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The holy grail ...... Trade with me for more then 100 pips a day.


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  dannydon786 said:

How about opening a trade with 200% confidence and NO stoploss.....you know where the price is going...




The problem is that nobody knows where the price is going. We only think that we know...

If you will have a system with 100% guarantee that the price will go in one direction only 10 pips, then you really have the holly grail and you will be the richest man in the world.

Because the nature of the market with all those waves, nobody can real be sure what is going to happen. The stop loss is the guard for the failure of our convictions. If we make an order based that the price goes up, and then it goes down, then we have failed in our strategy and we should admit it and not hopping that one day the market will follow us going in our way.

Not using stop loss is the same that not admitting our failures when we really are wrong.

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  dannydon786 said:
Whatever you guys say......I have been trading without a stop loss for last 5 years...price has never gone against me for a substantial loss...so I am very happy with my profits....


interesting approach ... but you'd have to use very small lots so even if the unexpected happened (and it does happen now and then) you won't go into margin call ..... and if it price goes ur way you'd make a profit but wouldn't this make ur profits small as well?

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I too trade with placing Stop Loss but I've stop loss in my mind, & I think NiftyMover looks experienced traders and it is obvious that he must be having an stop loss in his mind, there can be many reasons for not putting stop loss, but if someone trade without stop loss don't think that he/she is non professional traders, because everyone know what he is doing & what loss maximum he can afford.


Nifty Mover, already helped this forum a lot of time, & if the guy is trying too help some people around here that must be appreciated instead of criticise all the time, and he is not forcing anyone too follow him or directly place his trade on live account, try it if you find it useful follow it else leave it, but don't put huge pressure on him trading already very stressful thing and putting pressure like this result in more bad trades.

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Nifty should have setup the thread without the "holy grail" thingy and "more than 100 pips a day"

Something like "Trading without stoploss - it works"

He addressed those traders who are struggeling with forex. But trading without SL is in my opinion only for those who excactly know what they are doing.

Not meant as critisimn in any way....only my personal opinion

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to all my friend


this is just my 2 weeks trade

but as some problem on my pc where hotforex demo

running i cant make new trades in this week


see profit 25% in one week

and this is live result all my friend already followed my trade as there was some issue about stoploss but that problem solved..


can download statement from given link :)



Edited by niftymover
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Hi Nifty,

I'm still struggeling with your entries

You sold eurusd at support and audusd at a breakout to the upside of a triangle

Chartwise on the daily there isn't much between 1.05 and 1.0750 on audusd

Only thing I see here is a change in risk sentiment or disappointing CPI on wednesday to reverse audusd

What makes you think that the breakout will fail?

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Hi Nifty


I obsevered your trades on Monday(23rd Jan). You opened 4 trades and ALL in the wrong direction. As of now 9.00 clock you are in a drawdown of $477 dollars....


I must admit your trading is sucidal for anyone who is following you.


You opened trades in wrong direction and refused to close it when it was going against you.


This kind of trading might be OK for demo account but for real account it is a diaster.


The trades you opened were very clear trades which should have been opened in the opposite direction.


My suggestion to anyone following you....be careful....

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  leeb77 said:
No stops being added to the new trades as Nifty said there would be? Can the system not work with stops? Thanks again for sharing Nifty


The way he places his entries suggests not to use a stoploss

The changes for massive reversals a very high because of the overall uncertainty

What we're currently seeing in eurusd looks like a short squeeze and not a change to the better with europe

The risk I'm seeing on audusd is 1.0750 area and eurusd around 1.3250



To make some back I would set a limit sell at 1.3025 and play the NY pullback....but that's just me

Edited by iwjw
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