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Everything posted by skylady

  1. ...and it's nice to have you here !!! WELCOME to our Forum, dagang ;)
  2. WELCOME to our Forum relok Glad to have you here !!! ;)
  3. Interview with the P.C. of Tradelite 10/09/2008 Back in 2004, two JPMorgan derivatives traders based in London realized that despite the substantial bonuses they were receiving for their outstanding performance, most of the profits were cashed by the shareholders of the bank. They decided to leave their positions in The City and to open their own investment company. They teamed up with a fellow broker from London who secured them with their first investors. Tradelite Finance Corp. was born in March 2005. During the next two years, the company increased its asset base by a combination of ... Very interesting information on this company, but you'll need to go here to read the rest of the story... ;)
  4. skylady


    WELCOME to our Forum, Teddy :D Lots of site to look at and fun games to play !!! skylady ;)
  5. Hello there Oleg, nice to see you here :D I am sending you a BIG WELCOME to our Forum Enjoy looking around !!! skylady ;)
  6. We hope so too zaki :D We are a friendly forum, so you should have fun and enjoy yourself !!! WELCOME to our Forum... ;)
  7. It's great you feel proud of your Country and with reason !!! WELCOME to CIF, SkiciBP We are a Friendly Forum, so have fun :D ;)
  8. Howdy there Greg :D Glad to have you with us !!! We WELCOME YOU to our Forum ;)
  9. Tradelite Review and Industry news 10/08/2008 CIF Blog Let's talk a little... ;)
  10. hogery & taoufikos a BIG WELCOME to both of you This is a FUN place to be !!! ;)
  11. Asaf, WELCOME to our Home away from Home... Lots of good programs, just read what's being said about them and check our CIM Monitor & CIF Blog... ...good information on a lot of sites... ;)
  12. ...and from close to the bottom left corner of Arizona, USA... YOU are WELCOMED to our Forum, mouni !!! ;)
  13. skylady


    Hello to you too, szczocik :D We WELCOME YOU to our Forum !!! ;)
  14. Review of Olympex-Group 10/07/2008 Here: CIF Blog It's okay to post your thoughts or questions here... skylady ;)
  15. Good to have you here with us, IMNoob !!! ...and We WELCOME you to CIF ;)
  16. WELCOME to CIF, lorloer !!! We are a friendly Forum, you'll enjoy yourself, I'm sure... ;)
  17. WELCOME to our Forum sameh !!! If you are not able to find the answer to a question you have, you can always PM a Moderator,we are happy to help you :D ;)
  18. Hi !!! ... to you too, berndarma... Enjoy yourself looking around, lots to see... YOU are WELCOMED to our Forum berndarma & cuatica ;)
  19. Good to see you here, Kevin !!! Beautiful horse WELCOME to CIF - The Friendly Forum ;)
  20. Interview with Scotia Ads admin 10/06/2008 Found at: CIF Blog What are your thoughts ????????????
  21. ... and a BIG WELCOME and Hello to you too, pepe Just cruise through the sites and you'll find some good ones... You can always check the sites that interests you in Capitol Investment Monitor, also owned by our Admin of CIF, for their ratings and if they're paying... Also our CIF Blog has a lot of good info on sites... have fun !!! ;)
  22. WELCOME to our Forum, seabreeze Enjoy your new Forum, we're a friendly bunch here !!! ;)
  23. Genius Funds Review 10/05/2008 CIF Blog Let's hear some comments members, we want to know what YOU think... :D ;)
  24. ...and a BIG HELLO to you, sameh fahmey ;)
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