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Everything posted by insaneike

  1. Please use the link from #18 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RqtY5oOeFgfchHBhbUt71f0oQzRYOrBc/view
  2. You might need to download the entire course again from the google drive link.
  3. https://www.geekrar.com/fix-bypass-google-drive-download-limit-error/
  4. My link was all over telegram and hence might have got blocked by the resellers. Kindly try https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RqtY5oOeFgfchHBhbUt71f0oQzRYOrBc/view. Credits to the original uploader.
  5. Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!UeR0CaZb!_bln194WmL51TaecgzoUQA Total Files: 7 Size: 4.81 GB
  6. Download: https://www.oboom.com/folder/944MJXLZ Will upload to mega and update
  7. Kindly check if downloading is possible from https://www.oboom.com/folder/76DRWPVX. If this doesn't work will upload to mega.
  8. Search the forum to find the thread for the same which has mega links.
  9. There you go. https://mega.nz/#F!rexFCaIK!FVJfvOM8EtTKFW7EbSKG9A
  10. Yes you are right. The links which you quoted in your reply points only to the documents. You can grab the course from https://drive.google.com/file/d/198g_9pOZXRoszZh5uafN7BWnrbw449RL/view?usp=sharing. PS: This link to course if from another source. Credits to the original uploader.
  11. Here is the extracted stuff on mega. https://mega.nz/#F!kKoHBKTZ!SonyzsrRyPKXENhpEQN0CA
  12. Sorry for starting a new thread. There already existed a old thread for the same course. The old thread can be found http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/7129-(Req)-The-Ultimate-Gann-Course?highlight=forecasting+safety. @traderbeauty, If possible kindly merge both threads. Thanks.
  13. Sale Page: https://safetyinthemarket.com.au/ultimate-gann-course/ Download Link: https://mega.nz/#F!5a4nVQxR!yTip072AHxEYfo4cPZqigw
  14. I will make it simple https://mega.nz/#F!bDBggKTQ!zWMlWKbrMN40NFyOuS4buA Credits to tx42. BTW, do these url obfuscating techniques help these days ? I think these URLs aren't really converted to links and hence we cannot click them and hence the issue of setting referer header shouldn't occur. Though I need to double check my understanding.
  15. I think downloads are restricted to POS+ members.
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