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Everything posted by skylady

  1. You've chosen a well run cycler Athar, welcome aboard !!! ...and WELCOME TO OUR FORUM, we have a friendly bunch here :D skylady ;)
  2. That it would... Wish I'd had this info, when the grandsons and I went fishing all the time... Really want to try this out, but NO biting critters here in this part of Arizona and I am GLAD :P
  3. Go to: http://www.collectiveinvestmentsforum.com/...entry3330 This will give you the Explanation of our DeepCycler... If you need any further help, go to The Newbie section in Community discussions and announcements and one of us will see your question a lot faster.... Happy cycling, dolog !!! skylady ;) As in any reg. Cycler/Doubler, there is not set cycling time, as it depends on the purchases of the members... We are moving regularly at this time... This is not a 'get rich quick' - patience is the key word with these games...
  4. Sure can wildheart, Read through the different sections in: Community discussions and announcements To find what you want to learn more about... ...ALSO... WELCOME to our CIF wildheart !!! skylady
  5. My pleasure, girlguide... :v_SPIN: skylady ;)
  6. WELCOME to CIF hyipfuture Enjoy all the info we have here !!! skylady ;)
  7. Katherine you are soooooo correct on emails and figured it needed an additional showing, I too learned the hard way, by having my funds stolen... Thank you for your help in giving our 'Learned Knowledge' to others... Good to see you here Katherine, you are a "TEAM PLAYER" and know a lot of the ins and outs of our cyberspace arena, so hope to see more of you and your tips for our members and guests :v_SPIN: skylady ;)
  8. Norbert, we'd like to give you a BIG WELCOME to our Home away from Home ...and invite you to participate in the many different subjects we have for our members... skylady ;)
  9. Mainly it would be considered gambling, if they're against placing the advertisement... The only way I know of to be sure, is ask them... That way you needn't worry about losing your acct. as some do and some don't allow Cyclers/Doublers... I have 12 Traffic exchangers I use for advertising our sites and only one has denied DeepCycler The Traffic Exchangers, just deny you, they don't boot you off... We have some good ones in the Free Advertising Section... skylady ;)
  10. Sorry, only way I could get it on here and already deleted email... Waaaaaaatch out !!!
  11. WELCOME to CIF Aussie Ann Glad you came to visit... Hope to see a lot of you, skylady ;)
  12. Howdy Nancy, A BIG WELCOME to our Forum and now it's YOURS also!!! Be seeing you around, skylady ;)
  13. There's a LOT of us here that know you jeepy... :v_SPIN: ...and we are sure glad to have you with us !!! WELCOME to YOU from all of Us skylady ;)
  14. A BIG WELCOME To You," Mafaltti is Here" Looking forward to your posts... skylady ;)
  15. You ARE FAST Rick !!! Great Poster... love it... I've got a few more to put in also, they are so funny and quite true, sometimes... skylady ;)
  16. One of the greatest secrets of life is having patience -- knowing when to do what, kinda like the song says, 'you gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em', know when to walk away and when to run. So good !!! skylady ;)
  17. And a Great BIG HELLO to YOU amasscash... We WELCOME YOU TO OUR Home away from Home You'll find lots of friendly people in here !!! Need any help Just PM one of the MOD's { yellow color names} we'll be happy to help you... :) skylady ;)
  18. You, Bryan, have just entered your new 'Home away from Home' WELCOME to our exciting forum Thanks for joining us :cool2: skylady ;)
  19. Surely you don't really believe that topearn... For without our members, there'd be no Moderators... Kinda like a store, without the customers, no store... skylady ;)
  20. So glad to hear you say this munnymachine, as our aim is to have a QUALITY FORUM, with a little something for EVERYONE... :v_SPIN: skylady ;)
  21. Well HELLO highmill, We WELCOME YOU to our Forum Have a good time looking around and help is only a PM away !!! skylady ;)
  22. We have 'member to member exchange' for MOD's and Supporters to use Joe... In: Payment Processors/Exchangers/ Member 2 Member exchanges While you find an acceptable Exchanger to use... skylady ;)
  23. Thank you Penny, we're here at your service... Need any help, just PM one of the Moderators... A BIG GLAD TO HAVE YOU WITH US PENNY... :v_SPIN: skylady ;)
  24. Do You Remember these ? The Statler Brothers Yup, sure do... skylady ;)
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