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Astronomy Trading "Trading with the Stars"

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Unclepips I have saved 2 charts ie EUR and GBP but can't insert it in this message. Apart from the already mentioned aspect we also had Merc 144 deg Jupiter which is also a powerful aspect. Do the same setting for this pair ie 96H and see how they influenced the market today. Maybe its worth looking into the daily helio aspects. Also Helio is 1.5x more powerful than Geo
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Here is a chart for tonight and tomorrow. EUR/USD.


you have to use the link to look into the future: http://i.imgur.com/BJxIv.jpg



Edited by Unclepips
added: you have to use the link to look into the future:
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you have to use the link to look into the future: http://i.imgur.com/NnCu5.jpg



Edited by Unclepips
added - you have to use the link to look into the future:
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I have looked again at today's aspects. In Geo Sun and Mars are hot. Herewith the links to 2 charts ie the Eurusd and Gbpusd.


The orange lines are Sun-Chiron angle Geo 96 H


The red lines are Mars-Ceres angle Geo 99 H


The purple lines are Merc -sun angle Helio 99H


The green lines are Venus-Pluto angle Helio 99H





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One very important tip you might want to consider, if you have not already checked it out, is-if anytime you discovered aspects that have degrees in them, i.e., Merc 144 degree Jupiter (Barend15 mentioned above), if you use planetary lines in conjunction with Astronomy composite, you'll discover the price totally respect those lines as support/resistant (with great precision). The only problem is trying to find a proper scale to suite it. of course, you won't find the exact 144 degree. If you look at the last night post EUR/USD 15M, you'll notice two straight lines (purple and maroon or red), the price came almost to the exact lines and turn.


by the way Mercury-Jupiter aspect is great with EUR/USD.


have a great day!

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My main computer now is in the shop. I'm hoping that those computer gurus can help retrieve all of those lost data. If not, it's gona be a long search for the right setting again. Thanks for those that tried to help.



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EUR/USD 15M April 27,


Pay close attention to the thick pink line connects with the thick grey line.





Edited by Unclepips
add: pay close attention to the thick pink line connects with the thick grey line.
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  metal said:
uncleaps can you maybe tell how you put it on chart, the steps I mean the line mercury sun and pluto helio, its complicated or maybe its too difficult thanks anyway for your efforts


Go to "Timing Solution" tab... select "Astronomy Composite." While still have Astronomy composite folder opened, go to cycle tap, then select whatever planet you want to work with.

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  Fmfx said:
Yes UnclePips, sure did make some $$.


But what is that thick red line on your chart? I understand it is Neural-Net but what setting are you using?


Thank you very much.


The thick red line, I use RSI with Mercury, Pluto, Venus, and Jupiter (that I remember for the moment)! Those are good planets with EUR/USD. Try setting RSI with 70 or 50.

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  Fmfx said:
Thanks Unclepips,


But to get the RSI on my chart do i use the Neural Net button on the middle right side of the chart or ? Some picture will be really





Ok. I am at my office at the moment, when I get home I'll show.

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HI..thanx alot Unclepips for this wonderful thread..actually i use timingsolution myself,its a amazing program with lots of different stuff that afew dare to test and use in their trades.i am very grateful that u share ur experiences with us..i myself use the spectrum part for forcasting and doing cycle analysis with the help of its neural net,i have done this with eur/usd and gbp/usd even gold analysis and i've got some wonderful result with it,what i've found from spectrum and cycle analysis is that u should test your cycles in different time frames and each time frame should agree each other somehow,i myself preffer 15 and 30 min timeframes for eur/usd,as u know they are many Variables that affect the cycles,so its very important to backtest a lot to choose the best one..anyway thanx a lot for ur posts and ur helps,if i know anything that help i would be glad to do so:)
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