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CandleScanner 4.0.5


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CandleScanner™ is a technical analysis software package created for investors interested in Japanese candle patterns. What makes this application exceptional is that, from the outset, it has been specifically designed for the detection of Japanese candle patterns. It is not just an add-on to an existing analysis platform, but a specialist charting application written by people with an extensive knowledge of the topic of Japanese candlestick patterns. It is suitable for both seasoned traders and complete beginners.


The application of CandleScanner™ is extremely versatile, and can be used by a whole spectrum of traders involved in, for example, stock market trading, commodities markets, futures markets or forex. Also, those who are just beginners will find CandleScanner™ a great learning and training tool, where they can learn from real-life data-based examples, rather than just pure text book theory.


So, what can the CandleScanner™ application achieve?


With the application you can do the following:


•Quickly scan candlestick charts to find all occurrences of candle patterns

•Measure the efficiency of patterns, i.e. are they working as you expect them to?

•Build trading strategies based on candle patterns and simulate transactions (backtesting)

CandleScanner™ is highly configurable, meaning that you can adjust it to your specific needs. The algorithms scanning the candlesticks charts have many parameters, which can be set by the user. Also, the visual aspects of the application are highly customizable, enabling everyone to find their desired optimal settings.


Download link http://www92.zippyshare.com/v/41MkccIZ/file.html

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Thnx to Ziwi, too..... :)


By the way, Bro Kesk, would you have some FREE minutes to get an eye on the latest CandleScanner version, which is the :




Thnx for everyone, even if you have told us you don't crack for the ones who can't crack....


Regards :D

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The crack was not mine...taken from another forum that doent deal with Stoks/Forex.


I can have a try though for the new version.




Thnx to Ziwi, too..... :)


By the way, Bro Kesk, would you have some FREE minutes to get an eye on the latest CandleScanner version, which is the :




Thnx for everyone, even if you have told us you don't crack for the ones who can't crack....


Regards :D

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I patched this one. But there is a newer version available. 4.3.115 from another guy on our board.


Hi Bro Candyman :)


I guess the other guy has written 4.3.115 instead of



D/L the latest TRIAL version from the Editor's site :









Companion program to Candlescanner.......Would be cool to get it "educated", it seems nobody has done it, yet...



Thnx for visiting us, we know you have a REAL LIFE too ( not kidding )



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Great work on making it portable. I do have a question, when I run it, it gets stuck of Form 1 and doesn't go any further. Any suggestions


Frankly I haven't yet used it on my regular PC, so I can't give you an answer

When I built the portable I saw that it launched on my Windows XP Virtual Machine, so I posted the link.

I couldn't test it thoroughly because I don't have Metastock or similar data feed (CandleQuote c-racking would be appreciated for Yahoo EOD csv files)


No one has yet replied to my other doubt

What's the difference between candlescanner.exe and candlescanner-2.exe in the C-rack folder?

I copied both in the installation folder and I'm building a portable version... tell me if I made a mistake

Will give the link in a few minutes

so maybe I made some confusion...


Let's hope some other guy using the program can reply :">

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Great work on making it portable. I do have a question, when I run it, it gets stuck of Form 1 and doesn't go any further. Any suggestions


Just tested CandleScanner portable and it works fine on my PC, so I don't understand where it gets stuck in yours :-?


I also built a portable for CandleQuote trial version, just to test it, hoping that at the end of the trial period would have been sufficient to delete the Portable folder (or some files inside it) but the developers are much smarter than me :D because when I brought it on my PC it said that the hardware had changed and didn't allow anymore to run as trial, in a few words CandleQuote checks for HW id and so a cr-acked version is badly needed [-O<



Remember that a requirement of CandleScanner (and also CandleQuote) is having NET Framework 4.0 installed on your PC

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There could be a way to cheat CandleQuote and having a never ending trial version.


CandleQuote reads some Registry keys concerning the Hardware configuration of your pc and writes them down in the config.dat file (located in %appdata"\CandleQuote\CandleQuote).

Then it checks online the hardware configuration that is using the program in that moment, and establishes how many trial days are left

If it finds that the HW has changed, it says that a new registration is needed.

In that case you have to delete that config.dat file and you will see that the first screen will say that you have 14 days left.


So how to change the hardware configuration... without effectively changing the hardware configuration?


One of the Registry keys that CandleQuote reads is this one (check yours on your PC, opening it with regedit.exe)

It is the most important because it is related to the CPU


It is only a text string, but CandleQuote sees every single change (even one letter!) as a new hardware configuration

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



"ProcessorNameString"="Intel® Core i7-2700K CPU @ 3.66GHz"


One possible solution (but I don't like it) is changing that string (in that case my advice is to keep aside the original one, exporting in regedit the original key)

You have to change the key and delete the config.dat file (the one in %appdata%\CandleQuote\CandleQuote)

Then for 14 days you could use CandleQuote trial, because their server sees that a new hardware is connected and has 14 days trial at its disposal.... and so on... when the trial days have expired change another letter, number, put a random string of letters inside, etc.


Another solution could be to create a command file, that:

1. changes the key reading a newkey.reg file

2. deletes config.dat file

3. launches CandleQuote

4. restores the original key reading the originalkey.reg file

In this manner you have only to create a newkey.reg file (which is only a txt file, using Notepad) every 14 days with random characters inside, and the "real" Registry is changed only while CandleQuote is running because when CandleQuote exits the original registry key is restored


I think it is a viable solution, but since I don't like to work directly on my PC, I am trying to build a portable that allows to change the "virtual" registry key

If I succeed I will post the portable

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I usually just click the "thanks" icon, but if the solution described here works, it may serve as a general approach to trick trial programs depending on hardware configuration. I always wondered where they keep the information telling them that a trial software was already used on our computers. What you describe here is for sure one of the method they use, i.e the file and registry location used for this purpose. Kudus to you for finding it and attempting it on your machine!!

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I usually just click the "thanks" icon, but if the solution described here works, it may serve as a general approach to trick trial programs depending on hardware configuration. I always wondered where they keep the information telling them that a trial software was already used on our computers. What you describe here is for sure one of the method they use, i.e the file and registry location used for this purpose. Kudus to you for finding it and attempting it on your machine!!


Thanks :)

as an update of what I wrote here: I didn't succeed in changing registry keys in a virtual environment, so I am using this method directly on my PC and it is working.


To be more clear of what someone has to do here it is the steps to have all the ingredients of the recipe:


1. run regedit.exe (I hope it is not a problem, search in Google how you can do it)

2. navigate the Registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0

3. right click on it, choose Export and save it as originalkey.reg; then close regedit (be careful not to do strange things in Regedit)

4. open the reg file using Notepad and delete what is not necessary, leaving only these lines

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"ProcessorNameString"="here you will have your own string, to be changed periodically" 

5. make a copy of your originalkey.reg and call it newkey.reg

6. open newkey.reg using Notepad and change what is in your string (I mean after the = sign)

7. save it

8. locate where config.dat is (the one in C:\Users\....\AppData\Roaming\CandleQuote\....., there is another one in Documents\.... but it has other purposes and must not be deleted)

9. at this point you have all you need.

10. Go to the installation folder and copy newkey.reg, originalkey.reg there

11. Open Notepad and create a text file with this content (customize line 2)


regedit /s newkey.reg

del/Q .... put here your path to config.dat e.g C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Roaming\CandleQuote\CandleQuote\config.dat


regedit /s originalkey.reg


regedit /s: reads the reg file and modifies accordingly the Registry without asking for permission

del/Q: delete a file without asking for permission


12. save the file as CandleQuote.cmd

13. create a link to the desktop

14. launch CandleQuote.cmd

15. What it does automatically is changing the registry key, then deleting the config.dat file, then launching CandleQuote, and then (when CandleQuote is closed) restoring the originalkey in the Registry


Pure and touching as little as possibile.



I can post the portable I am using if you are interested ;)

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yes, post the portable version :)


Here you are

pass: indo


it contains:

- CandleQuote.exe (portable version built with SpoonStudio)

- CandleQuote.cmd (open it with Notepad, it contains the commands listed in my previous post)

- CandleQuote.ico (it is the icon of CandleQuote that, I don't know why, the portable version didn't get automatically. So you have to associate it manually, choosing it, once you have created the link of the cmd file on the Desktop)


The 3 files must be in the same folder to work.

CandleQuote.cmd file finds its config.dat file (to delete every time) if it is located near CandleQuote.exe


All you have to do is:

- exporting from the registry the originalkey.reg file

- modifying newkey.reg file once every 14 days (put the date in it or anything else.... "2017111time15.21.14seconds" just to think something different everytime for example and so on...



You will see that CandleQuote.exe is dated 31/12/2070 because when I built it I wrongly thought that it made some difference

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And just to be complete if some of you are still interested, here you are a new portable version of cr-acked CandleScanner, that I am using now.

The portable version I posted some weeks ago still writes data into "Documents" folder, this one writes also those data into the "Portable" folder


pass: indo

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