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Everything posted by insaneike

  1. The original files on mega were reported and were removed by mega. If needed I can upload it to zippyshare but the limitation is 500MB per file. There are files which go past that limit in the course so I cannot upload individual files. I can compress the course and create a split archive but then everyone will have download the entire set even if they need partial ones. Let me know if there is any alternate method.
  2. Description as per Matrix Trader: Online trading academy core concepts & trading methods in HINDI ( Content is almost 50 hours) .. This course sheds light on methods used by sam sieden ( founder of online trading academy) . Arguably one of the BEST courses shared till now Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!zQ8CESTD!vJcYRPkxALIu_FO2uQgP1A Thanks to Matrix_Trader
  3. Hi wcwroger, Just adding it to your drive wouldn't help. One needs to use Google Chrome and it's extension "Copy Folder" to create a copy in own gdrive. One would need a paid version of the drive to make a copy as the size is too big. Chrome extension can be found at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/copy-folder/kfbicpdhiofpicipfggljdhjokjblnhl?hl=en
  4. I'm sorry but it wasn't my share and an hour back the access was revoked. @traderbeauty is it possible to lock the thread else people might keep requesting for the same. Thanks.
  5. Alternative but painful way to get it http://www.fastrls.com/2019/03/13/download-david-j-vallieres-tradingology/
  6. @nehal That's my link. Please give credit to the original uploader. At least practice before you preach. You preaching: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/30870-Maximizing-Profits-With-Weekly-Options?p=455040&viewfull=1#post455040 You copied: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/31411-a2-mercantile-intraday-trading-advanced-learning-program?p=458892&viewfull=1#post458892 Don't worry we are good. Just returning what you gave me. PS: What goes around comes around :)):))=))
  7. Hi Laser1000it, As @traderbeauty rightly pointed there has been a flood of stuff lately and hence the quality is diluted. This has posed a big challenge in figuring out which one is good. Hence I started a thread (http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/31273-Must-Have-Must-View-Read-List) for this very reason where in people can suggest what is worth spending time with. If you have something which others should pay attention to kindly post to that thread so that it will be easy for new comers to know where to start. Thanks.
  8. Pleasure borsaman. I might have clicked thanks for your shares and not left a thank you note but your shares have been really valuable. You are an asset to this forum. Keep up the good work.
  9. Hi flipper26, I've already mentioned that in the first post that the link is valid only for a couple of days. As far as the origin of the link goes there are readme files on the gdrive which point to the telegram channel. I hope this helps.
  10. Well I forwarded this link which I found on the telegram channel and this is what was published there. Hence I pasted the same here. Since it is going to be valid only for a limited time I just shared it so that people can take advantage before the link is revoked. Welcome @Traderbeauty. You are a wonderful moderator. Thanks for all the effort you take to keep things in order here :).
  11. Try using oboom.com. It is inconsistent though. Many times it will fail to import files. For the instructions please search the forum or use google.
  12. I generally don't take my links down. I hope no one reports it by the time you are back else mega folks would. Good luck.
  13. I found it and uploaded it with a view that someone might find it useful. Albeit, thanks for the review :)
  14. Yeah I tried looking for this but couldn't find anything. There is a youtube channel though (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4vmiTWxDhfKPK1yWUdb8Sw). This is one of the courses which Indian folks are looking for and from what I've heard is good. Thats all I know about it. I guess there was a new user on this forum also asking for the same and hence shared.
  15. I found this with a different name. Hope this is what you are looking for. Kindly check. https://mega.nz/#F!YWZx1SxQ!4V6PFyt92rVJhMjcjeGonA
  16. https://mega.nz/#F!EOR3jKLR!WXPjc3g4C6TrXmdBgtUQLg
  17. https://mega.nz/#F!USpwgaSL!OUpMiILGCkf_mH5p__imrQ
  18. Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!kaoQSI4I!RjJLHz7zRzUtvzu0LPzDsA Language: Majorly Hindi and parts in English
  19. https://mega.nz/#F!pP5iSAgT!ub1dIdnkLYBCrEQgWW-B9w PS: I've not installed and tried it
  20. Seems like we have missing files and folder structure doesn't seem to be organized.
  21. I've downloaded all the E-books and if anyone wants can upload the entire thing on mega. PS: I'll be able to upload by Monday evening.
  22. Alternate Link: https://mega.nz/#F!1KQgTCxC!TW85Sqjrf0et4wmDhPykZw
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