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Gann Softwares and Asto links

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Is this some sort of a joke Hi5 ? Both of these are available for free for at least 10 years now.


Dear Friend Wcicom


this is not the end of things I have started to share..


I just wanted to start and not wait for the right time and not doing anything coz time will never be right... you can criticize me for this now seeing just 2 things or appreciate later when I share more things....


I wanted to have all the resources at one place


I hope you would also agree to it..


Thanks that you pointed it out coz I am a lazy fellow..

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I am sharing the link and how to find the book there. the website is a cloud where i think many people all over the world share thier books, so chances are many books could be found there. otherwise we all can discuss and help each other in finding the books. The webite is "www.4shared.com". Its a huge ocean you will need to be specific in finding what you are searching. here is the trick.... type this.---> site:4shared.com "book name". if you are not able to find test with book writer + book name... keep trying with different combinations... and you will get it.. once you get the page can press the download buton on the upper rigth hand corner ( after this it may ask you to login with facebook, twitter etc, do that and then click below the 20 seconds icon" but before this you do following things to reduce your work further. 1. note the name of the person who has shared.. so if you are searching for a elliott wave book and this person has shared it probabilty is that he has shared more books. for this reason you can also use this ----- site:4shared.com "user name" and may get many books. 2. before clicking on the upper right hand corner you might want to scroll down and if there are more books in that particular area you will find in the lower right hand corner. in 2-3 downloads you will underestand all the things.. take your learning to the next level.. Thanks
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Link of all the softwares present in Cabafx.com




Since you will find all the cabafx links in uploaded.net website and it is not as generourus as 4shared.com and mediafire, my suggestion are:


1. search the course/ software/ book in 4shared.com

2. if you dont get it then the next resort will be uploaded.net links which will be available from cabafx.

3. feel good as you will be able to download more than 1 file each 3 hours. (there is limit, only 1 file can be downloaded every 3 hours)

A. in one browser (eg Crome) make a login ID in uploaded.net and remain logged in here you will get 70kbps speed.

B. in another browser (eg mozilla, opera, firefox) this must be different from the first browser.

C. do not login in this second broser. the speed will be 50kbps

D. uploaded.net will not recogise both the browsers as 2 diff users.

hence you will be able to download average 4-8 links each day as some times the login browser will not download.. but when it does please utilise it..


my advise would be to dowload the courses that have 2-3 links coz once you will be able to downlaod and play and learn you will develop a new belief that even the larger no of cources could be downloaded.


the links will be dead after some time as they died earlier... but if we accelerate the process by every1 downlaoding thier favourative courses we have have our own Repository..

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you should take into consideration how long your "learning curve" was about Gann.

I recommend that you tell Hi5 which Gann stuff works and which not.


For me, the "Master Time Factor" is the only stuff that works - forget all Astrology stuff.




Hi Sixer/ Fert what is "Master Time Factor"?


I have already had lot of EW study and got bored coz though I am able to get the great support and resistence levles but I am zero in market timing...


SO far I can only get market timing from astro methods only.


I have studied Miluka's Vol1 and 2.... I saw that Eclipse method works..

Read Jeanne Longs book and Found out that Sun Mercury cunjuctions were also working. alteast Indian markets.

Read Bill meridians book and became just focussed on Natal Horoscope method, though need to learn the basic astro to understand it better.

Saw Jenkins Videos and his methods are great.

Now reading ferrera books.


please help. :(

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Ferrera books: https://www31.zippyshare.com/v/7H3M30CK/file.html


Total 7 books:


the gann pyramid. square of 9 essentials

spirals of growth and decay


Wheels within Wheels - Forecasting Course


The_Gann Pyramid Square of Nine





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Could you please share ferrera books? Thanks


Ferrera books: https://www31.zippyshare.com/v/7H3M30CK/file.html


Total 7 books:


the gann pyramid. square of 9 essentials

spirals of growth and decay


Wheels within Wheels - Forecasting Course


The_Gann Pyramid Square of Nine





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