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Mboxwave best indicator - special offer


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Hello Friends

Rarely I recommend an indicator. There are hundreds or maybe thousands and almost all of them are worthless.


Trading is a never ending search, at least for me- I keep looking, using , adding , changing till I get better results.


Mboxwave was never one of may favorites but since they made the new update ( I believe 2 or 3 ) I have been fascinated by some of their indicators.


I will add few screenshots later so you can judge for yourselves.


The amazing items here just to help are the perfect coordination between his buyes- sellers indicators, the kontlrol dots and the ablesys signals- again you be the judge.

These 3 indicators were not in the previous version- there is no repainting etc.


Its a very expensive indicator set and there is no free trial.


I spoke with Jhon Snow and he will sell it to Indo members for the amazing price of $50.00 yes FIFTY . I told him that the combination of mbox and Ablesys is more than


amazing so he agreed to add it to mbox for FREE.


All I ask is that if you read this post please hit the "LIKE" button so I can tell how many read it.


Again- to be clear- I get NOTHING from this , i am just looking for the benefit of indo traders.


Take care and hope that helps


Jhon Snow imho is the best , he stands behind his customers and supplies updates usually for free.

You can reach him here : https://t.me/crackedtradingsoftware


Traderbeauty -Jane


I am not going to teach you how to trade, all I can do is help you find the right tools that can help you trade.





Edited by Traderbeauty
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what are the differences ?


Not much of anything.

As far as I can see from a quick look, Hawkeye can do the same by imbedding different time frames to one single chart. ATR from ARC can also do the same. Trail Stop from Devil can also do the same. Acme can do the same. Last but not least, simple Super Trend can also do the same. Just create 2 or 3 different charts, using the recommended time frames from Ablesys, if I remember, it is recommended for 3, 9...add indicator for each different time frame, then put them all in chart 1.

But then again, I am just looking at them at a glance. Please dont take my words to heart. Not at all, saying this is not good or good or anything else for that matter.

I have been using Sling Shot from Global Trading Software. Simple, easy on the eyes, yet i think it is pretty decent for my taste. Enough to just give me a quick few points each day.



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With Jhon, i never had any issue of virus/trojen. Please understand, to crack a program, you need to bypass some calls and some code/dll might trigger alert by antivirus, but thats the nature of cracked programs.



I am not sure what is changed but i think they added auto trading capability. However no one has new version. Also i certainly don't expect for Jhon to provide new version without hardware lock. There are always people who wants to take it free or at lower cost and go around selling things.

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How do you know that snow's code is not spying on the user? It can potentially record keystrokes and passwords when logging into a bank via a web browser. Or when transferring crypto. We cannot know for certain that it is safe. One fine day it is possible that everyone using the cracked indicators will have their bank accounts drained or something else.
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How do you know that snow's code is not spying on the user? It can potentially record keystrokes and passwords when logging into a bank via a web browser. Or when transferring crypto. We cannot know for certain that it is safe. One fine day it is possible that everyone using the cracked indicators will have their bank accounts drained or something else.


Right. You don't and you won't until it's too late. The only thing that's verifiable is deobfuscation.




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one has to be careful with anything crack, i only run crack program on VM as I dont want to disable antivirus and scan report on his items is somewhat scary, clubbuy is clean but they take months i wish they do better job in future & profit guy is somewhat virus clean but costly, audrey is another option to check. My suggestion use any crack software on VM only and use VPS.. Never ever install on your main/personal/work PC. i had hugh issue when telegram auto dowloaded mbox on my work PC & my company raised a red flag. keylogger and webcam spying are normal just be careful as digital world is very malicious.
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me too.

if you are so scared then just pay mbox what they want and be happy.

i have a lock on all my credit exchanges, all my banks are double confirmation so even if someone hacks i will know very fast and will be able to prevent it.

you cant live your life with fear, but that only my humble opinion.


if jhon hurts someone even once he will lose his income and business at once so i dont think he is after you.

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