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Posts posted by logicgate

  1. This stuff will only make you lose money. I remember when I started, Nison´s books were the 1st books I started with, together with those classic TA books by Murphy and etc, you can see I already started with the left foot.


    I remember I had all those candle patterns memorized, even the obscure ones I found in other books. I had this bias for the japanese candles because I love everything Japan, and you know, when you think you are good at something there is always an asian better than you lol, so I figured the japanese knew what they were doing with those candles.


    I don´t need to tell you by now that I only lost money trying to trade those candle patterns with classic TA stuff.

  2. Here, reuploaded at other two different places:







    But seriously, I skimmed through the course and it is trashy retail stuff. If you wanna waste time downloading this crap, do it and tell me what you think. It is great that this type of stuff gets shared so people don´t need to waste their money only to discover they´ve been scammed, those guys are frauds and only make the unsuspecting noob lose their hard earned money believing they can trade with this,

  3. Hey guys, this is in violation of copyright laws and we will be forced to submit a DMCA notice.

    We kindly request that you IMMEDIATELY cease and desist all violations of copyright laws.


    LOL yeah? Why won´t you just try?


    I LMAO at those copycats claiming copyrights for stuff they copied from somebody else, and that somebody else copied from somebody else lol


    If you are a profitable trader, why are you trying so hard to sell courses? hehe


    I haven´t even downloaded this, but now I will just to reupload at several different places.


    By the way, you can´t copyright knowledge. It is Universal and not owned by anyone.

  4. @logicgate

    Is it worth looking at? What is your opinion on the system?


    Yes it made sense to me. Combined with SMC it´s very good.


    It is not a system, it is a form of technical analysis. This isn´t a green buy red sell thing.


    The method provides a framework that gives you insights for trading ideas aligned with higher timeframe.


    It is similar to the market profile theory of buying below value, selling above value, but the structures are formed differently, nothing to do with market/volume profile indicator.

  5. I offered up what I had, but if I come across more, I will share them. As for videos for the version 3.0 not having audio, I don't know what to say about that, because I tested them before I uploaded them, oh well things do happen in the "space of the internet, aka the black hole" "files go there but might not return".


    Thanks buddy, please do!


    Well, if you checked them and they have audio, please reupload them.


    You can quickly reupload them in this host: https://wetransfer.com/


    Max file size is 2GB

  6. I agree it's not a good host for sharing, but all of my mega accounts are full, so this was my last option for getting it out there quickly, that's also why I mentioned, "that whoever gets it downloaded to please upload it to another host for the community.


    The 3.0 training videos have no audio, all three of them so it´s pretty much useless, unfortunately...


    They don´t use fundamental data for trading, they use it as an excuse to manipulate/push price wherever they want...



    Independent firms are also retail traders, they don´t push the market anywhere. When I say "they" I mean the real forces behind the markets. It makes perfect sense what I am talking about. Those guys know way ahead of time the contents of the news to be released, and quite frankly it doesn´t matter if the news is "good" or "bad", it is just an excuse for a huge push in the market to wherever they want. This way they can´t be held accountable for the fortunes that are lost in the markets.

  8. Great course in macro/fundamenal analysis and importantly long term trading not intraday. For those many out there that don't want to risk the volatility and randomness from fakeouts/manipulation on short timeframes! That's an entirely valid approach that is still trading.


    A lot of criticism of the subject really misses the point that it's not day trading and isn't claiming to be. The idea being that reading the long term path of supply/demand of something tells you price of it from practical factors that do determine pricing in the long term. This is causal and objective and not a miracle when it works, it's just looking at the business data. The idea that the supply of parts and delivery costs, etc of TV's determines their price cannot be represented as a poor technique, it's the fundamentals of that business.


    Above, people are literally saying they draw supply/demand lines on a chart over looking at the actual supply and demand numbers which they say is garbage. Surely doesn't make sense, to seek dissonance between these 2 approaches when they are just observing similar things from a different point of view..my point being why use one when you can spend more time and use both.. Fundamentals work and that's why they're used so widely (and with other analysis like lines on the chart style analysis). Do the banks make money through other models? Clearly yes, but understanding the underpinnings of long term pricing is nethier futile or useless (and that's not opinion that's the busines model of many traders & businesses).


    Look I'm not meaning to be critical of anyone in particular, but felt it would be eminently more helpful and constructive to put down an objective description of what macro can actually do (when used with your existing techniques) for longer term trading, rather than just criticise something. And in doing so trying to give practical clarity to help people wanting to improve what they are doing.


    They don´t use fundamental data for trading, they use it as an excuse to manipulate/push price wherever they want...

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