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The Basics...


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Before we start talking about how we can make profit trading Forex, it'd be a good idea to define precisely what we are talking about...

You probably have already made exchanges between several currencies. I, for example, have often loaded a debit card in US dollars to withdraw at the ATM in Euros. And each time, the final amount I am able to withdraw depends on the value of the Euro compared to the US Dollar. 100 USD may not be worth the same amount in Euros today and tomorrow...

Well the Forex market is exactly about this: the value of one currency against an other... You buy or sell a currency depending on the value you expect it to have compared to an other currency. These are called currency pairs.

Definition: The foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest financial market in the world, and includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions. The average daily trade in the global forex and related markets currently is over US$ 3 trillion.

Important: Manual forex trading is a difficult activity. During your learning period, ALWAYS trade on a demo account (where no real money is at stake). And if you do not feel confident enough, or if you do not have the time to trade seriously, have a look at the auto trading thread for some tools that do not require you to trade by yourself.

All that I said above, it's just a small fraction of the entire forex basics for a forex beginner.

For more information just check a great informative site about Forex, that I recommend for "Noobs like us", called:


especially check the lessons from the section "School" : http://www.babypips.com/school/

Please be free to share with us your experience, ideas and knowledge....

---- My Ambition is beyond My Knowledge ----
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Thank you Stef for all your good information and the time and effort you put into it...

It will take awhile for going through it all, but I will !!!

Appreciate your well put together information on Forex :D


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  On 10/28/2008 at 5:02 AM, dbiz said:

Awesome Info!!

Also I have found another seems to be old site that has some great info on trading forex it is <a href="http://masteringforextrading.com" target="_blank">http://masteringforextrading.com</a> they have a great ebook collection on the basics that got me started in the right direction.

:cool: :cool: this is also good site man

i'v read alittel in this site but its very useful infromation

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Training and seminars are also helpful for traders and newcomers they help them to understand at the beginning. Online method also provide trading tips, with the help of just single click we can attain a training program, which is make for all kind of traders. This programs are organize by the excellent professionals those have a vast knowledge of foreign exchange.

Forex | Trade Forex | Forex Trading

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  • 5 months later...

Great Post..Its a good piece of info. And I totally agree with the post. Its true that Forex market is decentralized market. And Forex trading is very risky due to leverages available with very less money you can gain more or there may be a big losses as well. Forex trading has many financial frictions.

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Forex is a multinational currency exchange market. It takes 98 % of all exchange transactions. Forex market is a perfect solution to exchange issues for numerous banks and financial institutions. It is a venue of non-stop trade, currency exchange and speculations. Millions of retail traders all over the world have discovered unbelievable opportunities of the market in terms of money earning and income growth.


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  On 1/29/2013 at 1:19 PM, lollabun said:

Success in trading is not only about reading books! You also need to practice!

Let's practice by opening 15 EUR real moneywelcome account with armada markets.

That's right. Keep learning and practicing if we wanna be a successful trader. And before trading with real account, i think we should start trading with demo account first.

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  On 1/29/2013 at 1:50 PM, Gaban said:
  On 1/29/2013 at 1:19 PM, 'lollabun said:

Success in trading is not only about reading books! You also need to practice!

Let's practice by opening 15 EUR real moneywelcome account with armada markets.

That's right. Keep learning and practicing if we wanna be a successful trader. And before trading with real account, i think we should start trading with demo account first.

with a demo forex trading, we can apply the indicators, analyzes and the best strategy in forex.
we can be successful in forex business to remain disciplined and obedient to the rules we make. should never hasty in entering the market before we are confident with both technical and fundamental analysis
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Most investors who trade Forex use a broker. A broker is an individual or a company, who buys and sells lots of currency according to the trader's wishes. Brokers earn money by collecting commissions or fees for their services. Many of the Forex Brokers available today do not charge any fees or commissions. Most of our clients do not understand how a Forex Broker can stay in business and not charge any fees or commissions. Brokers do there very best to spin this fact into a positive for their particular firm, but most Forex Traders know the facts. The fact is that Forex Brokers make a significant amount of revenue from the spread in each Forex trading pair that the client trades.

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  On 9/6/2013 at 10:10 PM, mak123 said:

Truely said , learnand practice more if really want to be a successful trader. And before trading with real account, one should start trading with demo account first.

Practising in a Demo account is a must for any trader in this way he can really asses what he is capable of.

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