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Timing Solution cracked

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The best and usefull indicators for this software are "TS Spectrum +" and "Pattern Similarity".
With TS Spectrum + you can find the minimums and maximus of the cycles in a relative period.
With Pattern Similarity you can find an accurate graphic similarity with a past series of the graphic.

Edited by Atomo12345
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Use this last procedure and DreamCalc to calculate in base N.


Laser1000it you must find your OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint and not searching to 004FBF9C other 004DC009 or 0053012C address.


General way to find the address where to put the F2 breakpoint.txt

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I heard from someone that this could be the serial is moving around in memory each time the program is run. This is to prevent from fishing out the serial.

I am not sure if this is the case. Perhaps, for those who want to use the program may consider using the patch as provided by Kesk in his timing solution & Nifty 2 update thread.

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If you are technical savvy, the program is using Address space layout randomization method. So the address you see one time may not be the same again when you restart the program/computer. Even with the debugger its the same. So  the address to catch the serial wont work unless one knows how to really debug or calculate the shifts in address. Thats the reason I left the original patcher alone! In the not so old setups, there used to be TS.exe and TSA.exe where there is no ASLR but nowadays only TS.exe which runs either as TSA or TI mode and it uses the ASLR tech.

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