popularity of PerfectMoney in the future as long as we are preparing our new program PM for Business. The participants that include Internet-companies will be able to get high rebates, compensate discounts to their customers, who choose PerfectMoney as their payment method, and take advantage of the special preferences that will soon be further detailed. We build our business on the basis of a close partnership with companies and we are interested in a long-term and reliable relationship. Many people are already using the referral program and you can also be among them. All of those users are regularly receive their referral payments and feel very comfortable. PerfectMoney 6) One of the biggest problems that some Payment Processors have had has come from Ddos attacks. What type of hosting do you have and can you tell us about its Ddos protection. After having established our partnership with dragonara.net we have had not a single problem with DDoS attacks. We are working in a steady and stable mode and we can guarantee that any time you initiate a transaction via PerfectMoney it will be successfully completed. You can be absolutely sure that your funds will be kept safe and any time you wish to enter your account you will be able to do it. 7) What are your plans for the future of PerfectMoney? Where do you see PerfectMoney 5 years from now? We are very pleased with our current progress and we clearly realize that our business will only grow in the future. We enter the new markets and people appreciate the functionality they get with PM. We are planning to enhance the functionality of the system and add new options by 2009. We expect that our stable operation along with our success on the global market will make us a leading company with PayPal as the only one possible rival. Do you require your users to be verified? If so what are the requirements. Yes, we do. We strictly follow all the directives and regulations and if you want to upgrade your status to a Partner you will have to pass the verification procedure. The system may require you to provide you documents in case the anti-fraud scoring mechanism finds your operations dubious. 9) Please tell us about your withdrawal options. Do you plan on adding any additional options down the road? We are always open to the new possibilities and the new withdrawal options. Also we may say that the number of our exchange services is growing and we plan to create a global network of our exchange partners to encash PM easily worldwide. 10) Is there anything else that you would like to tell our readers before we conclude? Yes, firstly I’d like to address all the online businesses and to suggest them to start accepting PerfectMoney and getting the benefits offered by the system. Having partnered PerfectMoney you will immediately see the return and increase in the client base. As soon as we launch our program PM for Business you, our dear owners of the Internet businesses, will immediately realize the advantage of PerfectMoney over other payment systems. So, don’t lose your time, and setup API Merchant PerfectMoney already today! Let’s build a successful business together, and we will help you in that! ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
EuroMillionBux review Blog Team: 11/05/2008 Today we bring you the review of a relatively new AutoSurf program called EuroMillionBux . EuroMillionBux has been around for 2 weeks now and it looks like it has finally made the first series of payments. Since its launching last October 21, 2008 , I have received numerous updates from them on my e-mails. There’s no doubt that an active management is behind this one. EuroMillionBux Let us dissect some information on their site. The admin is named Henry Fletcher and claims to be involved with stock and forex trading, commodities and the like. He seemed to love writing long messages as manifested on all his e-mail updates, maybe for the reason of acquiring trust from the clients since that strategy is always a part of the cornerstone of bringing customer satisfaction. He seems to be somewhat aware of what is effective and what is not in the eyes of the investors. (Btw, I looked in Google and I can’t find any Henry Fletcher pertaining to a trader or similar kind. Of course it’s not 100% accurate but quite a good place to look for famous personalities around. It’s very interesting to know that such a ‘famous trader’ as claimed in a forum was not even listed and looks superficial). No admin would give real name anyway, so let’s just move on with the inside view on significant details of EuroMillionBux EuroMillionBux is hosted on a shared IP on Theplanet.com but it has DDOS protection by CISCO according to the logo which is visible on their site along with web-security measures provided by 54f3.com. Let’s see later on if that combination in terms of website protections is really effective. I rarely notice them in action on most sites in this industry. EuroMillionBux has on its platform a variety of earning opportunities: 1.) €MB STARTER PLAN In this plan upgraded members can earn 10.1% Daily for 15 Days summing to an ROI of 151.5%. 2.) €MB INTERMEDIATE PLAN In this plan upgraded members can earn 8.1% Daily for 21 Days summing to an ROI of 170.1%. 3.) €MB MAJOR PLAN In this plan upgraded members can earn 6.5% Daily for 28 Days summing to an ROI of 182%. 4.) €MB MEGA PLAN In this plan upgraded members can earn 5.0% daily for 28 Days summing to an ROI of 182%. Once you become an ‘Expert’ (upgraded) member, you are allowed to add 3 sites in rotation and will enjoy 4% Referral Commissions. ‘Gratis’ (free) members are given 2% RC for the effort. All deposit ranges from a minimum of $8 up to $8,000 and you do it via major processors like Liberty Reserve, AlertPay, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay . EuroMillionBux pays after expiry and your daily rebates will be credited after surfing 15 sites. If you happen to be an investor with no inclination to auto surfing, you could choose the Major Plan or the Mega Plan which are intended for the Non-Surfers alike. The program has a wider scope of prospects with its Non-Surf plans and utilization of the most popular contemporary payment processors. One very important thing you have take note is the fact that there is a 5% transaction fees being imposed for every deposits and every cashouts. 5% will be deducted when you deposit and another 5% will be deducted when you withdraw. That means the ROI you will actually be getting is 10% less than that of the given ROI on every plan. While I understand why the admin is doing this I think it may be a turn off to some larger investors that could be paying a lot just in fees alone. EuroMillionBux From the pre-launch time up to securing the site, aside from ongoing contests, there are indications EuroMillionBux may live to its expectation. We may be looking upfront at a hardworking and talented management in EuroMillionBux but bear in mind that risks are always endemic in this field we are in. As always play it safe and may the profits be with you. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Review of Stability Surf BLOG Team 11/03/2008 StabilitySurf This site has some things that are worth talking about, and by worth talking about I do not mean they are good so much as they are discussion worthy. StabilitySurf has spent some money to get a sticky thread in MMG AND TalkGold, This has not been done for quite some time. The admin also has only 1 paid monitor in fact there is just 1 monitor on the site refback80.com. Despite the fact that the topics are stickied they are NOT getting much posts or views for that matter even. There can be many things that cause this and I am betting that most people are not even taking a look at the site since there is not much attention in the forums. Or it could be because there is no admin to tend to people. I would venture to guess that they have so far spent way more developing the site then they have taken in during their 7 days online Here are some other tid-bits about the site that I felt were worth a mention. The script is neversay with a not too attractive template form surf templates.com. The only processor used at the start was Liberty Reserve and recently AlertPay has been added to reach a greater audience. StabilitySurf is hosted on Go-mama hosting and it appears that the admin didn’t take the time to privacy guard his whois details. Here they are below: Domain Name: STABILITYSURF.COM Creation Date: 11-Oct-2008 Expiration Date: 11-Oct-2009 Domain servers in listed order: ns8.go-mama-hosting.com ns7.go-mama-hosting.com Registrant: StabilitySurf , Frank () 62, rue dâ€Alsace Clichy Not Applicable,92583 TF Tel. +147.567114 StabilitySurf I’m not sure if the name “Frank“ suffices for ICAN but truthfully I don’t think its worth researching further. The plan offered is 4% for 30 days. This is plan is not so attractive to the majority of online investors. Especially with the emergence of such leaders as FastProfitSurf and MegaLido . In conclusion I would have to say that the start for this site has been less than mediocre. The design isn’t so great, the plans could use improvement and member support up until this point has been almost appalling. For these reason I would have to recommend the readers stay clear of this one for now unless they can really come out and prove themselves a bit more. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Review Of Summit Reserve Reviewed by: iskofer 11/01/2008 Welcome to our review for today and its all about another program that has been in the industry recently. SummitReserve SummitReserve was introduced into the online public last September 28, 2008. The site has a very good editor in them owing to the fact that he has presented the site in a very professional manner which is convincing enough for me. They seemed to be involved with trading stocks characterizing from the elaborations on their site. I don’t want to bore you with the intricate fiduciary details of their claims of numerous ways of earning money for us, so let’s just go on with the normal presentation here. But before going on to the review proper, I want to lament on Grand Earners first . I must tell you folks that my first instinct of that site hindered me from reviewing it because it was similar to Magical Ads as I have told you. Nonetheless, it was a popular choice at that time so our team has no alternative but to bring you that fresh site to venture on. Unfortunately, I was right on my intuitions and the scammer admin dumped us for the second time around. LOL, he must be rejoicing with his inborn talent. Ok, we had the Grand Scammer jubilant for a while with our money on his pocket for his paid vacation, nothing we can do about it for now (I hate Black and White motifs from now on). Now let’s talk some serious things about SummitReserve in the proceeding paragraphs. Starting off with earning schemes, SummitReserve offers a variety of plans on their platform. They have the following opportunities for their clients: 1.) STARTER PLAN wherein you can earn 12% to18% profit AFTER 7 DAYS from your minimum 10 usd/euro investment. 2.) PREMIUM PLAN wherein you can earn 15% to20% profit WEEKLY from your minimum 20 usd/euro investment. You’ll enjoy being paid for 10 weeks. 3.) EXCLUSIVE PLAN wherein you can earn 70% to100% profit MONTHLY from your minimum 100 usd/euro investment. SummitReserve is only accepting Liberty Reserve as the sole e-currency on their operations. You have the option of depositing in USD or EURO. SummitReserve is an automatic paying site, meaning, no withdrawal request is needed for your profits and principal to appear on your e-currency account. They are going to process what is due to you comes the term expiry. I personally like automatic paying sites because there is no database to hack and it’s very convenient on the part of the investors. They are giving away for extra efforts of referring other investors a normal 5% of the amount deposited by your referrals; likewise will be paid in turn automatically into your account. I had been personally benefited a bit from the scheme and I’m looking forward to seeing them get boosted furthermore in the future. The site is being hosted and protected on BLCC but lately has experienced some attacks so they were obliged to render the services on different domains such as: summitreserve.com summitreserve.biz summitreserve.net summitreserve.org summitreserve.info Even at the occurrence ddos attacks, they are promising a non-constricted compliance in terms of a continuous flow of transactions. The duration of terms won’t be extended in case of an attack as well as the payment schedules which will be carried out accordingly. The site design is on the average which is typical of most auto paying sites but on the salutary side, it was convincingly presented (in my standards) to the visitor by including some information to read about on the site. I’m not saying this is going to be “the next big thing†Let your DD prowess work its way around on SummitReserve and always play it safe. “You are simply a click away from your financial goals†says on their homepage but I can’t fully comprehend the coherence of it to the site. The phrase is more appropriate for a PTC site but we are gazing at an hyip program here, it got me confused somehow. An interview with the admin might get me enlightened more about it. Happy playing and may the profits be with you always. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Grand Earners Review Reviewed by: iskofer Grand Earners Review (www.grandearners.com) Today’s review is all about a very fresh autosurf program called Grand Earners . It was launched a few days ago, October 8, 2008 actually. I hope they do not take it on the chin but after having seen their homepage, it reminded me of a recent scam (Magical Ads) with a similar motif of black and white, probably because I was victimized there. Nothing much is special about the design (I have seen that image of the 1st girl from the front so many times) but if you will look further on what they are showcasing you will be presented with a totally different earning scheme for an autosurf program. It is not common to see such rates which made me interested. Grand Earners is currently offering to its members a relative high 130% after 10 Days. The rate is not far from being similar to other autosurfs programs but there is the distinctiveness on the manner of giving rebates for its members. What’s firing the enthusiasm is, Grand Earners will, on a daily basis, pay only 3% of your upgrades for 10 days, and then you can withdraw your principal only after you had completed 10 days of surfing. That is a scheme that would definitely give the admin enough time to make decent earnings for it. You will notice that such kind of programs with similar terms do last longer, not all but most of them do. Talking further about how to earn in Grand Earners, members can take part with a minimum of $5 and maximum is set to $2,500. Members will have to surf 10 sites with 20 second timer for every site in rotation and will be obliged to do it for 10 consecutive days. If you have an out of town schedule better ask a favor from a friend to do the surfing for you, otherwise, you wont be credited for a missed surfing day and there is no provision for extension of the term. On the lighter side, if you by any chance had missed a surfing day, your total earning at expiry wont be less than the amount of principal you deposited. (I had an unknowing downline who joined an autosurf program sometime last month. After upgrading, he did not even bother surfing during the first days. I had noticed it and informed him that he has to surf…lol, but unfortunately his total earnings was less than his seed when it expired.) That’s the plus factor in Grand Earners , you just lose 3% earning if you missed surfing for a day and principal is not affected. For referral earnings they had it at 1% for free members and 5% for upgraded members. Daily payments are processed manually within 72 hours timeframe according to the homepage text but I’ve read in forums some cases being paid within hours. Moreover, there is no minimum amount for withdrawal requests which is good news for smaller amount upgrades. Grand Earners is using only Liberty Reserve for the meantime, which limits their coverage. I would like to see them add verified Alertpay and STP account in the future since many out there prefer using them and that includes me. Musing over at whois, Grand Earners was found to be hosted on a dedicated server with a Neversay Script on its engine. Since there is no sign of them in the forums I frequently visit, it appears that they are still on a busy heating up stage as of the moment and dropping by in forums is not yet on their itinerary. Anyway, I find them to be worth supporting for due to the fact that their plans are not of the same 12×12 genre that takes no prisoners and sprouting like mushrooms nowadays. If you’re not into short lived 12×12 instantly paying types of programs, Grand Earners might be the better alternative for you. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Interview with the admin of Frogress CIF Blog Team Hello everyone, today we bring you the interview that we conducted with Jake the admin of Frogress . This is a standard 12×12 that just recently launched. Truthfully 12×12 programs seem to be pretty hot today so if Jake runs a clean show then it can certainly have the potential to be a good one. Of course like any program time will tell right? Enjoy! 1. Thank you for allowing the Collective Investments Blog Team to interview you. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? How long have you been in the industry? Have you run any other online programs before? My name is Jake Terrano and I have been joining autosurfs mostly for over 2 years now. This is my first program and I hope it’s not my last. 2. What makes you qualified to run a HYIP/AutoSurf program? I studied and thoroughly checked and researched what I would need in order to create a good program. I have also tested and learned how to use the software’s for a couple of weeks before deciding to open one. 3. What makes Frogress stand out from the crowd? The name itself is unique in my opinion. The design is another unique feature. I should admit that the profit features are not unique because it’s been used before and is being used up to now. So this will all depend on me now on how to make it unique along the way. 4. Is your program backed by investments or supplemented by outside income sources? Can you tell us more about that? Or is Frogress purely a game? Of course right now it’s still a game. I plan to invest the money in several opportunities, not great profits but should be enough to make sure everything becomes stable. 5. It has been said that you Alertpay account is still unverified and this has caused major problems for surf admins in the past. Do you have plans to get it verified and when? Verification documents have been submitted. It should be verified pretty soon. No worries about it not being verified because I can call them on the phone if they don’t. Documents I sent are real so there is no reason to worry about it. 6. How are you promoting your program to the online public? In the coming days or weeks we will be advertising in some good effective places. Right now I am trying to be active on the forums in answering questions in order to attract people to at least take a look at the website. 7. Please tell us where your program is hosted. Frogress is on a powerful dedicated server. 8. What type of script do you use to run Frogress? Does it provide the necessary security against hackers? Do you have SSL or any other security features you’d like to tell us about? I will search about SSL and see if this is something we will need then I will add it. I am currently using script from neversay which I found to be very secured and great based on what I read online. 9. Do you have plans for any program changes to be made in the near future, such as enhancements, revisions of current plans, additional plan options, added ecurrencies, etc.? If I see the need for revisions or enhancements I will surely do them. E-currencies, I will have to see which ones would be good to use. I am not sure however if I will be adding additional plans because it’s best to use only 1 at the moment. 10. How long do you honestly feel Frogress could last? Given that all my expectations would be met, Frogress could run up to a year. Now if within the year everything goes well and plans are successfully executed then it could surpass that easily. Frogress 11. Is there anything you’d like to add or comment on before we conclude the interview? I want to ask everyone to take a look at Frogress Then be the judge if you should join or not. Thanks Austin for the great interview. ;) Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up
Frogress Review and Industry news 10/28/2008 By CIFBlog Team on October 28th, 2008 Hello Readers, Today we bring you a brief review of a new 12?12 program called Frogress . Enjoy Frogress is a traditional AS with a very common plan 12% for 12 days. Each upgrade is $6.00 and referral commissions are 6% and upgrade... Continued ?? CIF Blog ;)
Clicked away for awhile... :kicking:
Schultz Philosophy The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point. 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners. 3. Name the last five winners of Miss America . 4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. 5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress. 6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners. How did you do? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners . Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one: 1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school. 2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time. 3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile. 4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special. 5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with . Easier? The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care . Pass this on to those people who have made a difference in your life. 'Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia' (Charles Schultz) Aren't Friends and Family Great!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interview with the admin of Youmilex By CIFBlog Team on October 27th, 2008 Hello everyone! Here is the interview that we conducted with the admin of the relatively new program called Youmilex . Youmilex seems to really be growing in popularity. I hope this interview gives you a better understanding of the progra... Continued ? CIF Blog ;)
We're glad to have you here with us Julie :D WELCOME to CIF !!! ;)
MegaSurfWorld Review and other news By CIFBlog Team on October 26th, 2008 Today?s review is a new surf program called MegaSurfWorld . MegaSurfWorld started on October 24th 2008. MegaSurfWorld is fast gaining popularity. This is not a shock after seeing the design, its simple, yet eye catching. It has a ni... Continued ? CIF Blog ;)
Know what your name in brife.
skylady replied to moneymoney's topic in General Discussions and Lounge
My names... Meaning: Princess Not too shabby folks !!! ;) Thanks moneymoney. that was interesting going through :D -
WELCOME to our Forum ishiro !!! ...and we are proud to have you with us :D ;)
Quite thoroughly explained !!! Good job writer :D ;)
Youmilex Review and other news 10/24/2008 By CIFBlog Team on October 24th, 2008 Today?s review is all about another Hyip program that was launched last October 19, 2008. The program is called Youmilex . You might wonder what that site name actually means or how they derived at that name. Milex may mean attribut... Continued ? CIF Blog ;)
We are glad to have you with us Naum :D WELCOME to our Forum !!! ;)
Coming to the members that will be participating is a new idea and an excellent one Hitchin :D Thank you for finding out what we want first... skylady ;) ...add of course I voted...