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Everything posted by insaneike

  1. No mate. Haven't changed a thing. Just tested it and it works like a charm. Please check again.
  2. For those who missed https://mega.nz/#F!foFVHQJa!Vj7rf18gq7Kv_k67vTqLMA
  3. Guys my link is still active. Please check https://mega.nz/#F!y7R3RYIY!dHIs8XhuiAvfluKYhDQs2A
  4. Hi, I was looking for an afl and was wondering if someone has access to the member section. I would appreciate if someone could share the afl from hxxp://www.amibroker.com/members/library/formula.php?id=306. Admins, is it possible to add Amibroker to the trading platform section of the forum ? Thanks.
  5. https://mega.nz/#F!y7R3RYIY!dHIs8XhuiAvfluKYhDQs2A
  6. Thanks mate. Uploaded the same to the mega as well (https://mega.nz/#F!TqoXGKoS!h5aH8y4UoR3h9UB8Z7Ix9w).
  7. Mega Link: https://mega.nz/#F!TqoXGKoS!h5aH8y4UoR3h9UB8Z7Ix9w
  8. Grab it fast before it gets deleted again. https://mega.nz/#!H74iiQrZ!xYaX9O6noz5UHewRrE7xofOxtG830zrHOwidOrx9dZI
  9. Sorry mate I don't have that. I'll upload in case I find it.
  10. Homepage: https://www.urbanforex.com/store/7G4oFnn4 Download: https://mega.nz/#!au4G1AqY!xYaX9O6noz5UHewRrE7xofOxtG830zrHOwidOrx9dZI
  11. Please don't try to preach netiquette. I've always given credits whenever due.
  12. Site: https://optionpit.com/option-pit-store/ Download: https://mega.nz/#F!CyplUSTJ!5SZrKjBHMTr_geq8tjfXxw
  13. Please don't cross post. There is a different thread for the same on the forum. Request you to search the forum before posting links.
  14. https://mega.nz/#F!i65j3C6I!H7qDfrIAg2SzEJg2LJ5_lQ I'm downloading the missing part and will upload the same to the above folder and notify.
  15. https://mega.nz/#F!HrZFmKZD!miSQ4RhGHdX_4k2WEthTzQ
  16. It's working for me. Please check the post #51 on that thread.
  17. Links are already shared on the forum. http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/28681-Req-Urb-n-F0rex-PA-course?p=454087&viewfull=1#post454087
  18. Link in #121 is still active. https://mega.nz/#F!Yctm3ShQ!k-bF3BtIysKQIO2hcZp-tQ
  19. Downloaded entire contents from this link but as with the earlier link folders 1.Stock, 2.Stocks Extensions, 3.Fx are empty :(
  20. Dude, if you check the course content on the url you shared there are only 21 lessons :)
  21. Sorry pal that is all I have. I'll see if I can find the missing lessons.
  22. Sharing link in response to request on private message https://mega.nz/#F!mDZjAQLS!KXvldeGtzdUEBzRwayyy2A
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